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Afterhang versus pump

Afterhang versus pump

Hi guys, I am currently doing all my jelqing with one hand at the base to trap the blood in, whilst the other hand does the jelqing above that. This method gives a good pumped feeling and I am sure many of you use methods similar to this to get extra girth, by trapping the blood in for uli’s, jelqs and other made up concoctions.

My question is whether such exercises are successful if you exclusively trap the blood in with one hand before you jelq with the other. It doesn’t give me as much swollen hang after as normal jelqing does, but it gives me a better pump during the actual exercise, in my shaft compared to standard, free blood flowing jelqs. Why if it is giving me a better pump during the exercise, does it not give me as much “afterhang”.

Could it be that this method only works well if you perform some free blood flowing standard jelqs first, and then trap that blood in for jelqing once you have engorged it with the standard jelqs? Has anyone made good girth gains by exclusively doing trapped blood methods, with no free blood flowing standard jelqs at all?

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

I do that at the end of every jelq session. Jelq freely for whatever number of strokes, then 100 quick trapped blood jelqs. When I do these my glans expands a lot!

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Yes but what if you only did trapped blood jelqs on their own?

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

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