Oral suction versus manual pump
Just a quick question because I have never used a manual pumping device before and am curious. With my cylinder, I have always used just suction from my mouth to generate the vacuum, and go with pure feeling rather than numbers.
I am wondering what kind of pressures I am using though. I have no guage either, just the plain old home made cylinder. I know from experience that I can suck to a level that can be quite uncomfortable to borderline painful with a bit of effort (the pain comes from balls being sucked in/crushed and the base digging into my pubic area, which left a big red ring!)
Whenever I use it, I always go up very slowly, and never beyond the level of comfort because I assume what I described as uncomfortable above would be what, 10HG or something rediculous like that. But of course there is no way to tell exactly what pressure I’m using. Can anybody who has used both types of evacuation methods give me any insight into what kinds of pressures I am likely using and what the difference in feeling is like between increments of HG?
I almost always pump underwater (in the bath) and I trim very close, so a good seal and a good warm up are non-issues for me.