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All day - all night: light routine

All day - all night: light routine

‘Never let it turtle’ is the most important message I’ve got from this forum.

However, at work just as at home, my ads and pe-weights are not stealthy enough so I have been constantly thinking about a better routine.

I came up with this:

I am using a scuni hair tie, which I cut and then put in 4 layers so that the total length is a little less than one inch. I am wrapping the hair tie around the base of my dick and put an elastic cock ring around. After experimenting with the tightness of the hair tie and different cock rings I am now having a perfect solution: I put it on in the morning, it guarantees a moderate erection all day - all night. I only take it of for an hour around noon, during sex or pe, during showers, and at night - only when it bothers. If I wake up and realize that it’s off - I put it on again, almost automatically, no lights required. As often as possible I heat it up with a small electrical blanket which contributes to the effect.

Results: moderate erection almost constantly, glans always well filled and under some pressure. Makes a really good hang (and bulge) even when I remove the stuff. I don’t about long-term effects jet.

Later - ttt

ttt, glad to hear you Doc!

Could you post a pic of what you are speaking of (I’m really dummy, I know!)?

Are you using a Vac-hanger right now?

I’ve the feeling that 24/24 ring (or whatever else) isn’t good for penis health, but nothing really so rational…just seem to me that penis should have a break, time to time.

Let us know long-term results.

Hi marinera - good to see you.

Pic is really not worth the effort - just take a scuni hair tie which is about 4 inches long, fold it so that you have an elastic “tube” with four layers of tissue, about one inch long (a foto could not demonstrate that).

As for the elastic cock ring - try the ones you have or get a few new ones with different strength. The ones I found are effective to reduce outflow of blood but are not painfull even if I have it on for twelve hours in a row.

The dick needs a few breaks, sure. Also for you to see the very nice result.

Later - ttt

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