Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

All Day Cock Ring For Amazing Girth Gains

This may be useful to some of you. I use a rubber O-ring and a hair tie wrap. I cut the htw down to 3-4” and roll it onto the O-ring. It provides a nice cushion. If it’s too loose, cut the htw a little longer, too tight.. A little shorter. When putting it on remember which way you rolled the wrap, otherwise the wrap will cut roll off like a condom.

Cock ring for girth gains

This sound good but how & what part of the penis do you place the ring? & how long do you leave it on? lmbjless

lmbjless 6x5 short term goal & 8x6 long term goal. Progress. Interest in new ideas to increase size & girth.

How to wear a cock ring?

My question is How do you wear a cock ring? Around the base of the penis & balls or just around the penis?

Thanks, lmbjless

lmbjless 6x5 short term goal & 8x6 long term goal. Progress. Interest in new ideas to increase size & girth.

I find teh heavy rubber silicone sleeves made by one of our industrious self-starters here, the creator of the Auto-Vac ADS, doubled or trebled over and snugged up around the base— in fact I’ve started using as a base while engaging in the occasional pumping session— which generally then proceeds to a clamping session after which I just leave the sleeve on in place— works nice.

I slip a baby sock [with the toebox cut out] over the sleeve while clamping so that the clamp doesn’t nick the sleeve— once they get cuts and nicks it’s only a matter of time before they shred.

After a few hours they, like any other cock ring, will begin to irritate the skin a bit, but removing for an hour and then re-placing seems to work just fine.

The slight to substantial engorgement also does prevent ‘turtling’, and I concur with Big Girtha that the turtle is not a PEers friend.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

BTW— I’ve also used silk handkerchiefs as cock rings to maintain maximum heft after a pre-coital pump session— and the ladies really dig finding your cock gift wrapped for them— they never seem to grok the dual purpose.

The silk hankies can be tightened or loosened as needed, much like the classic leather snap cock & ball strap.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Ok I slept with my silicone cock rings two nights in a row. My erections was not hinder and they were plump. My MEG is 5.4 . This am I mearsured with me cock ring and it was 5.75. I pumped for a hour yesterday afternoon and then wore a cock ring the rest of the day and night. I said sex with my wife, ejacaulated and still kept the ring on when i went to bed. I think the only time I will take my ring off is for hanging, pumping, peeing, and showering. I really enjoyed how it looked this am.

Now: 7.1bpel/7.25bpfsl/5.4meg

Goal: 7.5-8bpel/6meg My stripper name will be HUGE HEFNER

Come to think of it, the PE Loop would probably make a decent ADC. Designed to go around the base of the penis, adjustable and theoretically tight. But 40 bucks is too much for a small piece of silicone. Is there a cheaper equivalent somewhere else?

Originally Posted by strongmanXXL
Ok I slept with my silicone cock rings two nights in a row. My erections was not hinder and they were plump. My MEG is 5.4 . This am I mearsured with me cock ring and it was 5.75. I pumped for a hour yesterday afternoon and then wore a cock ring the rest of the day and night. I said sex with my wife, ejacaulated and still kept the ring on when I went to bed. I think the only time I will take my ring off is for hanging, pumping, peeing, and showering. I really enjoyed how it looked this am.

Yep … That’s how it begins! ;)

It sounds like a plan.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Has anyone tried a dual ADC setup? I’m thinking a normal clamp at the base, and then an extra clamp below the head to increase head size via ADC. Thoughts?

Originally Posted by androNYC
I find teh heavy rubber silicone sleeves made by one of our industrious self-starters here, the creator of the Auto-Vac ADS, doubled or trebled over and snugged up around the base— in fact I’ve started using as a base while engaging in the occasional pumping session— which generally then proceeds to a clamping session after which I just leave the sleeve on in place— works nice.

I slip a baby sock [with the toebox cut out] over the sleeve while clamping so that the clamp doesn’t nick the sleeve— once they get cuts and nicks it’s only a matter of time before they shred.

After a few hours they, like any other cock ring, will begin to irritate the skin a bit, but removing for an hour and then re-placing seems to work just fine.

The slight to substantial engorgement also does prevent ‘turtling’, and I concur with Big Girtha that the turtle is not a PEers friend.

:-k : Yet another use for the infamous Red Sleeves.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by nrvous1
I think I found a solution. What I did was cut a piece of from a sock measuring about 1 1/2 inches and slip that over my whole package before putting the “scunci” brand hair bands. I haven’t felt any irritation and have been wearing the bands for a couple of hours now. I’ll report back by the end of the day to see if there’s any irritation.

I’m trying this again using a sock too… which I wrap and tie around another piece of sock, lol.

Originally Posted by nrvous1
Update….the irritation is still there. After about 4hrs of wearing the hair band around my whole package I started to get that feeling of my skin being burned or rubbed raw so I removed the band.

I also get this, but unfortunately much before four hours.

So can anyone weigh in on results with cock ring vs. without it? How much more engorgement do you get? Do you think any of it is permanent?

Also, any results on wearing it around the balls vs. not around the balls?

Can someone please post me the web address of where I can buy a cock ring, I can wear all day without worrying about my cock going cold or isn’t uncomfortable?

Um I would suggest Googling “cock ring” and check many of those sites.

I just started trying this last week and can feel a significant difference. I haven’t measured so I don’t have data to back up my anecdotal experience, but here is what I’ve found to work for me. At first I tried a thick rubber band, but that proved irritating and difficult to get off. The pump it gave was almost perfect though, so I tried cutting a silk sock as a linger for the rubber band. Well that proved to be a hassle and it took away some of the pump that made the rubber band appealing. Next I tried a handkerchief. My technique here involved folding it over until it was approx. 1.5’ inches wide, then I wrapped it underneath my balls and finished with a tourniquet knot on the top of my penis. I don’t know the actual name of the knot, but when you give blood it’s the knot they use to loop a rubber strap around your arm. This allowed me to adjust the tightness and easily release the knot any time I needed to. This proved successful, so since then I’ve been trying different amounts of time and tightness to see what works best for me. Right now, I’ve been doing about 10 minutes of mild, then tightening it very tight for 30 minutes (it is less tight than clamping, so there is still some blood flow), then loosening for 5 minutes. Rinse and repeat, and my flaccid has been way more pumped up through the whole day even when I don’t wear it.

I’ve never tried a cock ring, but I am going to start exploring hardware stores to see if there is an inexpensive alternate to the overpriced rings sold at sex stores.

You’ve gotta give cyberskin a try under clamps or other cock rings. I carefully cut a cheap cyberskin masturbation sleeve to 1” wide the cut a groove inside to hold my clamp. I use this groove sleeve with tennis racket tape under and viola! Nice snug fit without any burning sensation or skin pulling. I wish I could find a package cock rings like this.


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