Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

All Day Cock Ring For Amazing Girth Gains

Hey guys, one month training, after 3 days of rest i had the following gains:

girth: 0.7cm (1/3 inch)

Now im focusing on lenght. ill try some kind of ADS for the next month of training.

Originally Posted by strongmanXXL
Ok I slept with my silicone cock rings two nights in a row. My erections was not hinder and they were plump. My MEG is 5.4 . This am I mearsured with me cock ring and it was 5.75. I pumped for a hour yesterday afternoon and then wore a cock ring the rest of the day and night. I said sex with my wife, ejacaulated and still kept the ring on when i went to bed. I think the only time I will take my ring off is for hanging, pumping, peeing, and showering. I really enjoyed how it looked this am.

I lol’d at the “huge hefner”
Found a solution with my ring chafing me, used the wrap i used when clamping and have been able to wear my ring with no problem now :) EQ is through the roof. Unfortunately I won’t be able to PE for about a week b/c I gotta let my skin heal from deep chafing, but I’ll still measure to see if I gained anything from my 6 days of PE + wearing the ring until the day measuring day.

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

Originally Posted by LordVayne

I lol’d at the “huge hefner”

Found a solution with my ring chafing me, used the wrap i used when clamping and have been able to wear my ring with no problem now :) EQ is through the roof. Unfortunately I won’t be able to PE for about a week b/c I gotta let my skin heal from deep chafing, but I’ll still measure to see if I gained anything from my 6 days of PE + wearing the ring until the day measuring day.

Are you wearing the ring just around the base of your penis or also around your scrotum? I’m going to go look for a silicone ring that fits snug over the base of my penis because even after finding a comfortable solution to wearing a thick hairband over both my penis and scrotum; I feel that the constant downward pressure is making my dorsal nerve sore and fatigued. When I wear just a regular cockring my penis is fine and I don’t feel any discomfort coming from the dorsal nerve. Now, I just need to go hunt down the correct fitting cockring.

Only around the base. I never tried anything around the scrotum be it cock ring or clamping, having something constricting in that area just doesnt seem like my thing.

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

Originally Posted by ugaribe
Hey guys, one month training, after 3 days of rest i had the following gains:

girth: 0.7cm (1/3 inch)

Now im focusing on lenght. ill try some kind of ADS for the next month of training.

Hey, that is incredible much for only one month. I have done this for 1/2 month now and will measure at the end of February. If I have a 0.7 cm gain, I will scream of happiness :) .

Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -

Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"

I’ve been wearing a silicone cock ring around the base of my penis (behind the balls and shaft, right up next to the fat pad) for most of the day and I’ve been getting stomach aches. Not sure if it’s due to the cock ring, anybody else experience this?

I will also alternate wearing it on the shaft (not behind the balls, on shaft only, as close to/next to fat pad as possible) when I can no longer tolerate wearing it behind the balls. This is what I’m using: http://www.amaz … /dp/B0027CU2H0/

So what is the correct way to wear this for all-day purposes, behind the balls or on the shaft?

I Only wear on shaft and have had no stomach aches, maybe one of the people who wear behind the sack could give their experience?

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

Cock rings on— who’d a thunk it!

I’ve worn a cock & ball strap— one of those leather snappy thingys— for hours with no issue— in fact there was a time I’d wear a silicone one onthe base of my shaft AND the C&B around the whole package— that would cause a little testicular squish that wasn’t always fun.

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"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
After sex and/or Girthwork I wear one of the lead peweights. This fits pretty tight on a post PEed dick, about a 2” hole without the rubber coating. For me this works as both an ADS weight and a constriction ring. I believe keeping your dick engorged as much as possible brings girth gains. In fact, I know it does, at least for me. I’m not sure I could wear a rubber cockring all the time. They just get uncomfortable after a while, like cutting into the skin. I don’t have this with the lead ring. It’s only uncomfortable when you sit, in which case I take it off and tuck a Fowfer.

For length: Keep it elongated as much as possible, especially after hanging.
For Girth: Keep it engorged as much as possible, especially after Girthwork.

BG, I really hope you’re not putting exposed lead directly on your member, especially for lengths of time.

Originally Posted by vintrig

BG, I really hope you’re not putting exposed lead directly on your member, especially for lengths of time.

I guess I’ve been wearing these things for going on 7 or 8 years now, can’t remember how long. I wear at least one any time I’m on my feet, or all three when I jog or swim. I stripped off the rubber years ago because I could no longer get them on otherwise. The lead has never been a problem. However, I wouldn’t advise wearing them this way, especially if your dick has any open cuts or PE abrasions.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by HungLow123
I’ve been wearing a silicone cock ring around the base of my penis (behind the balls and shaft, right up next to the fat pad) for most of the day and I’ve been getting stomach aches. Not sure if it’s due to the cock ring, anybody else experience this?

I will also alternate wearing it on the shaft (not behind the balls, on shaft only, as close to/next to fat pad as possible) when I can no longer tolerate wearing it behind the balls. This is what I’m using: http://www.amaz … /dp/B0027CU2H0/

So what is the correct way to wear this for all-day purposes, behind the balls or on the shaft?

I’m pretty sure your stomach pains are a result of testicular pressure. If the cock ring is pushing your balls up at all, then after an extended period of time you’ll feel pressure in the bottom of your stomach. IMO it’s essentially a mild form of testicular contusion where the build of blood is causing the problem.

Elastic bands and hair bands are a bad idea. All the pressure is applied to a small area, and will cut off circulation on the outer layers of skin. What you want to do is spread the pressure out (as in a thicker band), to slow down outflow of blood in the CC for engorgement without cutting circulation in the skin.

Anyone else getting a lot of fluid build-up after a while?

Originally Posted by rollthedice
Anyone else getting a lot of fluid build-up after a while?

I can’t tell if that’s The Dude in your avatar, or Jesus with a Slurpee.

Fluid build up is actually a good thing, also a warning to slow down a tad.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
I can’t tell if that’s The Dude in your avatar, or Jesus with a Slurpee.

Hehe, yeah that is “el duderino” all right.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

Fluid build up is actually a good thing, also a warning to slow down a tad.

How can it be both a good thing and a warning to slow down?


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