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Alternative ways to maintain hands free erection (for PE)?

Alternative ways to maintain hands free erection (for PE)?

I have been having some success recently by maintaining a 2-3 hour erection with the use of viagra and some stimulation. However it would be much easier if I could do it hands free, so I was wondering if anyone had ever tried using vibrating cock rings or sheaths to achieve the same goal.

I guess what I am doing is something like ballooning. I am maintaining a high level erection for as long as possible (within safe limits) while applying heat. A bit like chemical PE but without injections.

I reckon vibrating cockrings are designed for women pleasure to estimulate clitoris while thrusting.

Maybe you can look for electroestimulation, like TENS, you can use the search button, there is a little info in Thundersplace.

By the way, I never try.

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Yes I remember a member used a tens unit with success, I think the nerves get a bit used to it over time though.

Otherwise you will have to go the chemical route and inject stuff in your wiener, which is probably not worth it.

You could do clamped edging for a shorter time frame, more intensity and it’s easier to maintain the erection.

Well I’m going to give it a shot with a vibrating cock sheath type thing, to see if that will maintain erection hands free. Got one of these lovehoney DOT au/product.cfm?p=34715

Not super expensive so worth a shot at least.

Yeah never going to go the injection route, I’m trying to do chem PE type stuff but using viagra and stimulation + heat pads instead of the injections.

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Vibration works if applied this way

While not entirely hands free I have a silicone cup with 2 eggs attached that I put on my head, positioning one on the frenulum and one opposite it on the glans. Whoever designed it showed it going on the left and right of the head but I modified the position based on the viberect research.

While not entirely hands free at first, once erect I can easily kick back or even walk around with it on. It contracts the BC muscle and everything else with it like crazy, keeping my erection at maximum for as long as I can handle. My EQ has been amazing and, coupled with an hour or so with my vacuum extender, I have been very happy with my initial gains and results.

Originally Posted by Bizziwhackwhack
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Originally Posted by Tiger65rick
While not entirely hands free I have a silicone cup with 2 eggs attached that I put on my head, positioning one on the frenulum and one opposite it on the glans. Whoever designed it showed it going on the left and right of the head but I modified the position based on the vibrant research.

While not entirely hands free at first, once erect I can easily kick back or even walk around with it on. It contracts the BC muscle and everything else with it like crazy, keeping my erection at maximum for as long as I can handle. My EQ has been amazing and, coupled with an hour or so with my vacuum extender, I have been very happy with my initial gains and results.

A silicone cup with 2 eggs attached..
What does this look like, do you have a link ?

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