Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Amazing Isometrics - expand gain potential and cut down PE duration

Originally Posted by koooky
Wow…this is almsot word for word of what DLD posted on MOS over two years ago…

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Well shit, Kooky…you could likely find this stuff (probably close to word for word form) in quite a few PE forums. Not a new thing, I’ve seen it using the hand as well as a heavy bath towel, sometimes a wet bath towel for added weight. Some of it’s a hold, sometimes it involves a lifting under resistance.

Bear in mind post #19 in the thread you referenced…”PEople first need to realize this is not my exercise and I posted it only to contribute…”. That’s your buddy DLD there, he’s obviously seen it in other places as well. Kinda like erect bends where despite the claims on who invented them, the fuckin’ exercise was around a long while. Those were called the “Bending Warm-up” on the original Big-Penis.con site back in the ‘90’s. I reckon Aaron Belmont invented them…or maybe someone before him.

Can’t tell you exactly where it came from, it sounds very Brandon Reece-ish by the wording and reasoning behind it. Despite having done them in the past, I have no idea if they really do all that. It almost seems that it does more to push the penis out on an erection than anything to do with the smooth muscle tissue expansion and all that.

Not bad for PC work, feels kinda nice too.

The reason I’m posting this is not to poke at you, rather to give things a bit of perspective when it comes to the “when and who first” type of shit. Chances are, unless you’ve been around and reading this stuff for a while, you’ll find it hard to believe that so much has been hashed and re-hashed in previous discussions. The isometric dick pressing was around before MOS and even before Thunder’s Place. Let’s leave it at that and press our dicks for a bit, it’s a nice exercise!

I did not mean to imply that DLD INVENTED this. I only stated that he POSTED it on his site.

I don’t come here to start up sh!t between the two sites, I was only pointing it out.
To many people here trash almost ANYTHING having to do with MOS/DLD, but someone post something
here that was posted over there quite a while back, it is all of a sudden great….and DLD’s post was available
to anyone on his free forum as far as I know.


Keep working, keep learning


Originally Posted by koooky
I did not mean to imply that DLD INVENTED this. I only stated that he POSTED it on his site.

I don’t come here to start up sh!t between the two sites, I was only pointing it out.
To many people here trash almost ANYTHING having to do with MOS/DLD, but someone post something
here that was posted over there quite a while back, it is all of a sudden great….and DLD’s post was available
to anyone on his free forum as far as I know.


Originally Posted by Bird2
1: I discovered it from a document I downloaded from a file sharing program. I think it definitely speeds up my gains. Because I have done different exercises I can’t say it exactly but I wouldn’t be surprised if it doubled my gains.

Here is your answer

Originally Posted by koooky
I did not mean to imply that DLD INVENTED this. I only stated that he POSTED it on his site.

I don’t come here to start up sh!t between the two sites, I was only pointing it out.


Nor did you imply who invented anything in your statement, my referring to erect bends was simply to illustrate the difficulty in tracking the origin of information in PE.

As far as stirring up shit? I’ll take your word for it that you’re not here for that, although the header of your MOS post reads….”NEW” Discovery over at “The Other” PE site. Interesting. Hard to tell what to make of it, reckon that’s just your way of a nice compliment:)

Bird, nice way to clear-up the origin question if there was one…for whatever reason there might be one!

If you’re interested in these types of things, Kooky, you might do a search of various forums and see where this idea appears. Or how many times it appears, sometimes an old topic brought-up in a new thread develops differently with new ideas while the original gets lost. I don’t know if any are here on this particular exercise, I’ll look.

Kooky 4 words; WHO GIVES A FUCK

I certainly don’t. I also don’t give a shit who created it or worded it, but my thanks goes to bird for bringing the technique to my attention. No one’s here for credit, you tool!


While not everybody is here for credit, some people are. People like credit - we all wish to leave our imprint in history. Now, upon leaving that observation behind…

… does it work? The exercise - or variations of it - have been around forever, it seems, but how good are they, really? I’ve questioned the way it is supposed to work, because I don’t buy the fancy explanation, does anybody have an explanation that makes anatomical sense? Or is this just a good way of getting a mean BC pump?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I think training your BC muscle in general is good for your erection strength, I doubt it will give any direct gains as a result but it is probably useful for doing girth exercises.

A more convenient way of training your BC muscle is stretching your flaccid upwards and then kegel. You can also do a kegelroutine while hanging straight out or upwards for the ultimate BC muscle training.

Originally Posted by koooky
What this exercise does is it Isometrically expands the smooth muscle tissue found in your penis and it consistently and continually expands the elasticity of the penile tendon making unlimited gains possible!

Kooky, have you even read what you quoted? First what is a penile tendon and how can this thing keep on expanding consistently and continually without limits after doing the exercise, which is just a mix of weighted kegels and a little bending? Obviously this didn’t work for DLD because he was still 8.5” 2 years ago according to him.


this is a BC exercise, then? I can’t really see that it will do anything else either, but I just wondered if I was missing anything.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Without knowing it I actually have been doing this exercise on a daily basis in combination with a wooden ruler :)

I can’t see what else it could be than a BC exercise. Which is not a bad thing because a strong BC muscle gives better erections and more ejaculation control.

Actually, I’ve stumbled upon this exercise first on Michael Alden’s site some years ago — anyone here remember that great site? (He also owned and, maybe some others too). Unfortunately all of those are now owned by someone else, it seems.

The exercise itself was called Isometric Plateau Blaster #1, and it only differs from the one presented by Bird2 in the duration of the flex. Michael suggest that you won’t benefit from holding it longer than 10 seconds. It’s probable, that someone ‘stole’ the routine from him and changed it to 20s just to look different (as was the case with many copycat PE sites at the time). Anyway, Michael boasted a lot about “True, UNLIMITED GROWTH.” and that he’s “the only source on the ‘Net who can provide that information to you!”

Even more important, he explains how and why it works:
“Here’s the definition of Isometrics: ‘Exercises involving contractions of muscles taking place against resistance but without significant shortening of muscle fibers.’ What the hell does that mean? When it comes to your muscles and tendons it means flexing without allowing the muscle fibers to shorten, or “contract.” The result is an extremely fast way to lengthen tendons by rapidly increasing their flexability. As it applies to your penis, it means that by flexing the tendon-like tissue of the penis without allowing contraction of the tissue, we can elongate this tissue, like a true tendon, creating the opportunity for unlimited growth! The elasticity of the tendon-like erectile tissue is the only factor which limits the amount of potential gain one has. Well, we’ve blown these limits away with a series of exercises and the first one is right here!”

I don’t care if you buy his explanation or not, but I think it’s a great short exercise worth including in your routine.

I’ve done this excercise,not for enlargement purposes though but just because it feels good.

By the way Bird2,what are your starting stats and your current stats?

Thanks for posting this thread.

I knew about this exercise a while back as well, I think many of you may not realise is that it has several purposes being that it strengthens and develops the lower chamber of the penis making it eventually larger and thicker and stronger The exercise also has a big advantage in that it has the effect of actually creating a new erection angle, and it can correct a downward curve over time, but yeah the big plus is that when the kegel is started while the erection is pressed downwards it does effect pressure of a straightening effect which the penis tries to achieve but cannot while it is pressed downwards on that angle so therefore pressure is placed on the ligaments which in turn create a pulling effect. I can’t say that I tried it for a very long time to gather results on that either.

And no, this isn’t an erect bend exercise or whatever ppl are calling it either wtf?! There is a bend which takes effect in the base region but that’s all, and it’s not forceful either, and yes you have to be absolutely rock-hard to benefit fully from this exercise too!

Originally Posted by kassit
I’ve done this excercise,not for enlargement purposes though but just because it feels good.

By the way Bird2,what are your starting stats and your current stats?

Thanks for posting this thread.

I started with 16x14cm in February 2005 and I am now 20,5x17cm. I reached the 17 cm in girth last October.

Originally Posted by Bird2
I started with 16x14cm in February 2005 and I am now 20,5x17cm. I reached the 17 cm in girth last October.

Congratulations man! I’m glad that PE has paid off for you,and I’m sure you do too.

Wow, u da man, that is damn good bird2. Sorry to go off-topic in this thread. That is close to 2” in length and more than 1” in girth in just one year.


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