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An exercise for girth

An exercise for girth

I’m sure this exercise has been “discovered” over and over again, so there was nothing unique about my finding it. But, last week while jelquing, for some reason I did this because it felt good:

1)Used an overhand OK grip with my left hand just under the head
2)Used an overhand OK grip with the right hand at the base.
3)Squeezed, then slowly brought the two hands together, stopping when there was about a half an inch between them.

I did this about 90-95 % erect. The pump I got was INSANE. My shaft balloons out and looks much fatter; I love it! I’ve been doing it since last week and I swear I’ve added 1/16” inch girth in the last week alone. I just finished doing them a few minutes ago and my penis looks as fat semi-flaccid as it does when fully erect. Of course in a half hour this will be gone but it will still look somewhat bigger than normal even then.

I do these for 15 minutes after my regular jelq session, which itself is 30 min. long. Honestly, though, I feel like the regular jelqs aren’t doing anything for me, neither in length or girth. What do you think about dropping regular jelqs alltogether and simply doing this variation for girth (and increasing from 15 minutes to 45 minutes, to replace the 30 min of regular jelqing), and just use stretches for the length? Has anyone else used this variation exclusively, avoiding all regular jelqs?

I’m finding 90-95 % erect productive and tolerable. Actually, 90% seems to work better than 100%, because I can slosh the blood around a bit more that way. I could try 100% erect, but it seems too dangerous. Besides, just under fully erect is working great for now.

This is “the squeeze.” Many people do use squeeze moves completely in place of jelqs for girth gains. Big Al from peforum made this move popular and also advocates doing them in place of jelqs for girth. I personally do both. However, doing so many of them might be overkill. These are much more intense than jelqs and you don’t want to injure yourself.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *

Thanks - I knew there had to be a name for it.

The thing is, I thought that squeezes were supposed to be done 100% erect always?

Now when you say that it is easy to go overboard with them: would the tendency to go overboard be greater with the 100% erect variety? I would think that 90 % erect could be done safely for somewhat longer periods, no?

The squeeze is kind of a suprising name for it. I’d have called it a double jelq, due to the two hands moving in different directions. Seems more descriptive. When I think of a “squeeze”, I think of just one hand, well, squeezing the penis.

But, who am I to question those with bigger dicks than me? :)

Yes, one must show respect!(lol)

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