Thunder's Place

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Exercise effect gains?

Exercise effect gains?

Hey guys.

Do you guys think that semi-regular exercise (30 minutes of running on an exercise machine, 3-4 times a week) would negatively effect PE gains? Because I enjoy my exercise, but I read on other threads that this may interfere with PE gains - it was nothing solid, just a hunch a couple people had.


Some of us felt it improved gains due to improvement in circulation and feelings of well-being.

Originally Posted by Cernunnos
Hey guys.

Do you guys think that semi-regular exercise (30 minutes of running on an exercise machine, 3-4 times a week) would negatively effect PE gains? Because I enjoy my exercise, but I read on other threads that this may interfere with PE gains - it was nothing solid, just a hunch a couple people had.


It is fairly common for your dick to turtle slightly following exercise, but that is normal and it will return to it’s pre-exercise length in a short while. But that doesn’t happen to everyone. Longer dicks will tend to stay the same as there is more weight to keep it hanging lower

There is no long term shortening effect due to sport.

So heave a sigh of relief and enjoy both your PE and PE :)

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Exercise can be only good for you, so don’t sweat it. Or rather, do sweat it ;) .

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

I put the vast majority of my gains down to being fitter. Physical health is the cornerstone of PE in my experience.

I think it would likely help gains. The fitter you are the faster you can recover. Less likely to get sick and that would effect your PE workout routine. Go for it. I work out every day and have good gains.

3/7/08: BPEL 7.00x5.125 Starting PE

2/07/09: BPEL 8.307x5.77 || 211mmX146.5mm

My Log: PE an Engineers approach

I do both cycling and indoor rowing. My unit used to turtle a lot more until I started my PE regimen. I have a much better flaccid, and I have seen good gains. All exercises (cardio, strength and PE) are good.

"Res Firma Nitescere Nescit"

Holy Cow.

Thanks, guys, for all your responses!

I do heave a sigh of relief upon hearing this consensus. :)

I enjoy my PE, and I also want my other PE to work, and this is great news.

Sweat it I will. :)

Thanks again!

The other big PE plus from regular exercise is a greatly reduced fat pad. I’m not trying to be a dick when I say this, but I take it you mean ‘affect’ instead of ‘effect’? This is what comes of having a parent who was a teacher.

Cardio such as brisk walking may actually reverse ED.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by irishjim
The other big PE plus from regular exercise is a greatly reduced fat pad. I’m not trying to be a dick when I say this, but I take it you mean ‘affect’ instead of ‘effect’? This is what comes of having a parent who was a teacher.

Irishjim stop being a dick!! Only joking mate - nice to see fellow Irish posting

Life is too short to be little -Disraeli

March '08 BPEL 6.25 EG 5.3. I am not sure whether I measured correctly.

April '08 BPEL 6.7 EG 5.5 GOAL 8X6 SHORT-TERM GOAL 7X5.7

Originally Posted by Irishman79
Irishjim stop being a dick!! Only joking mate - nice to see fellow Irish posting

Ireland must be beautiful this time of year. A great place to go hiking?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Ireland is nice this time of year as the weather is starting to improve. A bit boring though Kingpole, there’s only so much green fields a person can tolerate before you want to get the fuck out!!

Life is too short to be little -Disraeli

March '08 BPEL 6.25 EG 5.3. I am not sure whether I measured correctly.

April '08 BPEL 6.7 EG 5.5 GOAL 8X6 SHORT-TERM GOAL 7X5.7

Originally Posted by irishjim
The other big PE plus from regular exercise is a greatly reduced fat pad. I’m not trying to be a dick when I say this, but I take it you mean ‘affect’ instead of ‘effect’? This is what comes of having a parent who was a teacher.

Thanks for that correction. I know what it’s like.

Actually, my family is mostly Irish, and my Mom is a teacher, so we have a few things in common! :)

Consequently I don’t mind the correction, and don’t find you annoying either.

I am usually very good with English, but I still haven’t figured out effect vs affect. How does that work, anyways? My English will be flawless once I figure this one out.

Good to see the thread being invaded by my people. ;)

I’m going to visit one day.

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