Well to answer a couple questions here..
1. Yes, I use an overhanded OK grip to grasp behind the glands, just like a traditional stretch, and the hand closest to the body, I make an overhanded grip, but just a little more to the side of the penis, and I use all fingers except the pinkie.. To grip the penis.
2. How long do I stretch in each position.. I try to use traditional time lengths, like 30 seconds for each hold, and I go from one position to another. I never do the same order of positions, well, I won’t say never, but try to exhaust them all after a few sessions before I start again, cause you can bend your unit to any angle!
3. As far as sets, I try to do a couple of them, such as, bending in every direction with the time lengths specified in question 2. And after all the angles have been hit, I do it again, but with slightly different angles, so two sets are what I usually go for, cause after the traditional stretching and all, that’s a whole lot of time!
4. I try my best to shoot for two days on, one off, so whenever I stretch, I include these in my routine. So I guess an average of 4 days per week, since sometimes I go over, and sometimes I go under.
To answer Franga’s question, yes, I went from 6 and 3/4ths BPEL, to 7 BPEL.