Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dynamic vs. Static stretch

Dynamic vs. Static stretch

First Post!!!

When we stretch in other sports we
distinguish between a static stretch and
a dynamic stretch. A static stretch for
example would be a slow even pressure.
A more dynamic stretch would be movement added.
For example, sit down with your feet
out in front of you and let your chest
fall towards your knees. Let yourself
relax into the stretch. This is static.
Very safe, very slow to get results. A
dynamic stretch might be swinging your leg
up into the air… like a cheerleader
would! Much more prone to muscle, tendon,
ligament damage but gives great results.
Younger folk tend to do more dynamic (after
proper warm up). Older folk more of the
gentler static stretch.

See where this is heading? Manual stretches
seem to be in the static category (with the muscle
part taken out). Has anyone heard of or tried
more dynamic stretching?

Hey, Please note that I am not suggesting hanging
with weight on a bungee cord although the visual
is pretty funny…


First of all, Welcome!

That sounds interesting and I understand the logic behind the static vs. dynamic. However, I don’t think I would feel confortable doing anything “dynamic” with my penis. Hanging weights in enough for me, that’s a mild, yet controlled stretch. Some people have actually hung and swung the weigths at the same time, maybe that would be somewhat “dynamic”. I could imagine being too aggressive on a dynamic leg stretch and pulling a muscle, but the thought of anything going wrong during a dynamic stretch on my penis just makes me weasy. Just my thoughts, if something else has something constructive to add I am always willing to appreciate a new approach.

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"

that’s what I thought also… might be
to much. I only do manual stretches
(i.e no hanging). I find myself stretching
releasing stretching.. That is what
prompted the post. Think I will try
this *very gently* for my next cycle.


When I do stretching, mostly it is static but I usually put in some dynamic as well, in my case that consists of pulling the willie straight forward (= stretching) but then I do some jerking (0.5 second pulls/releases). I don´t know if my gains is because of that or the general pe-ing.

Hey Goingdeep,

Howz it goin? I wanted to ask you a question. First, miracle of miracles - my enlarger strap came in the mail and I am using the hell out of it. I like it and I have pretty much figured it out. I am going on a couple of business trips where I will be driving a lot. I’ll have that sucker on constantly. Now back to my question - Did you buy weights from them to use with the strap? If so, how conspicuous is the weight? I thought that I remembered you saying that you wear it a lot - even with shorts. Also, are you still stretching - V stretches and behind the leg? Let me know. Also, great job moderating!

Happy hangin


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I’m doing well Jektiod,

To answer your questions:No, I didn’t buy the weights with enlarger strap. Yes, I do sometimes wear the strap with shorts. Usually their longer gym shorts that stop just short of the knees so you can’t see the strap. Never had a problem. If someone sees it, fuck it. I’m not really ashamed of actively doing something to improve an area on my body. So I don’t worry about getting caught too much. I’m still doing the v stretches. Not devised for a routine, but whenever I can do them, I will, which is usually a couple of minutes at a time for a couple of sets a day. I’ve actually been kind of slacking this month hanging and using the strap so I’m trying to get back in the groove of things. Take care

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"

Originally posted by goingdeep
… I do sometimes wear the strap with shorts. Usually their longer gym shorts that stop just short of the knees so you can't see the strap. Never had a problem. If someone sees it, fuck it. I'm not really ashamed of actively doing something to improve an area on my body. So I don't worry about getting caught too much.

If most of us can’t even tell our g/f and wives (myself included), you can’t imagine what went through my mind reading that comment. You are right, there is nothing to be ashamed about, and I’m sure many would actually envy our “balls” to actually do something about it - you know the typical situation - but… easier said than done.


Dynamic stretching

Going for a walk while wearing the enlarger strap is my idea of dynamic stretching.



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