Thunder's Place

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Anal streching


Anal streching

I know this has been talked about before. But there was not much of a discussion. I was wondering if you stuck you penis up you ass and you left it in there all day except to use the restroom would that work for stretching it out. I know some people talk about pulling your penis under yourself and then sitting on it. What do you guys think. Mainly I want to know if anyone has tried it?

Are you telling me to go fuck myself?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

You have to ask our own expert Langemann on this subject, he can give you all the ins and outs :D

Re: Anal streching

Originally posted by Jason_Bourne
I was wondering if you stuck you penis up you ass and you left it in there all day except to use the restroom would that work for stretching it out.

The answer is yes; This is an ideal way to stretch out your anus.

I don’t think it would actually stay up there all day. Why don’t you just duct tape it somewhere or something?

It is perfectly ok, as long as you don’t cum*

*Per Langemann


Laughing my ass off over here…

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

-Bertrand Russell

Do you ever start busting out laughing after seeing something that reminds you of a really funny joke? That’s what this thread did to me. :D

No offense Jason_Bourne, it’s just that Langemann’s thread was hilarious (I thought).

To answer your question; no, I don’t think anal stretching is a good idea. Wear an ADS or traction wrap instead.

“Do you ever start busting out laughing after seeing something that reminds you of a really funny joke? That’s what this thread did to me.”

Same here! :D

Where did Langemann go? Did he take everyone’s amusement as ridicule? I hope not, he was a good poster.

In response to the question, your dick probably will not stay up there.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

If you want to stretch your asshole, then you might aswel use a butt plug, why dirty your own dick? Why you would want to stretch your bumhole is way beyond me. Maybe you should ask a girl to fuck you with a 12 inch long, 7 inch wide strap on dildo, if you are after that stretch, lol.

I do wonder how many of you can really ass fuck yourselves if you tried and how many of you can give yourselves blow jobs.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Originally posted by Dino9X7
Are you telling me to go fuck myself?


What would happen if you farted a lot? Would it go up your peehole and travel backwards until it began to inflate your balls? Why didn’t someone say something before? I would have been telling everyone to go fuck themselves if I thought it would have such a profound effect.


Oh ya, Mr. Langemann “stretching with the anal”….lol How could I forget. He won thread of the year HANDS DOWN, didn’t he??

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

Originally posted by Sizemeister
What would happen if you farted a lot? Would it go up your peehole and travel backwards until it began to inflate your balls?

You are one sick mother F*er :rolling:

Originally posted by CaptnHook

You are one sick mother F*er :rolling:

Yeah, I get it from hanging out with weirdos on Penis Enlargement boards.



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