Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Another 2 questions

Another 2 questions

Hello again!

1. Is it really true that what you eat can effect your gains? If so then what should i eat (not eat) etc.?

2. To the moderators and advanced users, Is it possible to change your nickname here? To be honest i only registred to download the videos at first, but this really turned out to be a super-useful forum that is really active aswell. Great job!

Signatures Below... First one for Thunder's Place, the other one for me Primary Goal Length ----> 9.0 " (22.86 Cm) Circumference ----> 6.0 " (15.24 Cm) Current Measurements Length ----> 8.27" (21.0 Cm) Circumference ----> 4.81" (12.2 Cm).


Food has a second level effect on gains. As long as your diet is reasonable it shouldn’t limit your gains. Bib once speculated that starvation might be the best diet for PE, because it limits your body’s ability to fight back against the forces of hanging.

This is a little extreme, as has has actually admitted.

As for your second question, you sure can change your username. People do it all the time, although I can’t say I know how. I suggest you PM ThunderSS about that.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

PMing Thunder is the only way to change your name. Good guess MM! :)

ty guys! lifesavers :)

but uhm, well I downloaded this e-book called something like “penis-of-steel”. And that one told you that you should eat all kinds of regular healthy stuff like vegitibles, fruits etc. etc. And to be honest I can’t really see my self buying that theory…. I do not think that food can actually change much (or anything) when it comes to this.

ALTHOUGHT, my own theory would be that if you are a little chubby and lose a couple of lbs then the fat around the pubic-bone will disappear and the penis will look bigger that way….

correct me if I’m wrong

Signatures Below... First one for Thunder's Place, the other one for me Primary Goal Length ----> 9.0 " (22.86 Cm) Circumference ----> 6.0 " (15.24 Cm) Current Measurements Length ----> 8.27" (21.0 Cm) Circumference ----> 4.81" (12.2 Cm).

Originally Posted by Overload
ALTHOUGHT, my own theory would be that if you are a little chubby and lose a couple of lbs then the fat around the pubic-bone will disappear and the penis will look bigger that way….

Yes, it’s a new look that turns your penis bigger, in fact your penis remains the same.


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

I don’t think there’s actually a magic diet for PE, other than to to say that a healthy diet would server anybody well.
There is quite a bit of info around here about vitamins, minerals and suppliments and maybe you could tailer
your diet to be higher in certain quantities of these items? To me it seems like more work than any benifit you would actually see.
I have a brother who’s a natural 9 or 10 and when we were growing up (teens) he used to take a multi vitamin that was high in zinc.
When I asked him about it, he would just say; hey zink for the dink dude. I thought he was nuts,but then again he’s the guy with the huge cock. Who knows?

Fluids, or staying properly hydrated seems to work wonders also.
Think healthy, eat healthy, be healthy is my motto.

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