Thunder's Place

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Another Horse Squeeze Question

Another Horse Squeeze Question

Ok, my understanding after everything else in order to prepare for the actual workout I need to make an “Ok” sign at the top. Also my other hand should be on the base after doing some kegels in order blood to be push inward.

My questions is; ok let’s say my left hand is on the base and the right hand has formed an “ok” sign at the top. Ok I got a really strong grip at the bottom and I tighten the top up more and push downward like a fist. Do I continue to push downward until I hit the base or what? I am little confused.

Can someone please help me out?


Gandolf made several great avi’s of this and other exercises.

Check the Tutorials:

Link to bad forum (forumid 33) removed

Good luck.

I have watched the video

I have wateched the video. I understand.

However, I just need someone to put it in words for it to settle better

Know what I mean


Just push downwards until your shaft between your hands expands and blows up just below the point of bursting :) Then hold it there as long as you can, at least 30 seconds or so…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I got it

That make’s perfect sense to me,

thanks, alot

You have to be 100% erect to do these successfully? (Horse Squeeze)

Is that true for DLD bends as well? I really cannot get those bends done at 100% erection, I tried ‘em today and I was maybe at 80%. I can do them at that level of hardness, rolling motion and all, but is it even effective then?

Becoming.... Godsize


Don’t do DLD bends at 100%! You’ll break it or be damn sore. Do ‘em at about 90%, after you’ve clamped down at around 70% and Kegeled in more blood. Sort of a hard softie that makes it more pliable. Then do the DLD bends. As for the horses, I do the same thing but to 110%, after kegeling in more blood, and just squeeze the head BUT only for about 30 seconds! That’s just my own thing as my penis would explode with anymore time. DLD Rules!

"Don't be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Go to school and study computers instead." Jackie Chan

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