You must be referring to this thread. It’s good reading for those who decide to bend. Make your own decision whether the potential risks outweigh the potential rewards.
I started bending my dick “engorged,” but not “erect.” It was inflated with blood ahead of my tourniquet grip, yet still flaccid behind the tourniquet grip. I think this is how one should work into bending.
Over the past month or two I’ve been bending fully erect, meaning I get as close to a 100% rock-hard erection as I can, apply a tight tourniquet grip, and then carefully bend as the erection somewhat subsides. This is much more intense than “engorged” bending.
However, don’t mess with any of this unless you have at least 6 months of PE under your belt and have concluded you need more intense exercises to gain. The goal is to get the most growth from the least intensity. Some guys gain best with minimal exercise. Don’t make so-called advanced exercises a goal in and of themselves. You may not need them.