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Need some advice on my routine

Need some advice on my routine

Well I have been PEing for the last 2.5 months. I started out with the newbie routine and at maybe 5.8” nbp and 6.8”bpel. I am now at about 6-6.25” nbp but i can usually get 6.25 and 7.25 bp. In the last month I have really been working it hard and mixing things up. I mainly need to know what rest days will work best for the best gains. 5 on 2 off or something like 2 on 1 off. Here is what I have decided to do and I really feel like this routine is going to be bulletproof and will give me good gains if I do it correctly. My goal is 9bp and 8nbp. I am in good shape 5’10” 200lbs(mostly muscle) so i don’t know why i have such a difference in bp and nbp.

Warm up
Everyday when i get up and go to bed pull my penis from behind for 10reps 1 min a peice.
Maybe add a set of AI stretches in there too.

Erect bends(grab base with one hand and gentally bend the erection, be careful not to break it!)

Erect stretches(I will either lay on my side and pull my erection between my legs and grab it from the back and really pull on it for 30 seconds or so and repeat about 5 times. I will also get a hard erection while laying on my back and lift my legs up and put my penis between them and gradually stretch the erection harder and harder for about 30 seconds. I will also do this about 5 times.)

Downward jelq pushing against erection. Have to have a REALLY hard erection. This really seems to stretch the base hard. 10-15 min

I will jelq at 50% erection for another 10 min.

Anyways, if you could give me some input it would be apreciated.

This is a good place for my first post. I need help with my routine, as well. I have been pe-ing for about five weeks and my measurements are 6.25 EL and 7.25 BPEL. I echo the question FormulaM6 asks about the disparity between these two measurements as I am 5’11”, 205 pounds with about 7 percent body fat. My routine consists of hanging for three twenty-minute sessions pyramiding up in weight on a two days on, one off schedule. I stretch every night and jelq four times a week. I wear an ADS consisting of the grip one-pound weight attachment sleeve anchored down my leg by a belt. I try and get in as much time as possible especially after hanging. Tomorrow will start jelqing everyday using jelq sticks. BTW, my erect girth measures 6 inches.

To FormulaM6: I was just wondering why you stretched in the erect state. It appears you are after length and from reading numerous posts on this subject I have gathered it is best to stretch flaccid for length gains. I would suggest incorporating hanging into your routine. Personally, I have gotten great benefit from this (.5 inch gain and noticeably more girth at the base). Nonetheless, you have made great gains in two and a half months so continue for you are on the right track.

To everyone: I have been gathering information from this site for a few weeks and must say it helps immensely. Thank you ThunderSS for starting this wonderful resource for pe-ers worldwide. I have gained tremendous knowledge from everyone’s input and will share my experience from this point forward and hopefully help reciprocally.

"Without a struggle, there can be no progress" Stephen Douglas

Welcome aboard !!!

FM6 and BC,
Welcome to the forum. Glad to have you guys here. Both of you sound like you will make excellent members.

You are gaining with your current routine, why fix it if it isn’t broken?? If your dick starts feeling like it is beat to hell, take an extra day off. A word of caution on your erect exercises, they are the easiest type to get injured with, so be extremely careful.

If you stop seeing gains, then consider changing something around, maybe swap AI stretches for erect exercises. Keep us posted on your progress.

As far as the difference between BP and NBP, heredity probably. You may have some luck reducing the fat pad, but I don’t remember anyone posting that they have. Of course my memory isn’t what it used to be, and if someone has reduced their pad, I’m sure they will jump all over my shit. As well they should. :D

Thanks for the kind words. Sounds like you have your routine together pretty much. Are you hanging with the Grip?? Or using another type of hanger? I think I would wait awhile before I considered incorporating jelq sticks. You already have quite a few different types of PE going at once. Give them a chance to work. If you stop seeing gains then switch something around. A problem with using a bunch of different techniques is, it gets difficult to tell what is working for you.

Have you had a chance to read most of the posts in the Hanger’s Forum?? Also, have you checked out Bib’s Product Guide? Great hanging info in both.

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To ThunderSS

I use the bib-starter model but it has become a bit uncomfortable due to my size (girth) gains. I believe that you have both hangers so what is your preference between the two. I am unsure of your size but it has to be either close to mine or greater than mine so your input would be valued. BTW, my hanging workout currently consists of a warmup with five pounds for ten minutes immediately followed by ten minutes with ten pounds, twelve and a half pounds for twenty minutes, and fifteen pounds for twenty minutes with ninety percent of hanging done between the cheeks. I plan on increasing the weight by a pound a week. On Big Al’s site, he mentions doing fifty repetitions of BTC lifts from the ground. What are your thoughts on this and any further tips would be more than helpful. Thanks

"Without a struggle, there can be no progress" Stephen Douglas

Hey BC,

I talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. I don’t hang, only tried both hangers on a couple of times. I keep saying I am going to start soon, but soon hasn’t arrived yet. You seem to be making remarkable progress for someone just at it for 5 weeks. 90% BTC with that kind of weight sounds like something a lot of the vets might have trouble doing. Don’t get too aggressive and injure yourself.

Also, read everything you can on fatigue so that you get an understanding of what you should be working toward.

As for BTC lifts off the ground, don’t know what they are at all. Not familiar with BA’s site, haven’t been there for quite awhile. If it is something exclusive to his paysite, keep it that way please.

What are you using for wrap and approximately how much is it adding to your girth? Have you tried thinning the wrap out any, to accommodate your girth and make hanging more comfortable??

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To ThunderSS

I use sweatshirt material for wrapping. I tried ace bandage but the hanger seemed to slip a little and turn while hanging. I also tried not wrapping as thick but the hanger seemed to pinch my skin more for some reason. I am still a novice at this and it will take more trial and error to perfect this art. I am very careful about not hanging too much weight too quickly. I simply hang what feels comfortable for the twenty minute sessions and continually increase the poundage. I can’t believe you haven’t started hanging yet. What are you waiting for? Just to reiturate what I said earlier, nothing gives me a workout like hanging and Bib’s hanger is the best means to this end.

As far as the BTC lifts I have seen them before so I am not sure if this technique is exclusive to Big Al’s program but I apologize for transferring any information cross-site; whether I did or didn’t, it won’t happen again.

BTW, I am curious as to what your current measurements are, program, beginning stats, length of time pe-ing, etc. I am sure you have addressed this previously. If you have a link to this specific information, please post it. Thanks

"Without a struggle, there can be no progress" Stephen Douglas

Hey BC,

My PE history is here someplace, but I’ll be dam if I remember where. If I come across it, I’ll post a link. It may take awhile, as this is post #3743 for me.

I would like to hear about the lifts, but not if it is exclusive to BA’s site. If someone knows that it is not an exclusive Forsize exercise, post away.

As for starting hanging, I, ah, have been a little busy with other projects. If/when I start, everyone will be able to tell. You will see all kinds of “newbie” posts in the Hanger’s Forum posted by me.

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The erect stretches seem to stretch amazingly well. Lately I have been hearing alot about pushing against the erection and it seems that these people gain alot of length, which is my goal. I switched up the routine because it didn’t seem like the newbie routine was going to cut it much longer and the gains didn’t seem to amaze me that much. I have been thinking about hanging, maybe i will try something like a big padlock or something for a few hours a day if i can find one that will fit on my unit.

To FormulaM6

Tell me more about your erect stretches. When you say “pushing against the erection” do you mean pushing down on the erection. Please clarify that for me. If you start hanging, start slow with, like you said a padlock or something light. If you decide to give hanging a worthwhile effort I would recommend getting a bib hanger. Also, what method of jelqing do you adhere to… thumbs down or thumbs up and do you alternate strokes between hands or say five strokes with your right hand and five with your left? Thanks

"Without a struggle, there can be no progress" Stephen Douglas

The best erect strech is when i get as hard as possible and put it between my legs. This is what you should do if you want to feel this type of stretch(be gentle your first few times). What i do is i will lay on my back(i like to sit against a big pillow though, so i am not completely laying down i am kinda sitting up) and get hard, then put a pillow where the back of your knees are going to rest when you stretch. This will let you rest against the pillow while you are stretching. Put your penis between your legs and clamp the legs together tight. Then slowly lower your legs down to the pillow until you feel a real good stretch throughout the whole penis and in the base. When I jelg I usually alternate hands with my palms down.

To FormulaM6

I will try your erect stretches and keep you posted on my results. I will indeed take them slow and progress. Thank you for you detailed description of the exercise. BTW, did you get this exercise from somewhere else or is it a FormulaM6 exclusive. If it originated by you and this stretch starts working for people it may be otherwise known as the M6 stretch.

"Without a struggle, there can be no progress" Stephen Douglas

LOL actually a guy named RB on a different board found a board elsewhere, where an arabamerican was telling others how to get a bigger dick. He said this was an exercise passed down from generation to generation. I tried it and it is obvious that this stretch REALLY stretches your wang. Something else that i have recently been doing is sitting on the edge of a chair/bed, I get a full erection and push the penis down by doing a jelging motion, but you aren’t trying to squeeze the penis just keep it hard so you can keep stretching it.

LOL it really does stretch good though Thunder.

Hey FM6,

Just be extremely careful. When you are erect you may not just cause minor damage, you could very well rip something to the point of needing surgery. That is dangerous territory, so use all the caution that you can.

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