Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Need some advice on my routine

Hey Guys!

What a load of unadulterated and dangerous crap!

Have you any idea of what you are suggesting??? I think not!! Erect bending of the penis is probably the quickest and most efficient way to develop Peronies disease which will deform your penis and make it shrink. This is about the most stupid and dangerous thing I’ve read on the boards since some bright spark said that masturbating with mustard would make your penis grow!


All erect exercises carry a great deal of risk and are of very limited value.

In fact, I’m of the opinion that this whole thread should be deleted - it serves no value and may harm people.

lil1 :flame:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!


I agree with you on this one, and I similarly appreciate your strong words regarding my problem. On the otherhand though, how the fuck are we supposed to know?!

I mean we are pulling and milking our dicks to make them grow. The methodology regarding this practice is not exactly a proven science. Everyone on this board seems to have a very different idea about what is safe or not safe. Us new guys, if we havent had the experience, we have no clue. And as I said, with this board as our only real resource, it is hard to get an idea of what is an effective and safe means to pursue this.


Hey bogava!

Point taken …. not everyone will take the trouble of reading things like the Injuries Forum and every post that’s ever been written on the subject of avoiding injury.

Perhaps we should include a section in the FAQs?

Or maybe it’s another subject for a tutorial? :leftie: (No rapping this time, I promise :chuckle: )

lil1 :littleguy

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Re: Hey Guys!

Originally posted by lil12big1

What a load of unadulterated and dangerous crap!
Have you any idea of what you are suggesting??? I think not!! Erect bending of the penis is probably the quickest and most efficient way to develop Peronies disease which will deform your penis and make it shrink. This is about the most stupid and dangerous thing I’ve read on the boards since some bright spark said that masturbating with mustard would make your penis grow!
All erect exercises carry a great deal of risk and are of very limited value.
In fact, I’m of the opinion that this whole thread should be deleted - it serves no value and may harm people.

What is your reasoning for so adamantly warning everyone not to do erect excercises - even to the point of suggesting cutting off the the mere discussion here by wiping out the thread? Why do you claim they won’t promote growth? Did you suffer an injury or stall in gains from doing them?

While erect exercises aren’t for newbies, there is a current thread on PE Forums in which several PE vets report good gains and/or good workouts from erect bending. IMO, it may turn out to be an excellent advanced technique.

I like the way you research, so here’s a challenge for you (not a very hard one! :chuckle: ) - find out about the causes of Peyronies Disease . That will answer many of your questions and doubtlessly raise a few more.

In answer to your questions:
What is your reasoning for so adamantly warning everyone not to do erect exercises - even to the point of suggesting cutting off the the mere discussion here by wiping out the thread?
Peyronies disease for a start, that and the fact that I’ve seen far too many injuries from guys doing erect exercises (check the injuries threads - you’ll be surprised!). They are simply too dangerous - even vets have injured themselves so what chance would a newbie have? Wiping the thread might not have been the most astute suggestion …. it’s a bit like sweeping dust under the rug! Instead, let’s explore it in the open for the benefit of all.

Why do you claim they won't promote growth?
Growth occurs from micro tears. In hanging, jeqing and even Ulis to an extent, these microtears are displaced along the length of the penis. Now, let’s consider the physics involved in erect bending exercises. The action of bending an erect penis puts great stress on a very specific area - it is by far the easiest way to significantly damage the penis. What happens when an area like this is significantly damaged is that plaque forms. This plaque then shrinks and causes a permanent bend in the penis - anything from mild to wild - I’ve even seen some which bend at 90 degrees. One of the more concerning aspects of this is that sometimes these injuries can be sustained from mishaps during intercourse - it’s easier to do than you think!
So, my claims that erect bends won’t promote growth are, in reality, quite incorrect. They will! …. but unfortunately there is a hugely substantial chance it will be negative growth. :(

Did you suffer an injury or stall in gains from doing them?
Why should I even consider doing them when the medical community (and even here on the board) has overwhelming evidence that erect bending can cause significant injury. I’m told that having your penis flattened by a steamroller will increase girth and length but I’m not about to try that either! ;)

While erect exercises aren't for newbies, there is a current thread on PE Forums in which several PE vets report good gains and/or good workouts from erect bending.
If I remember correctly, aren’t these "vets" the same ones who claimed a 3/4" gain in 1 week from erect stretches? Seriously hobby, I think these claims of miraculous growth need to be taken with a bag of salt! :chuckle: If you do some detective work you’ll find that the two principal protagonists, who have always bounced off each other, arrived on the scene about the same time - this is not a good sign. While it may not be the case, it’s an old troll trick - two of them will be in leagues to create a fantastic story with the sole intent of fooling people. Sometimes it’s harmless and entertaining - other times, such as this, it can be downright dangerous! We try to keep that sort of thing to a minimum here by actively discouraging it whenever we find it. Always remember, talk is cheap. Like you, I like facts! :)

BTW, congratulations on being nominated 3 times for best thread of the year. Your Connective Tissue thread is great work! :up:

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

I do not recommend erect bends I was only trying them out because my penis has a slight curve to the left and i thought it might be beneficial to give them a try. I think there is potential to injure yourself by doing the between the leg erect stretch, it is definately a stretch that needs to be taken with caution. lil12big1 if you think this stretch it TOO dangerous then maybe I will back off of those. Although I see no harm in my erect jelqing exercise where i gently push against the erection.


The Peyronie’s link you provided favors "repetitive trauma" as the cause of Peyronie’s. However, the medical community has numerous theories (see examples below). Infection, trauma, certain medications, collagen abnormalities, etc. are all possible causes and/or contributing factors.

There is a risk of fracture if an erect penis is bent forcefully enough, and fracture can result in a permanently bent dick if not promptly surgically repaired. Bib mentioned a PE’r who ruptured his CC, but that happened when hanging, and IIRC the guy also had a pre-existing problem (maybe Peyronie’s?). When performing any PE exercises it is essential to work into them gradually and monitor your individual response. Hanging, for instance, is safe, but not if you tie on a 300 lb. barbell and chuck it out the window. :)

I haven’t noticed a disproportionate number of injuries reported from erect exercises, nor have I seen a report of them inducing curvature. Maybe we should poll guys who do erect exercises to see what injuries and/or changes in curvature they’ve had?

The action of bending an erect penis puts great stress on a very specific area - it is by far the easiest way to significantly damage the penis. What happens when an area like this is significantly damaged is that plaque forms. This plaque then shrinks and causes a permanent bend in the penis - anything from mild to wild - I've even seen some which bend at 90 degrees. One of the more concerning aspects of this is that sometimes these injuries can be sustained from mishaps during intercourse…

Your premises are that erect bending puts great stress on a specific area, and is also the easiest way to significantly damage the penis. Are you sure these assumptions are correct?

Erect bending doesn’t put stress on a specific area. Hydraulic pressure in the penis helps distribute pressure evenly. Think about what happens when a mostly erect penis is bent toward a horseshoe shape using the other hand to hold the base and lightly support the inside curve. Let’s bend to the left for sake of discussion: the right side is stretched, and the stretch is fairly evenly distributed along the length of the shaft; the left corpora cavernosum is compressed and expands - again the hydraulic pressure and support hand keep the force evenly distributed. I don’t see how this is inherently more dangerous than other advanced PE exercises.

Did you suffer an injury or stall in gains from doing them?

Why should I even consider doing them when the medical community (and even here on the board) has overwhelming evidence that erect bending can cause significant injury. I'm told that having your penis flattened by a steamroller will increase girth and length but I'm not about to try that either!

Where is the overwhelming evidence? I haven’t seen ANY evidence. Though I’ve never paid for a PE program, I understand most sites issue dire warnings against erect exercises. Of course, many also say the same about hanging. These warnings get repeated so often they are eventually taken as fact, yet where is the evidence? It is more difficult for me to attempt to prove a negative than for opponents of erect excercises to offer something to substantiate their claims. So far, it seems the primary objection is that it "sounds dangerous." Where are the data?

Any form of PE is dangerous if done carelessly, and there are also risks even when done "by the book." Pan rolls are a PE exercise where you roll your pecker on a counter (usually using your hand, though some have used rolling pins). It can be a productive exercise, but not if you use a steamroller. :) Just because someone might go overboard doesn’t mean the exercise itself is bad.

While anything is possible, I don’t think trolls conjured up erect bending. I encourage you to read the thread on PE Forums.

BTW, congratulations on being nominated 3 times for best thread of the year. Your Connective Tissue thread is great work!

Thank you. :o

Below are just bits and pieces from sites turned up on the first page or two of a Google search.

A recent study from Aviano, Italy shows that the most likely causes are infection and trauma (1). Men who have had a tube inserted in the bladder by a doctor are 16 times more likely to suffer Peyronie’s disease. Those who had genital trauma are three times as likely. Other associations include burning on urination, high urine uric acid levels seen in gout, and high blood cholesterol and pressure levels (2).

http://www.meth … gen/peyroni.htm

What causes Peyronie’s disease?
Some researchers believe Peyronie’s disease develops following a trauma that causes bleeding inside the penis. This trauma may explain acute cases of Peyronie’s disease, but does not explain why most cases develop slowly, or what causes the disease after no apparent traumatic event.

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What causes a curved penis?

The cause of Peyronie’s disease is unkown. Some physicians theorize the cause of the curvature may be from trauma to the penis, perhaps if the penis is bent backward during rough sex. The injury causes an inflammation in the tunica, and subsequently leads to scarring.

There are other theories, and some reports suggest that men who take beta-blocking medications for high blood pressure develop Peyronie’s.

This problem, which can make erections painful and intercourse difficult or impossible, may affect up to 1 percent of men, most of them between the ages of 45 and 60. Nearly a third of these men have similar scar tissue in their hands and other parts of their bodies.

What causes Peyronie’s disease?

Experts don’t exactly know. Some men have developed the problem after having prostate surgery — however, the percentage of men in this case is very small. By no means should you avoid having necessary surgery because of concerns about Peyronie’s disease. Some experts speculate that the scarring may result from physical trauma — an injury to the penis from having a catheter inserted for surgery or from sudden, forceful bending during sex. Others suggest that an abnormality in some men’s collagen, a protein that helps build tissue, may lead to the condition.

- Injury
Acute or repetitive trauma (hitting or bending) causes localized bleeding inside the penis. This leads to fibrin deposition (scar tissue) in the tissue space that accumulates after additional trauma. Collagen is also trapped and pathologic fibrosis follows and even the formation of calcium deposits. In addition, with age there is a decrease in the elasticity of collagen fibers.

Hey guys,

I was actually more concerned with someone ripping the fuck out of a ligament, to the point that it would not self repair. Like maybe a separation from the fascia or something along those lines. I had not even thought about the possible damage that might cause Peyronnies.

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Hobby, hobby, hobby ...........

Thank you for providing the links. Now, let’s analyze them!
What’s one thing that all of them have in common? Give in? Peyronies can be caused by trauma. Of the 5 links you provided, 3 of them (that’s 60%!) specifically cite erect bending as being a major contributing factor to the development of Peyronies Disease. This hard, concrete evidence (which you have provided) has been compiled from documented research conducted by urologists who are specialists in this field. In my books, this presents an overwhelming case against erect bending. The risks are simply far too great. And the benefits??……….

Now let’s look at the other side of the coin. What evidence is there that erect bending actually promotes any growth at all? So far we have about 3 guys on PE Forums who have made some fairly outrageous, and blatantly untrue, claims - 3/4” growth in a week! Hobby, do you have any idea of the massive amount of trauma it would take to make a penis “grow” 3/4” in one week? I speculate that you would be visiting a urologist for the next 2 years to repair the damage! This is nothing more than a lie, proffered to boost flailing egos by deceiving the unwary. Sadly, some guys believe these claims through either ignorance or desperation.

Now let’s put it all together. In the blue corner we have the medical profession. They pack a mean punch and are backed up with reams of research documents from specialist urologists to support their case. In the red corner we have 3 guys from PE Forums. All they have to back them up is anecdotal evidence. And given that one of them at least is taken to blatant “exaggeration”, this evidence is very questionable indeed.

So, who would you put your money on? Tough choice, huh! ;)

While PE is still by no means an exact science, if you look below the surface you will find that much of it is (by either accident or design) based on proven medical precedents and practices. In this case, the proven medical precedents and practices are dangerously negative and I, for one, am not going to stand idly by and watch people injure themselves. The practice of erect bending is irresponsible, dangerous and there is absolutely no substantial evidence (either anecdotal or documentary) to indicate that it promotes any positive growth.

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Hey guys. I don’t want to add fuel to the fire, but I am wondering if erect stretching to the sides (static and/or AI right and left) only would be beneficial? I think the trauma would be significantly reduced, yet you would still hit the ligs, just not as intensely. Just some more food for thought…

I agree with lil NO ONE SHOULD TRY ERECT BENDING(atleast in the FULLY erect state). I wanted to do this to get rid of the small curve that i have. It is hard to find the line between break and stretch. I don’t see a problem with the other 2 erect stretches though as long as they are done with caution these should be very beneficial.

Originally posted by 2in2002
Hey guys. I don't want to add fuel to the fire, but I am wondering if erect stretching to the sides (static and/or AI right and left) only would be beneficial? I think the trauma would be significantly reduced, yet you would still hit the ligs, just not as intensely. Just some more food for thought…

I have been stretching my erection to the sides (not bending in the middle) for 10 seconds at a time. It seems to stretch something in there really good.

Hi guys. I think the key here is the static stretch- that is, 10-30 seconds until we know more. I am really frustrated with the lack of data and info on the penis and PE. Guess it has been a taboo subject for too long a time. I threw the AI suggestion in there to fuel the fire- it won’t be my dick trying AI in an erect state first :) ))

Re: Hobby, hobby, hobby ...........

What's one thing that all of them have in common? Give in? Peyronies can be caused by trauma.

Trauma, such as severe, abrupt bending of an erect penis may cause or contribute to the development of Peyronie’s.

Trauma, such as severe, abrupt loading of muscles can tear muscles or tendons. Does this mean we shouldn’t weight train because weight training causes tendon tears? Of course not.

It is a matter of degree. There is a difference between carefully bending an erection and having your lady’s full bodyweight crash down and bend Peppy all willy-nilly with her ‘taint.

Now let's look at the other side of the coin. What evidence is there that erect bending actually promotes any growth at all? So far we have about 3 guys on PE Forums who have made some fairly outrageous, and blatantly untrue, claims - 3/4" growth in a week! Hobby, do you have any idea of the massive amount of trauma it would take to make a penis "grow" 3/4" in one week?

I don’t see the 3/4" in a week claim, which I agree would be ridiculous. One claims he gained 1" x .75" in a few months. Those are spectacular gains, but not far-fetched.

To make sure we’re on the same page, I’m referring to this thread.

Now let's put it all together. In the blue corner we have the medical profession. They pack a mean punch and are backed up with reams of research documents from specialist urologists to support their case. In the red corner we have 3 guys from PE Forums. All they have to back them up is anecdotal evidence. And given that one of them at least is taken to blatant "exaggeration", this evidence is very questionable indeed.

I’ll bet this was the prevailing attitude about PE in general in the early days - and probably still is in most people’s minds.

The practice of erect bending is irresponsible, dangerous and there is absolutely no substantial evidence (either anecdotal or documentary) to indicate that it promotes any positive growth.

Time will tell. Until then we’ll have to agree to disagree whether erect bending may have merits. :)

That’s my whole point. I have exhaustively researched everything I could in the last few weeks before forming a plan. The bottom line is WE JUST DON’T KNOW until someone stumbles onto it. Very frustrating…


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