Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Need some advice on my routine

oooh....i just have to jump in...

Bit of a debate is it?

I have been trying these (taking it v. easy) and i have been able to get a good stretch while around 90 % erect.

I don’t understand how the guys on pe forums are getting pins and needles from doing this unless they really are brutally stretching a 100% boner.

Anyone doing this over here? Achieving a real stretch without the danger of snapping your cock off?

i reckon there could be something to this but for one i will be doing them sporadically with nowhere near the force to give me pins and needles. Maybe with the morning wood right enough.

See Ya,



I have never done any PE in the erect state, so I do not have any experience to draw on. Even the extreme Ulis that I used were done semi-erect with the increased engorgement above the constriction.

The injury to Forge was done while hanging, erect, with a loop device, and he did have a previous condition.

I think the important thing with erect lateral force exercises is; there are no second chances. With most PE exercises found here and on PEforums, you may be injured to an extent, but the vast majority, if not all, recover fully.

The risk involved here is a torn tunica. This is something which will not heal with rest. It would probably be a lifelong problem after the occurance. So the question becomes, why take the risk? There are many, many effective, reasonably safe exercises to make the gains. Why push it?


Hey hobby!

Given the overwhelming medical evidence (irreputable facts!), the tried, tested and proven safer alternatives and the total unreliability of your sources, are you convinced you’re making a wise decision? Remember, if you’re wrong, you’re going to regret it for a long time ….. maybe for the rest of your life.

Are you comfortable that by advocating practices that are proven to be very dangerous, you may be responsible for ruining other men’s lives as well?

Think about it.

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Whoa there Lil,

“Irreputable facts,” heh… :rofl: Was this a Freudian slip?

I’m not advocating erect exercises, but neither am I discounting the possibility they may be safe and effective when used with care. You not only condemned them outright, but you have failed to offer sound reasoning to back up your position.

You claim they are apt to cause Peyronie’s, but you have not offered evidence to back up this claim. Though trauma, such as can be encountered by getting Henry all mashed out of shape in a sexual mishap, is one potential cause of Peyronie’s, your assumption that careful manual erect bending is in the same league as a traumatic accident is flawed. Re-read the snippets I posted concerning the causes of Peyronie’s. Do a search yourself. Trauma is only one potential cause, and does not explain cases with slow onset. Surely not every case of penile trauma results in Peyronie’s. What is “trauma,” or “repetitive trauma” anyway? Jelqing? Squeezing?

Bib mentioned fracture, and so did I. There is no doubt in my mind that if one fractures his dick he will be in a world of trouble. IMO it would take a great deal of effort to break a dick using slowly and carefully applied hand pressure - probably more strength than I have or would choose to exert. Pre-existing deformities or defects may decrease the threshold at which a fracture will occur. I’m not tailoring my comments to what would be appropriate for a liability waiver; I’m basing them on what I think may be another advanced PE technique with potential. All PE techniques carry a degree of risk.

BTW, no ill will intended in this discussion. I’ll buy you a beer next time I get to Australia. :)


I’m also starting to work into these. Like you, I’m taking it slow and easy. No “pins and needles” effect so far.


I guess I am missing something. Perhaps a little dim on my part. Could you explain this for me:

“You claim they are apt to cause Peyronie’s, but you have not offered evidence to back up this claim. “

Every source provided states that trauma is a cause. Therein lies the risk.

>Though trauma, such as can be encountered by getting Henry all mashed out of shape in a sexual mishap, is one potential cause of Peyronie’s, your assumption that careful manual erect bending is in the same league as a traumatic accident is flawed. <

I don’t think so. Each of us usually has only direct contact with one penis. For my part, if I attempt a bend of the erect shaft to any degree, I get some very bad feelings. It is the type of thing where you know something is wrong. The point is, if you go ONE degree too far, you are very screwed up. There is no doubt in my mind that I could do that manually.

>Re-read the snippets I posted concerning the causes of Peyronie’s. Do a search yourself. Trauma is only one potential cause, and does not explain cases with slow onset. <

Actually, it does not matter for this debate, whether there are other causes. Trauma does cause peyronies, and that is what we are discussing.

>IMO it would take a great deal of effort to break a dick using slowly and carefully applied hand pressure - probably more strength than I have or would choose to exert.<

See, therein lies the problem. You are only going by your parameters, and not thinking of the guy with the weaker tunica and/or stronger hands. There are already too many guys around that are performing unwise PE. Why promote something that could be even worse?

>All PE techniques carry a degree of risk.<

And some much more than others.


Originally posted by hobby
[B]Whoa there Lil,

“Irreputable facts,” heh… :rofl: Was this a Freudian slip?

Brave attempt at humor, but unfortunately it just falls short. This isn’t a Freudian slip because “irreputable” isnt a word you’ll find in any dictionary!:chuckle: The more semantically inclined among us would have realized that it was of course a typo - “irrefutable” is the word that was intended. (Remind me to use a spell check occasionally!) This would then make it a tautology because facts are, by definition, irrefutable. Remember, if you’re going to join the Spelling Police, you’d better have done your homework first! I’ll have that beer now thanks! ;)

I’m not advocating erect exercises

Really!!?? Could have fooled me!! Then what is all this about??

You claim they are apt to cause Peyronie’s, but you have not offered evidence to back up this claim.

Firstly, I’m not the only one who claims that erect bending can cause Peyronies - doctors, urologists and medical researchers have substantial evidence that it does. Secondly, why should I offer evidence when you’ve already provided excellent resources for me? Thank you for the list of links - they clearly support my case! Forgive me, but am I missing something here? I though you were arguing a case for erect bending. Then why are you providing links which clearly don’t support your point of view in any way whatsoever? :confused:

IMO it would take a great deal of effort to break a dick using slowly and carefully applied hand pressure - probably more strength than I have or would choose to exert.

Unfortunately, it’s probably not as much as you might think. We get regular reports from guys who make themselves bleed from the urethra, thrombose their veins and bruise themselves just from jelging which is arguable one of the safest methods of PE. Erect exercises have far greater potential for injury and once you’ve damaged yourself, there is no turning back the hands of time - you’re stuck with it, perhaps for life.
What will it take to convince you? Would you like to see this method adopted? And if it transpires that the doctors, urologists, medical researchers and vets on this board were correct, what are you going to tell the guys who have damaged themselves permanently because there will always be those who push the envelope just that little bit too far or simply don’t understand what “carefully” means. With erect exercises you don’t get a second chance. Would you buy them a beer too? ;)
Hobby, sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. Sometimes it’s best to take a few steps back to see the big picture. And sometimes there are more important considerations than trying to win an argument simply to save face.
lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Brave attempt at humor, but unfortunately it just falls short. This isn't a Freudian slip because “irreputable” isnt a word you'll find in any dictionary!


We simply disagree about the inherent danger of erect bending. The way I’ve been trying it - starting with a 100% erection, applying very mild force, increasing the bend as I slowly allow the erection to subside - doesn’t seem any more stressful or dangerous than other PE exercises. Another variation is to do “engorged bending,” for lack of a better term - use a tourniquet grip to keep blood in the shaft, though flaccid at the base, and carefully bend. I’ve found out the latter, or a variation on the theme, is recommended on one of the popular pay PE sites.

I’m not advocating nor recommending erect exercises, nor am I denouncing them as worthless and dangerous. The jury is still out on their effectiveness, and the degree of risk involved is what we’ve been discussing here.

This started with my questioning your stern warning not to do any erect exercises. We disagree whether carefully manually bending an erect or near-erect dick is the equivalent of “trauma.” I don’t think it is, and you and Bib do. Let’s just leave it at that, shake hands, and agree to disagree.

Since experimentation with erect bending is covered on another forum, and doesn’t seem welcome here, I’m willing to just drop the subject. This thread will give anyone who does a search on the topic some food for thought. I understand the motivation to stick with techniques that are time-tested, and the reluctance to plant ideas in people’s minds that may inspire the reckless to get into trouble faster than they will eventually anyway.

peyronies and trama

Well, guys, here is my two cents worth. I have posted on this peyronies subject several times and those who have it are quick to learn you don’t want it. I got it 4 years ago and it has taken all this time since to get the plaque and bends worked out. Still have some bend but not nearly as much. Anyway, I got mine from a urologist putting a tube up my penis when I had kidney stones. He was rough and unskilled. My loss, many ways. Lost two inches in length, lost ability to ejaculate, lost lots of confidence. Worked hard and PE has been a life saver for me. You don’t want peyronies. If doing anything with 100% erection would cause trama, don’t. I work hard at trying to get the scar tissue worked out and gain some length back. You can talk to others who have damaged the penis with rough sex and they have the same problems I have experienced. Whatever the casue, it can be a problem to all if you don’t treat yourself right. I believe that my main problem was that I had gotten out of shape. PE has gotten me into shape and I am grateful for what I learn every day. Be careful! If you are not in shape, take it easy till you get into shape. Iowa

Damn Iowa that really sucks. Have you been able to gain anything back that you lost, or have you just been able to straighten it some? How bad was your bend?

Hobby's Irreputable!

Glad to see you’ve done some research - “irreputable” certainly didn’t show up in any of my dictionaries or in the ones I consulted online. Even the spell check here doesn’t recognize it! I won’t make that typo again and I concede on that point. Lucky break for you! ;)
However, I most definitely will not concede on the your other points and neither am I complacent enough to let it lie. There is far too much medical and anecdotal evidence which attest to the dangers of erect bending and erect exercises in general.

“I’m not advocating nor recommending erect exercises, nor am I denouncing them as worthless and dangerous.”

So, you don’t think they’re dangerous? Get a clue, they are very dangerous! Even your own research categorically states this. Why do you now refuse to accept the findings of this research? Do you now have reputable alternate research which refutes these findings?

“We disagree whether carefully manually bending an erect or near-erect dick is the equivalent of “trauma.” I don’t think it is, and you and Bib do.”

If you don’t have trauma, you wont get growth but too much trauma and you will get grief! I sincerely doubt that “careful manual bending” will do very much at all. One of the biggest problems with erect exercises is that you invariably don’t know you’ve done too much until it’s too late. You’re absolutely correct about Bib and I - both of us seen far too many guys injured as a result of erect exercises. I personally have no desire to see this pattern continue especially given that there are other much safer and more efficient alternatives.

“I understand the motivation to stick with techniques that are time-tested, and the reluctance to plant ideas in people’s minds that may inspire the reckless to get into trouble faster than they will eventually anyway.”

I think you’re under a misapprehension that erect exercises are something new which hasn’t been tested before. We hear about them regularly but unfortunately it’s usually in injury reports. To my knowledge, nobody has gained significantly from them alone but they do have a high injury rate.
Sure the reckless will get into trouble no matter what you do but the battle scars usually heal in a relatively short time. However, with erect exercises you run the very real risk of sustaining an injury that will change your life forever.

Hobby, it’s your penis, you do as you wish with it. And don’t bother about that beer - I’ll come over and buy you one instead. Who knows, if this goes wrong, you may well need a shoulder to cry on …… and a loan to pay the urologist! ;)

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

guys, guys, guys......


“Since experimentation with erect bending is covered on another forum, and doesn’t seem welcome here, I’m willing to just drop the subject. “

I wouldn’t. ok the debate is maybe getting heated but that’s just due to strong feeling.

i myself have decided to throw in the erect bending. At least until i see it shown to be safe. I thrombosed a vein which put me out for nearly 5 months. How? an erect exercise. And when i think through the amount of people i have read of who injured themselves it was mostly from erect exercises.

i am not saying you shouldn’t do it, just that 5 months is a long time in this world and i refuse to do something so stupid again.

In my (revised) opinion if you are gaining doing what you are doing then leave it.

If it ain’t broke, don’t break it.

See Ya,


Ok, if you don’t want to just let this rest…

I think you're under a misapprehension that erect exercises are something new which hasn't been tested before. We hear about them regularly but unfortunately it's usually in injury reports. To my knowledge, nobody has gained significantly from them alone but they do have a high injury rate.

Erect exercises aren’t new, yet there are few if any reports of severe damage attributed to them. Hmm.

It is your turn to do some research. I’ve read about the same injuries you have - injuries from jelqing, squeezing, manual stretching, hanging, etc. Show me where erect exercises, however you wish to define them, have a higher injury rate, or cause more serious injuries, than non-erect exercises. Produce some evidence. If examples are in short supply, as I know they are, at least give one instance of a doctor who is familiar with PE claiming erect exercises are non-productive and/or too dangerous to pursue. Not that I’d necessarily believe one doctor, but one on your side may add at least a little credence to your warning.

Make mine a Guinness Stout ;)

I also agree that the subject should not be dropped. As eluded to by an earlier post, there is quite a discussion on the same topic on another forum. I belong to that paysite which was mentioned above, and the erect exercises aren’t bends- but rather pulls. Even if the debate gets heated it is worthwhile for all to learn from, just because the fire is turned up a bit is not a reason to drop the discussion- brainstorming ideas is the only way we all learn :)

Hi lil12big1,

I just have to give my thoughts about this subject.

If you don’t have trauma, you wont get growth but too much trauma and you will get grief!

Pan—-Yupp, find the rigtht level and you get a healthier
bigger dick. Exactly the same goes for “traditional” semi erect exercises.

I sincerely doubt that “careful manual bending” will do very much at all. One of the biggest problems with erect exercises is that you invariably don’t know you’ve done too much until it’s too late.

Pan—Exactly the same applies to other exercises.

You’re absolutely correct about Bib and I - both of us seen far too many guys injured as a result of erect exercises.

Pan—-I have read about more people that being injured by “standard” exercises, overdoing with that also is dangerous business.

I personally have no desire to see this pattern continue especially given that there are other much safer and more efficient alternatives.

Pan—For me there are no more efficient alternatives than heavy duty squeezes and bending. Actually jelqing gives NOTHING but nubness and fluid buildup to me.

I think you’re under a misapprehension that erect exercises are something new which hasn’t been tested before. We hear about them regularly but unfortunately it’s usually in injury reports.

Pan—I have talked with/read about many of guys doing erect or 85-95% erect exercises, most big gainers due to that.
Only read about one being injured, and that was a guy recently at this board who has been injured before and obviously is in bad tune with his body. (no offense pal)

To my knowledge, nobody has gained significantly from them alone but they do have a high injury rate.

Pan—1.5-2” L x 1” G mostly these kind of exercises. Only injury I got was a very sore vein that got a kind of hard knot in it, impossible to PE and it took several weeks for it to go away by assistance of gentle massage—- it came from JELQING/STRETCHING not erect.

Pan—- Is it easier to dammage the dick with erect exercises?, probably if you want to, but working your way up during months/years is safe IMO.

My dick feels a lot better on erect(80-95%) exercises than on 75% jelqing. I loose some sensitiveness when jelqing due to the extreme rubbing of the surface of the dick (“overworking” the nerves both in the skin and deeper into the dick) , this effects my erections in a negative way. On erect exercising (mainly) I keep my sensitiveness and even get more of it, makes for better erections and more pleasure.

Is it posssible to get seriously dammaged by athletic sports???
You bet, I know for sure…
Is it possible to use the brain and instead build up the body to get stronger, more flexible and to get better stamina???
Yes, you bet I know for sure…

The same applies to PE no matter if you work with 60% or 90% erection, bend it,, pump it, stretch it, squeeze or whatever.

The main thing is to begin careful with low force and be patience and then gradualy increase the force of the exercise, but that goes for any PE.

And also you give false facts about peole on the other board to deffend your opinion, no good. The way I read your word you were practically calling us advocates of heavy duty, liars.

IMO you should be a little more openminded.
By the way try the Pansqueeze, it´s possible to pop your dick like a pimple, but done right it gives you nice girth gains that few other exercises is capable of.

Best regards



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