Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Need some advice on my routine

i agree with 2in2002

i think all we’re doing now is saying “yes it is” , “no it isn’t” etc etc

so maybe we should just agree to disagree and see where this takes us. We have some people doing it and plenty who are not - so i suppose in the next few weeks we’ll know whether it actually gives good gains or not.

At this point it is then up to the individual, who should be aware of the dangers to either go ahead or leave them out.

the way i see it after “re-gaining what was lost” gains i don’t reckon you can gain much more than 1/16th of an inch a week anyway so if you are gaining this or close to this there isn’t much more you could get anyway.

just my thoughts……..

See Ya,


I hate to see a wounded animal suffering and I don’t enjoy putting it out of it’s misery. Fortunately, for me, this one was DOA.

Pan—I don´t know what you mean, do you suffer? and what is DOA?

So Pan, you’ve been PEing for 10 years ….. but you can’t remember whether you actually measured yourself at the start or, if you did, you’ve forgotten.

Pan—I idn´t begun to “PE” I just started to stretch it because it felt good. I measured, yes, sometime way back, probably several times, but I do not remember when and exact measurments.
Must I remember that to be accepted on this board?
I remember saying to a couple of friends when we discussed penissize that I was 16cm, and I had been doing erect morningwood stretches before that and gained some.
I dont even remember if it was 10 or 12 years back, does that matter much to you?

You “think” you might have been about 6” at 18-20. Hmmm …….. Pan, that’s not very reliable information.

Pan—Does it matter if I was 18 or 20 years old, now I´m 33?
Also does it matter if I was 20 or 22 when I gained my first 1/2” or so?

And added to this you say “I also dont keep a track, I know when something works anyway.”

Pan—- I dont wright down week to week. I KNOW I was at or below 18cm x 13 cm october/november 2000, that I REMEMBER and also wrote down. I also know I´m 20.5cm x 15.2cm today.
I remember my dick was 4cm wide 6-7 years ago now it´s 5.2cm.
Back in the oct/nov 2000 my dick was 4.3cm.
I measured my dick the first days of agust this year, girth was 14.5cm and that it had been half year back at least. Now I´m 15.2cm girth after a week rest. Well, seems that august was a good month for me dont you think? I “gained” 0.27” (7mm)in girth in the first TWO weeks of august, then it was down at 14.8cm some rest days. Then after two weeks more, at the end of august I´m 15.2cm.
I dont know why you questioning my gains and want “proof”.
My gains are just exactly as real as yours EVEN if I not take pictures of my dick next to a ruler and show it to the hole world.

I see ………thank you Pan, we’ve got your number and can you close the door on the way out.

Pan—Your such a great guy, humble and all.

BTW, for all the people who want to know who the guy was who claimed 3/4” growth in less than a week click here.

Pan—-The discusion was about the CURRENT discusion on the other board. The guy YOU refer to wasn´t even participating in that one as far as I know, that explains the confusion and upset feelings among us over there. The post you refer to was back in April.
And by the way, what if his gains ARE for real, maybe it wasn´t permanent.
Hell, I gained 1/2” L x 1/2” G in three weeks PERMANENT in november 2000. That gain was there as fast as a week or so but got cemented in week three. One could argue that it wasnt true growth, but rather expanding the flexible parts. But none the less my dick was bigger than it was three weeks back.



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