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Looking for advice regarding my routine

Looking for advice regarding my routine

I started off with using an extender only, and it’s working. I have gained with it, and most definitely still doing so. I’m planning to add manual stretching exercises and / or jelqing to my routine - the reason why I haven’t done it yet is that I just have a lot on the table right now, I find it uncomfortable to effectively do those exercises when I’m basically on the run for most of the day, while I can easily use my extender while at the computer.

I still have goals to complete in length, but as I get a bit closer to them I’d like to start working girth too - and working it hard. Let me mention I always put safety in first place.

So my plan is to keep on using the extender only for one more month, then (if I can’t start it earlier) start jelqing. I have good experience with jelqing from the past, so that won’t be a problem. Then I’ll do these two things (possibly some manual stretching too) for another month, and then start clamping.

Now my question is, how should I set up my routine? This is how my daily PE currently looks; 1-3 hours in the morning / 3-7 hours in the afternoon / 2-4 hours at night. The numbers vary on how busy my day is, but usually I have at least six hours to play with and right now I’m using all this time to wear an extender. What I’m not sure about is, when I add clamping in two months, should I separate the days for the extender and clamping or I should just focus on clamping as much as possible (as by that time I’ll have girth in priority big time) and only use the extender when can’t do clamping or fatigued?

As for clamping I’ll stick to the 10 minute rule, but I’m pretty sure I won’t have trouble doing these sets for longer periods of time (even hours) as I did some stuff like this in the past - when I was young and didn’t know about PE yet.

I think you should go on doing whatever is giving gains since when they stop - in this specific case, you should ponder doing some jelqs anyway if you notice the extender is lowering your EQ.

When gains stop, time to do something else, but why necessarily clamping? If you can gain with less intense exercises, do them first.

Clamping and extender don’t mix well, generally speaking. Of course any rule has exceptions.

I think you should go on doing whatever is giving gains since when they stop - in this specific case, you should ponder doing some jelqs anyway if you notice the extender is lowering your EQ.

I should be able to reach what I want with the extender in the next one or two months, after that I’ll only use it with the mindset of “any more length gains won’t hurt” but have focus on girth training. As for EQ, I had minor problems with it in the first few weeks of wearing the extender, but by now I got used to it and I don’t experience any issues.

When gains stop, time to do something else, but why necessarily clamping? If you can gain with less intense exercises, do them first.

I know any gains should be considered as significant, but my girth gains have been really minor. The reason why I’m sympathizing with clamping is that from what I’ve read on this site it can provide good results when done correctly (both technique and time-wise) and I can do it while on the computer or so- and as I’ve said I have some experience with it, although not with doing it in a controlled way, but let’s just say I’ve spent enough time clamped.

Clamping and extender don’t mix well, generally speaking. Of course any rule has exceptions.

I’m sticking with the extender for the exact thing you started your post with; as long as it’s giving me gains, I don’t want to stop. But once I’ve reached my goal, I’ll replace some of the time in the extender for girth work, and for that clamping seems the best way for me (it’s really important for me to be able to multitask while doing these). I can see them not mixing really well, but I’ll try to succeed with these, I’m just unsure about the hows- regarding the time spent on each of them daily (or if I should just do them on different days).

Multitask while clamped? I doubt is feasible or that it is a good idea. When starting, 1 on/ 1 off for 3 sets of 5 minutes each is a good schedule. More advices on clamping here:
Clamping 101 - The clamping guide
CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Look that girth gains through clamping tend to be less stable than girth gains through jelqing.

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