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CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know


There seems to be a lot of questions about clamping here lately: To keep from repeating myself over and over in these threads and boring the vets to tears, I’ll put it all in this new thread. So newbies listen up.

First off if you ARE a newbie, you have no business clamping at all. These are very intense exercises and should only be attempted by those who have really toughened up the penile tissues to withstand the abuse. Also Aggressive clamping is not for those of you still hoping for significant ERECT length gains. The following exercises will probably slow BPEL gains, and might very well stop them all together. What the following routine will do is give you a big FAT dick that hangs heavy and looks great Flaccid. It will also give you erect girth. But erect length, I’m not so sure. To my knowledge only hanging, traction wrapping and the wearing of a nearly constant ADS will do that. That being said, here is what I know.

First off, a lot has been learned about these clamps since they have been discovered. Here are a couple things that, hasn’t been mentioned much. The shape of this clamp unique to PE In fact it is perfect. Some have complained in the past that round is better. So the clamp of choice in the past has been the hose clamp or some reasonable facsimile. Problems with the hose clamp are: one, they are hard to get off and on quickly. Two: The penis is NOT round, but kind of triangular, the dorsal side being somewhat broader than the bottom. In fact the partially closed CableClamp is almost exactly the same shape as an erect penis as viewed edge on. Thirdly: when the clamp is tightened all the way, with the screw pointing down, all of the squeezing force is applied to the tougher sides of the tunica. As we all know gripping the sides of the shaft is the only safe way to get a good grip. If the clamp is put on over the mag-wrap (which I highly suggest-minus the magnets- we’ll get to that in a minute) at the base of the shaft so the screw is on the bottom, the clamp will not put any force on the dorsal vein, the dorsal nerve bundle, or the soft spongy tissue underneath that protects the urethra.

The whole principal behind clamping is: exterior veins are clamped off while leaving the interior arteries open, so fresh oxygenated blood can be jelqed in, but the outgoing blood flow is blocked completely until the clamp is released. Always place the clamp so the screw is down and the quick release thumb-latch is next to your thumb. Place the thumb-latch to the right if you are right handed. You want to be able to pop that sucker quick in case of trouble:

TROUBLE: Numbness, tingling, black skin (Unless of course your dick came in that color) or ten minutes: whichever comes first. Never stay clamped longer than ten minutes, or until tingling begins. DON’T WAIT FOR TINGLING. Tingling is a bad thing. Tingling is the oxygen starved cells crying out for fresh blood. Give it to them. Pop the clamp; squeeze all that stale blood out (Horse 440) and jelq in fresh oxygen rich blood until your glands are once again a healthy pink. (For all dark skinned guys don’t rely on color, but feeling and an egg timer) For white guys color is a good reference point: Dark purple is okay, black is NOT, release and squeeze.

Now about this mag-wrap: The Homedics TheraP Magnetic Wrist Wrap is a must. Buy two, remove the magnets from one. Both the wrap and the clamps can be purchased at Wal-Mart’s. Get an egg timer while you are there.

Because it is easy to multi-task while clamped, it is also easy to forget about time. You’ll be running around the house doing things and forget all about the black, swollen member between you legs gasping for release. SET AN EGG TIMER. They cost $3.00 and should be used for all PE, hanging, pumping X-Ulis.

By removing the magnets from the wrap it works perfectly under the clamps. The neoprene keeps in body heat. I Clamp in the hot tub and cool down while clamped in the pool. (Experimental, don’t try this) Keep the other wrap in tact for traction wrapping after PE. The magnets increase blood flow and quicken healing. I sleep in one. (Also not recommended) When not wearing the wrap, I wear the lead PE weights, all the time. Monty keeps making them bigger for me and now the biggest rings I can only wear by stripping off the rubber coating. (Again not advised)

But for the wrap you use for your Ulis, cut a tiny slit over the magnets with a razor blade, they pop out easily. Stick them to your refrigerator to hold notes:

The beauty of clamping is it can be done just about anywhere you can get a boner. You’re at work: Go to the restroom. Once in then stall stimulate yourself to an erection, wrap, clamp, go back to work. Wear baggie pants, preferably with a shirt-tail out. (Jeans are not advisable. Unless you want to impress co-workers) Ten minutes later go back to the can and pop it off. You go to lunch: you can get in two, maybe three sets. I know not every has the freedom to do this. But for those who do it is a very easy way to get fast girth, cheap. If you read the history on Uli, you’ll find he clamped continuously, back even before CableClamps were around. From what I understand the man had a dick as big around as most men’s wrists. I do all forms of PE but mostly I CLAMP.

Lately I’ve been experimenting with edging and ballooning whilst in the clamps. My goal is to eventually be able to use that big one that comes in the pack that no one’s been able to find a use for.

Don’t hurt yourself guys

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 04-24-2005 at .

Thank you BG.


I’ve been doing 20 minute clamp sets for almost a year now, so I wouldn’t consider going 10 minutes a rule rather a starting guideline

Originally Posted by juke
I’ve been doing 20 minute clamp sets for almost a year now, so I wouldn’t consider going 10 minutes a rule rather a starting guideline

Wow: 20 minutes. I’m impressed. I have always subscribed to Bib’s 10 minute guideline for safety mostly, but also because 10 minutes is about all I can stand. If I go longer I’m throbbing, tingling and in a fair mount of discomfort. It probably has a lot to do with the thickness of your wrap and your engorged girth. I use three clamps because three is just about the width of the wrap, and you want to clamp as close to the base as possible to prevent the baseball bat effect. But by the ten minute mark I’m looking kind of like old Mandingo in color and girth, minus about 5” in length :0 We know tissue death sets in just after 20 minutes, so I guess it would be safe at least theoretically, to clamp that long, but I can’t do it.

juke. Let me ask you this: Have you experienced any negative results from clamping 20 minute sets, such as numbness, loss of sensation or dick exploding into fragments?


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Let me ask you this: Have you experienced any negative results from clamping 20 minute sets, such as numbness, loss of sensation or dick exploding into fragments?

He he he. Actually, I think RedZulu over at MOS says he’s done a 60 minute session before. He’s been doing this forever though.

This is very good BG.

Something else to look for under the trouble heading: the big danger of clamping, and the reason newbies should not do it, is the threat of thrombosis.

Your veins will become more prominent while clamping, but they should remain relatively soft to the touch. If any hint of hardness appears anywhere, stop for the day, right away. Do not clamp again until the hard spot disappears completely. It may take hours, or it may take weeks, but don’t mess with it. It’s hard to tell if a blood vessel is getting too hard when you have the clamp on, which is another good reason to not leave it on any longer than 10 minutes. Between each clamp session, jelq your dick and and feel for any bumps or stiffening veins. Again, if you feel any, stop. Your dick isn’t going to get any bigger if you’re nursing an injury for a few months.

Thank you very much for that. Iv been clamping on/off for a few months I think anyway and love it but iv printed that out because it was very good.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Wow: 20 minutes. I’m impressed. I have always subscribed to Bib’s 10 minute guideline for safety mostly, but also because 10 minutes is about all I can stand. If I go longer I’m throbbing, tingling and in a fair mount of discomfort. It probably has a lot to do with the thickness of your wrap and your engorged girth. I use three clamps because three is just about the width of the wrap, and you want to clamp as close to the base as possible to prevent the baseball bat effect. But by the ten minute mark I’m looking kind of like old Mandingo in color and girth, minus about 5” in length :0 We know tissue death sets in just after 20 minutes, so I guess it would be safe at least theoretically, to clamp that long, but I can’t do it.

juke. Let me ask you this: Have you experienced any negative results from clamping 20 minute sets, such as numbness, loss of sensation or dick exploding into fragments?


It’s just conditioning. There’ve been times where I’ve gotten bad discoloration, but now I can honestly do as much clamping as I please without any problems. I’ve noticed no long term desensitization or discoloration. I gradually stepped up the clamp time 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes. Trying 25 minutes a long time ago I started noticing numbness, so I just stuck with 20 minutes. You will get much better expansion with longer set times, but then you are taking a risk. Nothing good comes without a price…

If I do longer sets, I use less tightness in the clamp and vice versa. However, I always had the best luck in terms of pump, lack of fluid buildup, and lack of permanent discoloration at around the 8-10 minute per set mark.

Thanks Ike:

I’m glad you mentioned thrombosis. This can occur with clamping because we get pretty rough with veins. If any of you experience this I suggest you put away the clamps and see you doctor. My urologist is a very attractive lady. She gets very inquisitive when checking out all my little PE injuries. I enjoy this more than I can say.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Do you guys have the problem of losing your erection while clamped? Does this mean I am not clamped tightly enough? I love clamping but sometimes do not stay hard for the whole ten minutes.

I might add to this thread also that clamping under IR light is great.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

I can’t stay completely erect while I have it on. Maybe I could if I could tighten it enough when I have a 110% erection but that hurts too much. I tighten it all the way while about 90% erect, the erection subsides a little to quite a bit after 10 minutes. However I am doing gentle squeezes at the same time so maybe that could have something to do with it.


Hey Big Girtha, I was just wondering if you thought there were any benefits to clamping before hanging? You said earlier that clamping works the tunica, so do you think that it would be beneficial to clamp before hanging SO or OTS?


That is the beauty of clamping. This is why we can multi-task and clamp almost anywhere. Even the legendary Bib talked about this. You need to be erect to get a good engorgement, but once fully engorged and clamped off the erection can subside but the engorgement will not. I know it seems like it should, and you will feel less pressure but it doesn’t subside Measure it for yourself. Whether your dick is hard or not, the engorgement will continue to swell so that toward the end of the 10 minute set even though you are no longer hard the engorged upper shaft and glands will actually be fatter than they were while you were hard at the beginning of the set, much fatter. In my case almost 1/4” or as much as 1/2” thicker girth after the third set. This huge post session girth is false girth, swelling, actually. But it seems logical to me that even this false girth will eventually become permanent. So, unless you are doing the edging/ballooning /X-Ulis bit, there is no need to stay hard. Also it is a little easier to get through the 10 minutes if you erection does subside a little. Just make sure you have trapped a good engorgement before it does

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 04-25-2005 at .
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