Clamping not for the faint of heart
Just figured I’d post as a word of caution to all those considering adding clamping to their routine. I have developed a thrombosed vein on the top side of my shaft. It is bad at all, it just started showing up and is not sore at all. Got a little carried away with the clamping sessions for the past week and I believe that brought it on.
Yes, clamping is very effective. Yes, clamping is very extreme. Yes, you can get hurt easily if you don’t know what you are doing.
Am I going to stop clamping. Hell no, because I am an idiot. Will I advise others to start clamping anymore, no I will not. If you decide to start on your own I will add my two cents, but it will no longer be a part of recommendation list. Hope this information helps someone. Take it for what it’s worth.
Be careful guys. Playing with your manly-hood is no laughing matter. (Well unless you are in the Crapper :spy: ) Which reminds me, I have to go check in on my man Roussie. :blue: