Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thrombosed Veins

Thrombosed Veins

Thrombosed veins typically happen when a newbie to PE is overanxious for the "quick results" and pushes beyond his limits. Overstressing veins can cause blood clots to form within them. Doctors have a fancy, technical-sounding name for everything. Thrombosis is Medicalese for clotted vein.

Members have described thrombosed veins as feeling similar to a squiggly guitar string or a tiny rubber band buried in the skin, though sometimes the clot is a hard, round bump or series of bumps. Occasionally there is mild, stinging pain and/or localized minor skin swelling at the site.

The best way to help fix this problem is to take some time away from PE and let it heal. Healing time varies from a couple weeks to several months. Regular use of hot wraps will aid circulation. Aspirin or ibuprofen may help.

Much has been written in these forums about thrombosed veins. You can find more threads using the search button located in the upper right.

Some Previous Threads
Thrombosed vein….
Damage to penis…
Hard vein….
I don’t feel so good…
One for the medics…..
Who the hell knows what the hell this is ?

Last edited by hobby : 02-10-2003 at .

To: Boardlurker

<Members have described thrombosed veins as feeling similar to a squiggly guitar string or a tiny rubber band buried in the skin, though sometimes the clot is a hard, round bump or series of bumps.>

I think you’ve just put my mind at ease regarding a lump on my penis. See my posting at lump on Penis

I think it is a clot as I was not only doing heavy hanging but was using the cable clamp for girth work, causing tremendous pressure. But at least now I’m pretty sure it’s not cancer.

It ain't over till it's 10" (or 12 ")

Is there a good way to prevent this? I mean do you think that warming up and doing certain light excerices and working up will acclimate the veins to the stretching and pressure so that they are conditioned and less likely to clot?

Currently this is what I have: I have 2 different ones. One is right around the head and is a big donuted like vein that is big, squishy and lumpy and looks like a serious of bumps or pearls. The other one is a thing very hard vein along the top running from the base to the middle top shaft.

I believe I got mine from doing intense erect twisting work after a long layoff. I am just not going to touch it at all for a month or so.

>Is there a good way to prevent this?

Yes know your limits and don’t push beyond them. I guess you already discovered that.

Warm wraps increase elasticity so they should help. Starting a routine gradually should help too.

I have the same problem,a couple of clotted veins.
One is the dorsal vein in the middle i think,and the other is a very small vein on the left side.
There is pearl like areas on the dorsal vein…

I took some aspirine 3x2/ed.I am on the second day now and the clotting is already healed a bit.
The pearly feeling is almost gone and i think blood flow is better now.

I started to take some L-arginine also,and after it starts to kick i think the clotted veins are healing fast.

I’m off PE now for a couple of weeks,and continue when the clotted veins are fully healed.
I have to start with a newbie program and take it easy next time.

So now its a good chance to see if my gains are permanent.I gained 1” in BPEL in just 2 months.

I think I may have a slight thrombosed vein. It was during a girth session when I felt the vein get somewhat stiff, so I took it light for the remainder of the time. Now all I can feel is a very slight stiffness. I tried to get a length session going, but I was aware of the vain. So I stretched my penis with very little tension. Then I press a bit hard with my finger and it sort of does feel kind of like a rubber band. I had to press with decent pressure to feel it. Does this sound like thrombosed vein?

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Anybody? Well the symptoms, if that’s what they’d be called, have lessened over these past two days. But there continues to be a very slight stiffness in a vein.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Originally Posted by Gardenier90
Anybody? Well the symptoms, if that’s what they’d be called, have lessened over these past two days. But there continues to be a very slight stiffness in a vein.

Hi Gardenier.
This is truly a weird thing,those veins.I have had this stiff vein almost two months.

Since i noticed the pearl like things on the vein,near the shaft i got concerned.
I started taking some aspirin,and was of PE for a week.
Now its better,and the pearly area has turned into smaller particles and spread on a bigger area.
Its almost gone now.I do some light jelqing and warm massage.

I take L-arginine,I’m sure it helps it heal faster.

After i started taking aspirin i pressed lightly on the little pearl like thing,and i could feel it pop.
Then i rubbed gently on it and it was gone.
After this it occurred a few times,but it popped easier and it was smaller.

The veins are now stiff only when i`m erect/semi erect.

I think i got the injury from squeezing and holding too long.

Good luck with PE.

Thanks man I think I’ll do the same.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Have experienced these squiggly hard rubber-band veins too. From my experience they are primarily due to excessive pressure on what I assume are valves in the veins. I have come to believe this for three reasons.

1. I only ever get them when I am jelqing at full or close to full erection AND my jelq grip is tight and starts as close to the body as I can get it.

2. A good massage between thumb and forefinger of the affected vein has made it go away within seconds, minutes or maybe a couple of days.

3. I never experienced them when I tried a pump even at some stupid pressures, probably because the pressure of the cylinder around the full circumference of the base prevented expansion.

Once I had one running up the whole length of my unit. Kept jelqing as described above and eventually it ran around the circumference just under the glans as well. Bit sensitive but looked gnarly, soft and hard. Got rid of all of it in a matter of minutes by massaging the thickened vein as close to my body as I could follow it. Kinda missed it when it went away but knew it did nothing to help my long-term gains. Now I leave applying strong pressure to my jelq grip until it’s about an inch from my body.

A thrombosis is solidified blood so its very hard.

Have you confirmed that these are happening at valve points by preventing blood flow further back the vein and then flattening it out to see how far backflow goes?


The rubber-band veins I got were hard too. And kinda sensitive too. I could roll them around and if I squeezed them they were unyielding but they would respond to aggressive massage, sometimes very quickly.

I’m no expert on penile physiology but I noticed they would most often start toward the base and then enlarge along the length of the vein going up towards the glans. Since this would happen in combination with the extreme jelqing I referred to in the post above I assumed there were valves at various places in the vein. By massaging the vein where it was closest to my body I was able to get rid of them. I did find however that they took longer to get rid of when they were deep at the base and required much stronger massage. I tried what you mentioned re. flattening the vein but this didn’t seem to change the rubber-band effect and I couldn’t see any backflow like you would on the veins on your hand.

Going by the above descriptions I have a thrombosed vein too starting at the base and running 2/3 the way up the shaft and then round the penis. It is a big vein and very hard with some bumps on.

I have had it for over a week now and either got it from clamping or pumping which I have now stopped.
Do I need to stop hanging also?

I am taking 75mg of Asprin and applying hot and then cold water a few times a day and have just started massaging the vein.
The thing is I am not sure if the thrombosis starts before the base of the Penis back inside my body?

I’ve been doing manual PE for about 3 weeks now and have a thrombosed vein on the side of my penis that is about 3/4” long. The real funny thing is it is only noticeable during a semi-erect state. The vein completely disappears while flacid and totally erect. I plan on doing the asprin therapy, do hot wraps and lay off the PE for a couple of weeks to see if it helps.

Although stopping is probably the best course to take, Ireally hate the idea. What I’m not sure of is what I should change when I start back. Since I’ve been following the Newbie routine, could it be I am just gripping too hard? When jelqin I start at the base.

Thanks for any ideas on this.

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