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Several thrombosed veins


Several thrombosed veins

Good day lads

How have you been. Haven’t been around for a while due to thombosed veins. Couple of my veins thrombosed a small 8 months ago. I havent been PE’ing since. I tried to massage the veins, they decreased in seize but still are noticable.

I really would like to start PE’ing again because my size decreased during this non active time. But these veins seem to stay thrombosed. Can somebody give me tips ? Can I just start PE’ ing again ?

Thanks in advance


- By 16th Jan 2006 - 5.6" x 5.5"

- By 5th June 2010 - 8.3" x 6.5"

Originally Posted by Scarto
I tried to massage the veins, they decreased in seize but still are noticable.

If the veins are simply larger than they were before PE, then that’s considered normal and nothing else need be done.

Thrombosed penile veins are rather rare. There are four conditions that generally need to be met for a vein to be considered thrombosed. It is usually hard to the touch, the skin over it is red, it feels warmer than the rest of the skin, and it’s painful to touch. Truly thrombosed veins do not stay that way for eight months.

I am doing PE for a while now and I am absolutely positive they are thrombosed.

I have a picture for you:

(6.0 KB, 242 views)

- By 16th Jan 2006 - 5.6" x 5.5"

- By 5th June 2010 - 8.3" x 6.5"

Originally Posted by westla90069
Thrombosed penile veins are rather rare. There are four conditions that generally need to be met for a vein to be considered thrombosed. It is usually hard to the touch, the skin over it is red, it feels warmer than the rest of the skin, and it’s painful to touch. Truly thrombosed veins do not stay that way for eight months.

I keep hearing different definitions of what the symptoms of a thrombosed vein are. westla, what would you call a hard, wire-like string close the the surface, that runs from the base to about mid-shaft in a straight line, with small nodules or lumps in it, but NOT painful, or warmer, or red? Because that’s what I have, and at first I thought it was a lymphatic issue, but recently I’ve been given to believe it is a “classic thrombosed vein.” I guess ultimately it doesn’t matter, but I really would like to know what this is. I think my symptoms are pretty “classic” but the jury still seems to be out on whether it’s a vein issue or a lymphatic issue. Where do you fall on this?

Originally Posted by Scarto

I am doing PE for a while now and I am absolutely positive they are thrombosed.

You can believe whatever you want to. The tiny red lines look normal to me. If you want to discontinue PE or take a longer break, that’s your decision. If you really have a concern, go see a urologist.

Originally Posted by cheeva
I keep hearing different definitions of what the symptoms of a thrombosed vein are.

Not from me. I say the same thing over and over. Look it up. Thromboses aren’t unique to the penis or men in this forum. A definition with a description of the symptoms should be an Internet click away.

westla, what would you call a hard, wire-like string close the the surface, that runs from the base to about mid-shaft in a straight line, with small nodules or lumps in it, but NOT painful, or warmer, or red? Because that’s what I have, and at first I thought it was a lymphatic issue, but recently I’ve been given to believe it is a “classic thrombosed vein.” I guess ultimately it doesn’t matter, but I really would like to know what this is. I think my symptoms are pretty “classic” but the jury still seems to be out on whether it’s a vein issue or a lymphatic issue. Where do you fall on this?

Lymph vessels can get clogged and feel hard so don’t rule out that possibility. I’m not a physician. I just pass on information as I find it and understand it. If it doesn’t hurt, isn’t inflamed, and isn’t hot, then your body seems to be dealing with it fairly well. As I suggested to Scarto, if you have a real concern, you should see a urologist.

Thanks westla. I’m not really concerned about it, and I’ve started back up with PE. Whatever it is seems to be fading. I’m just interested in knowing what’s going on with my dick (and my body in general.) I agree that my body seems to be dealing with it fairly well. I appreciate your perspective, thanks again.

Originally Posted by westla90069
You can believe whatever you want to. The tiny red lines look normal to me. If you want to discontinue PE or take a longer break, that’s your decision. If you really have a concern, go see a urologist.

They are not lines, but hard strings popping out of my penis and when I do touch, feel irritated. Do you believe that these are thrombosed? I would preciate help of people that are longer in the scene, like yourself. Also because I really want to get back to PE ing and I just have waited for so long but they wont dissapear.

Thanks in advance

- By 16th Jan 2006 - 5.6" x 5.5"

- By 5th June 2010 - 8.3" x 6.5"

No, I don’t believe they are thrombosed. They don’t look like anything serious to me. But, as I said, I’m not a doctor. Getting advice here, even from one of our physician members, is not of much use since you cannot be directly examined. See your own doctor if you have serious concerns.

For years I’ve had some blood vessels that get as tight and unresisting as quitar strings when I’m hard. I asked my doctor about them. He said they’re only as pumped up with blood as they can get. They are never painful to the touch, excessively warm, or inflamed.

Listen to westla and get yours checked out with your doc if you are concerned.



Originally Posted by westla90069
Thrombosed penile veins are rather rare. There are four conditions that generally need to be met for a vein to be considered thrombosed. It is usually hard to the touch, the skin over it is red, it feels warmer than the rest of the skin, and it’s painful to touch. Truly thrombosed veins do not stay that way for eight months.

westla what you describe are the symptoms of acute venous thrombosis. Any vessel anywhere that is exposed to trauma can become thrombosed (an accumulation of clotted blood within the lumen of the vessel). It is very true they are not unique to the penis. The bodies response to the clotted blood is to send in white blood cells and macrophages to break it down and "clean" it up. In this way a thrombosed vessel will attempt to heal itself over time (days to weeks) and recannulize (reopen). Not every thrombosed vessel will be successfully reopen. Those do not recannulate will remain as wire-like structures under the skin which represent the fused reminants of the old vessel wall. In the penis, they will be more noticiable when the penis elongates and puts tension on the remnant. The wire-like structure running from mid penis to the base that cheeva describes is in the distribution of a normal penile superficial vein. I believe this is a chronic thrombosed vessel that has healed without recannulizing.

Originally Posted by westla90069
Lymph vessels can get clogged and feel hard so don’t rule out that possibility. I’m not a physician. I just pass on information as I find it and understand it. If it doesn’t hurt, isn’t inflamed, and isn’t hot, then your body seems to be dealing with it fairly well. As I suggested to Scarto, if you have a real concern, you should see a urologist.

Obstruction of lymph channels is very uncommon and is associated with infection or inflammation. The fluid that flows within the lymph vessels, particularly from the periphery, like in the penis, is typically a transudate of blood plasma. I discussed this recently in a the following post:

Fluid Build Up/Anti-Turtle Sleeve/Misc.

If you surmise that this is a blocked lymph vessel you have to ask two questions: !). What would be blocking the vessel? Lymph vessels carry no blood so that they cannot clot like a vein. The fluid within a peripheral lymph vessel is nothing more than water, electrolytes and occasional proteins. Lymph vessel become blocked by infection and inflammation (the classic red streaks of lymphadenitis). So a wire-like structure in the absence of pain, inflammation or infection is not a blocked lymph vessel. 2). What is the distribution of the vessel? The major lymph vessel of any size draining the skin of the penis and foreskin travels next to the dorsal vein to the inguinal lymph nodes. The excess extracellular fluid that is not routinely reabsorbed by the capillaries will flow in the interstitial spaces within the skin towards minuscule lymph channels which will lead to to the lymph vessel running on the dorsal penis. There are no large lymph vessels running in the distribution that cheeva describes.
Ergo the structure he feels is most likely a chronic healed vein thrombosis.

Oh, by the way, I am a doctor.

Thanks for your input. You wouldn’t believe the diseases and disorders the guys around here believe they have once they start doing PE exercises routinely. Some think any change in the appearance of their penile veins means the vein is thrombosed. It’s a popular complaint. I’ve seen only one, perhaps two, photos submitted that might have shown a penis with an actual thrombosed vein. Usually the vein in question is simply enlarged and the skin irritated.

The first quote of mine (above) is from a response I gave to Scarto, who believes he had a couple thrombosed veins eight months ago. As you point out in your reply, the body attempts to correct a true thrombosis in “days to weeks,” and if it is not successful the vein becomes a wire-like remnant. At that point there’s nothing to be done to correct the situation or return the vein to a normal state. I was not clear in my reply to Scarto when I said the symptoms of an active thrombosis would not last for eight months. What I should have said was - if he had any thromboses they would have cleared up by this time, one way or another, and he should just move on and start PE again if he desired. I wasn’t addressing cheeva’s problem in that post so your mention of him in connection with my reply is a bit confusing.

“Lymph vessels carry no blood so that they cannot clot like a vein.” We had a discussion here at Thunder’s some time back, I’m not certain of the circumstances now, but it might have had something to do with vacuum pumping and extracellular fluid buildup (not the thread you recently replied to). There was talk of the possibility of clotted lymph vessels in connection with a penis in the pump for long periods and stagnant flow and a link to some web site was provided by a member in that regard. I recalled that discussion and that is why I said what I did in my reply to cheeva about the possibility of lymph vessels being blocked or clotted.

A Google search for “lymph clot” or “lymph coagulation” will bring up quite a number of pages. However, I felt you might prefer a more professional, albeit dated, reference regarding the ability of lymph to clot: http://jp.physo … eprint/122/1/33 . Additionally, here’s a reply to an online “ask the doctor” site that involves clotted lymph vessels as a possible diagnosis: .

“The major lymph vessel of any size draining the skin of the penis and foreskin travels next to the dorsal vein to the inguinal lymph nodes… There are no large lymph vessels running in the distribution that cheeva describes.” cheeva was actually somewhat vague in his description of his problem: “…hard, wire-like string close the the surface, that runs from the base to about mid-shaft in a straight line, with small nodules or lumps in it…” He didn’t actually provide a distribution or location on his penis (ventral, dorsal, lateral), but did say he felt, at first, that it might be a lymph vessel. Thus my reply was geared toward that end rather than toward a vein problem.

However, as I’ve said many times, I’m not a physician and cannot make a diagnosis. You, however, are so a thrombosed vein it is.

I have a question about the appearance of thrombosed veins in the flaccid penis.

Could it be that healthy veins after an erection come back to their normal diameter, and those damaged veins stay very prominent even when the penis shrinks?

I see so many members talking about their thrombosed veins and showing pics of their erect penis.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Thunder-cheeva described his vessel in a PM to me as wire-like and straight when he extended his penis or was erect. Most small veins in the penis will be straighten when pulled taute.

kinxxxsize-True chronically thrombosed vessels that don’t recannulate are not prominent in either the flaccid or erect state and therefore will not be visable in a picture. (You might have a faint appearance if it is pulled tight over a cavernosa by a strong erection, but not much else). There are no residual overlying skin changes. It is felt when taute because as a fused strucure without its vessel core, it is not as elastic and distensible as normal veins of caparable size. This gives its guitar string feel. You’d be hard pressed to find it in a flaccid penis when not stretched. Let’s put it this way, they are not disfiguring and do not cause permanent disability.

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