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Thrombosed Veins keep coming back

Thrombosed Veins keep coming back

I stopped using PE for several months due to thrombosed veins and lack of time. I tried starting again, but only about 5 sessions I started seeing thrombosed veins again so I had to stop. They’ve gone now, but what extra steps can I take to prevent this problem from coming back?

Please describe these “thrombosed veins.” So many guys here have the wrong idea about this condition. If your normal veins are getting fat and more prominent that’s normal and they are not thrombosed.

ONCE AGAIN: Thrombosed veins are HOT, RED, HARD AND PAINFUL. If you do not have these symptoms, you do not have a thrombosed vein.

If you have one of those taut, “guitar string” vessels, don’t worry about it if it is not as westla describes above.



I think I do have the wrong idea. The veins are not hot, red, hard, or painful. I don’t know what the term is for this area, but it starts right before the middle area between the shaft and the head. As soon as I pull down the foreskin a little bit I can see it. Its about a quarter of an inch long, and 1/6th of an inch wide. It feels slightly harder than the normal flacid area, but its definitely not painful or anything.

Do you think it is a lymph vessel? I did a search and saw read through a lot of threads on it, but had trouble figuring out any real information about how to tell if that is what I have or how to get rid of it.

Why get rid of it? Look at it as an area that is providing just a little more stimulation to your sex partner.

There are often blips and protuberances on penile arteries and veins.

I just looked at the inside of my wrist. I have a couple of what you describe there as well.



Originally Posted by avocet8
Why get rid of it? Look at it as an area that is providing just a little more stimulation to your sex partner.

There are often blips and protuberances on penile arteries and veins.

I just looked at the inside of my wrist. I have a couple of what you describe there as well.

So then its not a problem that it gets larger when I do PE excercises? I don’t have a partner yet, but if these expercises work I’ll have more confidence when it comes to finding one.

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