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Fluid Build Up/Anti-Turtle Sleeve/Misc.

Fluid Build Up/Anti-Turtle Sleeve/Misc.

Hello All,

So I have been experimenting with my new VacExtender. A part broke and am awaiting a new one, so I have been mainly concentrating on mastering the ADS version that is included. Everything is going smoothly, I do however notice that the Vac Head piece hurts on particular sides of my glans. It feels like a pinch, but there is no slack on the sleeve that is causing this. My veins under my glans have become very noticeable, is this anything to worry about? Almost bruised in a sense but I cannot be sure, anyone else notice these signs? Another question I had was when using the ADS down the leg, what is a good trick to know how far to stretch the penis, I just want to make sure I am not doing anything wrong. The other question I had is in regards to the Anti-Turtle Sleeve, I have been using it all the time when not using the ADS/Stretches/Jelqs. It is very long and covers my flaccid over and then some, so I just roll the remaining slack up until the glans and it sits there pretty nicely. I am not using the extra yellow head piece that it came with, is there anything wrong with this? I read that its purpose is to keep the sleeve from falling off, but it hasn’t yet. So any insight on my concerns would be much appreciated! I’m loving this new addition to my PE routine.


P.S. I almost forgot the main purpose to this post. What is Fluid Build up? I hear about it talked a lot and just haven’t been able to exactly comprehend what it is. I saw some pictures with blisters and such, is this what they are talking about? Or does it have to do with the circulation with the veins? (Still getting all my newbie questions out of the way after two years!)

Fluid build-up is lymph fluid. It’s the fluid in your body that causes swelling. If you have fluid build-up, you’ll notice swelling of a certain area, most commonly seen in the area between your glans and your circumcision scar. Sometimes with the vac-ads the tip of the glans will have some fluid build-up if too much force is used.

I can’t comment on the anti-turtle sleeve since I don’t have one. I do however have a vac-extender/ads. I used to get that pinched feeling on certain parts of my glans as well. What I learned to do is as I begin to stretch I will squeeze the area just below the head piece where skin can get caught between the head piece and the silicone sleeve. That solved it for me.

As far as how much force to use in ads mode. You want to feel a gentle tug. You will be able to wear it a lot longer that way than if you actually use force as in stretching or extender mode. As an extender I put as much force as I can stand for one hour. As an ADS, I just want it to gently pull to keep the tissues from drawing back.

I hope this helps.

Do the Bump.

Fluid build up resulting from any vacuum generating mechanism (pumping or a vacuum headpiece) is a result of the alteration of the diffusion equilibrium between the inside the blood vessels and the tissues that surround it. Under normal circumstances there is a balance between hydrostatic (pressure inside and out) and oncotic (created by protein differences inside and outside the vessel) pressures. This balance maintains the low fluid state in these spaces outside of the blood vessels (interstitial spaces). When the negative pressure generated by the vacuum decreases the pressure in these spaces, the relative pressure difference between the blood and the spaces (with the blood vessel being higher) causes fluid to leak. This fluid is a transudate meaning that it contains only the fluid portion of blood not the blood cells or blood proteins. The fluid build up elevates the skin. This is not lymph fluid, it does not come from the lymph system. It is more correctly called edema fluid. Over a very short period this fluid disperses throughout the interstitial spaces of the penis. For the most part, this excess fluid will be absorbed back into the blood vessels because of the high protein concentration of the blood relative to the interstitial space draws the fluid back. Any excessive fluid that is not reabsorbed will drain via the inguinal lymph nodes. From a physiologic stand point lymph fluid (a whitish liquid) is what drains into the blood stream through the thoracic duct. It has a high protein and fat concentrations from other sources like the GI tract. Just to be precise.


It’s not uncommon to see on any forum that discusses pumping to call it lymph. There is a big difference between your garden variety edema and lymph edema. Lymph edema is the actual accumulation of lymph fluid in the tissue. It causes a very hard swelling of the affected area (not like the squishy feeling of a fluid build up). Lymph edema is unfortunately seen frequently after mastectomy when the surgeon removes lymph nodes and lymph backs up into the arm. I don’t know too many guys who could pump so hard as to pull lymph fluid into the penis and not have their penis blow up first. I just thought I would help readers be more exact in their terminology. Hope you enjoyed my discussion.

I’m a physician and a physiologist by training. I’m addicted to PE. Join the site in April, just haven’t gotten around to posting. Glad to be on board.

Originally Posted by pudendum


It’s not uncommon to see on any forum that discusses pumping to call it lymph. There is a big difference between your garden variety edema and lymph edema. Lymph edema is the actual accumulation of lymph fluid in the tissue. It causes a very hard swelling of the affected area (not like the squishy feeling of a fluid build up). Lymph edema is unfortunately seen frequently after mastectomy when the surgeon removes lymph nodes and lymph backs up into the arm. I don’t know too many guys who could pump so hard as to pull lymph fluid into the penis and not have their penis blow up first. I just thought I would help readers be more exact in their terminology. Hope you enjoyed my discussion.

I suppose I have become so used to seeing the terminology used, I never bothered to correct it! I see lymph oedema (UK spelling) frequently in the ankles of heart bypass patients, when veins have been stripped from the lower extremities, for the same reasons as in mastectomy patients. When you press into the lymph oedema, it leaves an indentation which remains for some time, quite unlike the fluid buildup commonly experienced with PE.

Thanks for the very clear explanation pudendum.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

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You’re most welcome.

Last edited by pudendum : 11-18-2007 at . Reason: Spelling error

Originally Posted by pudendum
Fluid build up resulting from any vacuum generating mechanism (pumping or a vacuum headpiece) is a result of the alteration of the diffusion equilibrium between the inside the blood vessels and the tissues that surround it. Under normal circumstances there is a balance between hydrostatic (pressure inside and out) and oncotic (created by protein differences inside and outside the vessel) pressures. This balance maintains the low fluid state in these spaces outside of the blood vessels (interstitial spaces). When the negative pressure generated by the vacuum decreases the pressure in these spaces, the relative pressure difference between the blood and the spaces (with the blood vessel being higher) causes fluid to leak. This fluid is a transudate meaning that it contains only the fluid portion of blood not the blood cells or blood proteins. The fluid build up elevates the skin. This is not lymph fluid, it does not come from the lymph system. It is more correctly called edema fluid. Over a very short period this fluid disperses throughout the interstitial spaces of the penis. For the most part, this excess fluid will be absorbed back into the blood vessels because of the high protein concentration of the blood relative to the interstitial space draws the fluid back. Any excessive fluid that is not reabsorbed will drain via the inguinal lymph nodes. From a physiologic stand point lymph fluid (a whitish liquid) is what drains into the blood stream through the thoracic duct. It has a high protein and fat concentrations from other sources like the GI tract. Just to be precise.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS


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