Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thrombosed Veins

Page 48 of December 04 copy of Mens Health states 8 ounces of tomato juice daily can help avoid deep vein thrombosis. Not sure if will have any effect on penile vein thrombosis. They recommend the low sodium kind of juice.

I heard that dark grape juice does the trick. Anyone else heard of this?

What are the drawbacks to having these if there is no pain or comlications?

Although I would advocate for anyone with a penile thrombosis to take a bunch of time off and see if it will heal, if one does so and the vein still persists, I don’t think it’s a big problem. My doctor told me that penile thromboses are harmless, as long as there is no pain. The penis will reroute blood as necessary.

delectric — There are all sorts of things you could take that might have some small effect in thinning your blood: grape juice, vitamin E, fish oil, aspirin, garlic, etc. But besides the aspirin, none of these is likely to make a substantial difference — and even the aspirin is unlikely to affect penile thromboses. Penile thromboses generally result from insult to the veins. The only sure way to prevent them is to not injure your veins, i.e., build up PE very slowly and carefully! And still you may end up with some painless permanent thrombosed veins. I have several, although frankly I’m still not convinced they’re thromboses (nor was the doctor when he felt them, despite their fitting the “guitar string” description here). As long as they don’t hurt, I don’t much care…

Thanks Para-Goomba,

It’s good to hear the other side of the story. People make having a thrombosed vein sound like your penis will fall off if you don’t do something about it. Who knows perhaps the secret is that those with the most thrombosed veins have the biggest gains?!? I’ll carry on with my time off and then perhaps if nothing happens I’ll start up again.

Well hey guys, after reading everyones post, I still have a question that I want to ask. So here goes.

On one of the first days I started back into PE (took a substantial break), I felt this ‘tightening’/’squeezing’ sensation that shot quickly (without pain mind you it just scared me) from the middle of my shaft on the left side down towards my scrotom. It scared the sh*t outta me and I quickly lost my erection and had trouble getting it back the rest of the day and the following. However, after a few days off and many hot wraps (which I try and do anyways when I am in the bathroom), the feeling was back and there was no pain so I continued on with PE.

Since then (roughly a month), I have noticed that I will occasionally get that quick ‘tight’ feeling accompanied with a pain similar to when you squeeze one of your testicles (lightly all be it). This goes quickly, and for the most part i’ve figured it was something to do with the tubules in my scrotom. Meanwhile, there has been a ‘vessal’ of somesort on the top portion (top side) of my penis that has become not prominent, but tight and noticable to the (my) touch if I press lightly on the skin. It transverses down the shaft towards the left side of my penis and is never located directly in the middle of the shaft or near the glans. About 1.5”-2.0” from the glans it stops and dips under some more prominent veins that run down the left side of my penis.

Now, this little vessal, feels tight, and would fit the ‘guitar-string’ I.D.; but I do not believe it is a vein. When I place my index and middle fingers over the vessal I can feel a fairly strong pulse going in a direction towards my glans. So from that I think its safe to say it is not a vein. But my question really is, what could it be?!? Is it one of these Lymphocele’s? Or possibly a damaged nerve? I can go for a day without feeling a thing, and even PE that day; and others I will be on my off day and feel the quick tightness and feeling in my testicle (which go away quickly!).

Can anyone give me some advice? If you have any other questions just PM me or reply…

Thanks a bunch!!

Giver Hard!

Giver Hard! Scotty! later days ------ (Start) BPEL 7.75" x 5.25-5.5 EG (Goal) BPEL 9.00" x 6.0-6.25 EG

Just a few pics that will help to show that I have no ‘visible’ vessel in the area indicated in the flaccid picture…sorry for the HORRIBLE quality yikes I need to get a digital camera.

Giver Hard!

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Giver Hard! Scotty! later days ------ (Start) BPEL 7.75" x 5.25-5.5 EG (Goal) BPEL 9.00" x 6.0-6.25 EG

Thanks so much for the pics, but not quite sure what you are indicating. I don’t believe I can see any thromb.. I have a guitar string type vessel also; left side, wanders toward glans then rolls to underside. Hard pencil lead type of coagulate near base, then several small pearls along path. That was several weeks ago. My dr. Said it’s a vein, no need to worry. Claims he has seen many before. I don’t know if I believe that he has. Now, the pearls have collected together to form another pencil lead thing. Still, no pain. What to do? Go on with life, I guess.

Is this a thrombosed vein or not,

I have a small thin vein in my left ball which turns red sometimes. Occasionally when this happens, the rest of the vein before/after the small area also becomes red and kind of pushes out of the skin a bit. Let me know what you think.

Got my first one. Next to the glan. Right side. Not too big. No pain yet.

I last reported in Dec. Of t. Vein, am now here to update. I finally got to the point that I stopped caring about the damn thing,(after three weeks of anxiety), and one day realized that it had completely vanished!! No more t.vein, no more pencil lead, no more small pearls. Healed!! The end.

Originally Posted by jackleg

I last reported in Dec. Of t. Vein, am now here to update. I finally got to the point that I stopped caring about the damn thing,(after three weeks of anxiety), and one day realized that it had completely vanished!! No more t.vein, no more pencil lead, no more small pearls. Healed!! The end.

I hope mine doesn’t take 3 weeks..

3 weeks is quick. My first ones took 13 weeks to heal.

I think I have a thrombosed vein.

A little vein that runs from the base of my disk was stiff. It ran from the base up to the foreskin area left over from circumcision. (I was cut as a baby.) I noticed this a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t think anything of it, but the last two days the foreskin area has swelled up a bit and feels like it is on fire.

However, the vein is not sore, just the small foreskin part.

I am going to take aspirin, lay off of PE and sexual activity and see how long this thing takes to heal.

Fuck this thing hurts.

Throm Vein.webp
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Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G

I got my thrombosed vein for 3 months now, or perhaps more.
It has to be a thrombosed vein because I know it has come from my clamping and squeezing exercices at enormous pressures. I know it’s too late to start crying but I was a damn fool.

So mine still hurts and doesn’t seem to go away.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Been a month for me… It’s gotten smaller, but still there. I wanna get back to hanging.Grrrr!


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