Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thrombosed Veins

For any injury is good Arnica gel, very effective, better than any synthetic product

The best way to thread tveins is troxerutin and aspirin, trust me

Do we get inflammation from a trombosed vein ? I currently have a burning feeling in the right side of my penis for 3 days, sometimes completely numb, sometimes ‘burning’, and allthough there is a vein very visible and thick, I have a bad feeling about getting peyronies in my right Corpus Cavernosum, my left CC is almost nonexistent due to peyronies.

If I measure the right side i get 16 cm, If I measure along the left side (where peyronies happened) I barely get 10 cm.

I’d rather have my penis bend and totalling 14 cm than losing my right side also to side horrible ‘disease” ! :(

-= Official Peyronies sufferer =- Starting size (12/2004): 5.6" BPEL - 4.6" EG.

Current size (02/2007) 5.6" BPEL - 4.6" EG.

Current GOAL : 6.0" BPEL - 5.0" EG. (50€ Donation for every goal I reach)

I have them in my ball sack. Is there anything I can do? I have only read the first page so I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this. I think it is from clamping behind the balls. I have lots of veins like that. Should I go to a doctor?

Now 8 x 5

Goal: 9 x 5.75

Root, how is the neosporin working? Are you healed? Have you found the answer to my nemesis? Let us know because I’m tired of waiting for this thing to fix itself.

Goal 8X6.25

Originally Posted by gunnabhuge
Root, how is the neosporin working? Are you healed? Have you found the answer to my nemesis? Let us know because I’m tired of waiting for this thing to fix itself.

Gunna and whoever may be interested, here is my experience with neosporin:

I am on what I think is my 3rd thrombosis in around 5 years of doing PE. It doesn’t seem like that long, but it says I joined in 2002 so…

I was clamping and squeezing when it happened. I feel pretty comfortable doing this, but got a little carried away. I remember reminding myself about the thread on if you don’t push it to the limit you may be spinning your wheels. I think I could have cut the “damage” in half if I would have quit when I felt it happen. I felt a slightly painful twinge right in the spot where it happened, but I kept on going to finish the set. I don’t recall if I did another set after that one or not, but I think that was my last set. I did 3 sets that day, but don’t know on which one I felt the twinge. I do know I finished that set which was 10 minutes long and it seems like I had at least half the set left. If I would have just stopped right when I felt the pain I really feel I would have cut the recovery time and size of the injury in half. I have nothing to base that on except for the ole gut feeling.

I got this one on 4-19. I recorded it on 4-20 so I it had to come from the previous day. I originally recorded it as 1/8”, but moved it up to 1/4” the next day or so. In reality it turned out to be about an inch long. It seemed to kind of spread. I think the blood builds up behind the blockage adding on to the whole mess.

At first it was one bubble (bb, bump, lump…) with a short thread behind it. Then the next day it seemed to be a bubble on each end. It hurt the first day, but not much after that. Until today I had only been putting the EVO solution on it. Today I remembered this thread and decided to slap some Neosporin (generic CVS brand) on it about three hours ago. I kid you not, I swear that about 2 hours after I put it on it felt about half as big. It seemed much softer, thinner and shorter.

Now let me say this, For the past 2 days I have felt like it was about to take a big step forward towards getting back to normal so the Neosporin may not have helped one bit. I would think the odds of it getting that much better in a 2 hour period would be pretty high though. I think someone needs to try this from the beginning and see what happens.

I am going to slab some more on as soon as I am done here and hopefully will wake up to a nice surprise in the morning.

I will report back.

Someone try the Neosporin from day one and give us a report.

Bluto, thank you my good man. I am heading to Walgreens to get the name brand. I can’t take any chances. I will keep you guys posted.

Goal 8X6.25

Originally Posted by gunnabhuge
Bluto, thank you my good man. I am heading to Walgreens to get the name brand. I can’t take any chances. I will keep you guys posted.

Gunna, get whatever you want, but the generics are the exact same thing as the name brands when it comes to medicine. It is a law that they have to be. If you look at the ingredients they should be basically the same thing.

I think I over estimated my progress last night. Don’t get me wrong, it definitely got better from the time I got home from work to the time I posted yesterday. I think the length stayed the same (1” ish), but the circumference on the half towards the glans definitely got a lot smaller. The other half got smaller too, but not as much. The whole thing has gotten softer.

I took the neosporin to bed with me and slabbed it on ever so often until I fell asleep. I used it 2 or 3 times today. I honestly haven’t noticed much progress from last night.

As I said before, there is a good chance my jump in progress last night had nothing to do with the neosporin. If it didn’t then it was a coincidence.

Gunna, you are the designated Guinea pig to do the neosporin from the start. Let us know what happens.

This May Help!

Sorry it took so long, but I’m back. Here is what I learned.

Triple antibiotic ointment will help you, but it is by no means a miracle cream. If you think about this it makes sense because you are curing damage to the tissue, not clearing out a bacterial infection. Also Vitamin E helps. Lastly, because aspirin thins the blood it helps to break up the blood clots.

So here is my suggestion for T-veins.

1) Generic Triple Antibiotic Ointment - Applied once a day to the affected area immediately after a shower.
2) Vitamin E - Also applied once a day to the affected area immediately after a shower.
3) Aspirin - One a day.

Vitamin E comes in different concentrations (topical). 28,000 I.U. is the highest concentration and is supposed to be pure vitamin E. This is sold at K-Mart and most Wal-Marts in a little bottle. Lower concentrations (4,000 I.U.) will also work, but might need to be applied more often. It is also helpful for scars, wrinkles, and skin discoloration.

Try this mix for two weeks while also massaging the vein gently twice a day. It has worked for me.
Relay your feedback to this thread.

Goal 8X6.25

I’m just curious, for those of you who have had this injury and took an extended break, did anyone lose any PE gains that they have achieved prior to the injury? I just started my forced break myself and am more worried about losing my gains than I am the injury.

Has anyone tried Preparation H on their thrombosed vein? I tried a search, but the “H” is too broad.

Thanks, VermontBeat

3/2/2008 16cm BPEL 11.2 cm EG (3 weeks into the newbie routine, may have grown slightly, but...)

3/16/2008 16.5 BPEL 11.2 cm EG

Goals: 17.8cm BPEL 12.7 cm EG

Is a thrombosed vein a broken vein ? I now have a big bruise, from just manual stretching. It doesn’t hurt though.

No. A thrombosed vein is one with a clot in it that extends for some distance, perhaps a few cm. It has a hard texture, like a string under the skin. As the body tries to clear the clot the vein becomes tender, red and hot. Penile vein thromboses are fairly rare. Many of the things complained about in this thread are not thrombosed veins.

Well, I had my first (and hopefully the last) so called “thrombosed vein” just yesterday, it was like everyone said in this topic, and it went away with some jelqing a few minutes ago. I was stroking the snake when all of a sudden I felt a warming sensation and the thing went away. Feels as brand new now. Thank you and have a nice PE.

Yea dude

Originally Posted by overthetop
I’m just curious, for those of you who have had this injury and took an extended break, did anyone lose any PE gains that they have achieved prior to the injury? I just started my forced break myself and am more worried about losing my gains than I am the injury.

Lots of gains lost. I’ve been off for 2 months and this piece of $&%# injury is still driving me crazy. I’m getting so sick of it and I am not even sure if it thromboses. My injury matches much of the descriptions, however, it is deep and there is no color change or strong irritation, just deep, dull pain and a stringy feeling.


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