Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thrombosed Veins

Thanks for your help. It’s weird, I was about to have sex today and I felt a thrombosed vein on the other side of my penis. The one on the right side was gone and I hadn’t done any PE to provoke or create another one. After I found the first thrombosed vein on my right side I checked my penis for other thrombosed veins and there weren’t any. Can they pop up a few days after damage has been done or are they noticeable right away? Anybody else have them appear days after a PE session?

It also seems to have disappeared now just a few hours after I’ve had sex.

A thrombosed vein will be noticeable (as in palpable) immediately. Perhaps you are misdiagnosing?

The (unfortunately multiple) thrombosed veins I’ve had all initially presented with localized skin swelling over the affected portion of the vein, and usually with a mild stinging sensation. The clotted portion of the vein was hard like a rubber band and sometimes lumpy. It wasn’t merely a firm vein. The clot would clear over several days.

Once a vein thromboses, a clot will recur with far less provocation than what caused the initial injury. If the problem area can’t be worked around by altering PE methods, it can put you out of business.

Hey guys, I’ve been out of PE for a very long time as you can see from my join date. Now I’m finally starting PE again seriously but I’ve always had this question whether or not I have a thrombosed vein. The thing is, when flaccid, I can see the vein but its soft and doesn’t hurt. When erect, the same vein gets hard but it still doesn’t hurt. There is no swelling or lumps that I can see or feel. The first time I tried PE a few years ago, I did give myself a thrombosed vein in the same place but I’ve stopped for a long time.

Now I’m just wondering has anyone else experienced this with the vein being there when flaccid and then getting hard when erect but no pain? Then I also question if I actually have a thrombosed vein? And I’m assuming that during PE the veins will sometimes get bigger and more pronounced correct?

I reposted this from one of my threads. I find that a lot of guys get clogged lymph vessels and misdiagnos them as thrombosed veins. Like Hobby said, a thrombosed vein will be hard or at least very firm and many times painful. A clogged lymph vessel will be soft and usually not painful at first, although mine became quite sore after a few days.

Yesterday, I took about 5 minutes between pumping sets, and it did decrease the lymphatic problem greatly. I still did get some of the lymphatic vessels filling a bit, but no where near as much.

For those with similar problems (I suspect most of the so called “thrombosed veins” are in reality clogged lymph vessels) when you cause edema build up, its the lymphatic vessels that drain the edema. If you get a bunch of edema and then massage or stroke your penis, it flushes the edema quickly into the lymphatic vessels which then carry it away. I find in my case, they can get congested and seem to clog at some point, I don’t know why but they do.

Many times, just “stripping” them down toward the body, or running your finger along the length of them, pressing down so as to push the lymph down the vessel and push through the “clog” gets them to drain.

A few years ago when I was doing a lot of vacuum hanging, it would pull a lot of edema into the glans and then when I would massage it, it would send a flood of edema into the lymph vessels. I didn’t understand it and I developed a clogged vessel that stayed that way for weeks. It actually became quite sore.

I finally figured it out and found that by pumping at a low vacuum level, I was able to unclog it. Now when I see these lymphatic vessels appear “out of nowhere” I know its because they are filling with edema, and I let too much edema accumulate or I was massaging the area when it had too much edema.

So what I do with pumping, is first keep the time and vacuum under levels that produce a lot of it. For me 4 in hg is pretty good, 4.5 starts problems and 5 produces a lot of edema.

So if I keep it at 4 with brief 4.5 , THEN between sets just let my penis rest, no massaging, the edema gets drained at a more natural rate (the small amount that accumulates) and it greatly diminishes the lymph vessel problem.

Also when I finish, just let it rest ( with a heat lamp) before I do anything. The worst thing I can do to cause clogging is to pump hard and long ( or jelque,even clamp) then immediately put on a cock ring or any constriction device…then massage! That immediately fills the lymph vessels very full and almost guarantees clogging!

I hope some of you who have the tendency to “thrombosed veins” recognize this syndrome and it helps you to avoid it.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
A few years ago when I was doing a lot of vacuum hanging, it would pull a lot of edema into the glans and then when I would massage it, it would send a flood of edema into the lymph vessels. I didn’t understand it and I developed a clogged vessel that stayed that way for weeks. It actually became quite sore.

I finally figured it out and found that by pumping at a low vacuum level, I was able to unclog it. Now when I see these lymphatic vessels appear “out of nowhere” I know it’s because they are filling with edema, and I let too much edema accumulate or I was massaging the area when it had too much edema.


I have one of these now. It is my second one in my short PE career. The first one went away in three days or so, whereas this one has lasted about a week now.

In the above quote, it seems you are saying that, for you, low pressure pumping allowed or at least started drainage. Am I reading that correct, or rather are you saying low pressure pumping helps avoid it? If the former (I.e. Drainage pumping) is the case, then what pressures and time frame would you use to initiate drainage?

Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!

NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2

MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.

Yeah, low vacuum pumping helped to open it and drain it. Certainly avoid high vacuum (above 5 in hg) and long times. I think if you are already a pumper, stay at 4 or below and give it 1-3 minutes and see if its starts to help. You want to avoid any additional edema build up.

After the pumping, “strip” it toward the body. That is to say, pull your penis out with one hand, and the other hand press along the length of it toward the body and try to go past where is seems to be blocked, or as far toward the body you can.

You can try several sessions of that, but be sure not to be producing any additional edema, as that will just make it worse.

The other option is low at about 3 in hg and go for a session about half your normal time and then “strip” it. For me, it seems to help open it back up so the lymph can drain.

I’m not sure what the mechanism of this “clogging” is, but it always starts with a lot of edema in the tissue, and seems to overwhelm the lymph vessels and they just clog up. You can make it far worse by constricting the penis( like with thera-p, cock rings etc) after you produce a lot of edema from pumping or jelquing or clamping. Like I had said, if you have a tendency towards this condition, try not to build up a lot of edema, and certainly don’t constrict right after this build up.

Last edited by sparkyx : 07-27-2008 at .

Thanks Sparky. I’m going to give pumping/massage/”striping” removal a try.

Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!

NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2

MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.

This is a very good thread

Hi to all..

I have just a couple of questions about the thrombosis..

• Can be avoided?
• Can be dangerous? ( A clog who reach heart or brain can be lethal)
• It’s a “it happens normally” stuff or happens just for overwork or bad PEing?

Someone noticed that one or more member of this forum receive a major damage or even death from one of this clog?
I’m not afraid but I want to know the 2 faces of the coin of PE.

Thanks a lot.

So, I’ve had my thrmobosed vein for two weeks now. I have been using Erocet’s oil and it has gotten a lot better. I still don’t get morning wood, but I can some pretty good erections during the day out of random. Haven’t PEed, masturbated, or had sex in the last two weeks. I leaned off the oil and I still get erections. The vein still gets “inflated and hard” sometimes, but it is much better. Would just some very easy stretching help or just to wean back on PE in a week or two? No jelqs, just easy ten second stretches. What do you guys think? My flaccid hang is not what it used to be before I injured, lenght wise, girth is still there, and boy I gained a lot in two months.

Thanks for your support in advance, this thread is awesome!

Originally Posted by mancookies
So, I’ve had my thrmobosed vein for two weeks now. I have been using Erocet’s oil and it has gotten a lot better. I still don’t get morning wood, but I can some pretty good erections during the day out of random. Haven’t PEed, masturbated, or had sex in the last two weeks. I leaned off the oil and I still get erections. The vein still gets “inflated and hard” sometimes, but it is much better. Would just some very easy stretching help or just to wean back on PE in a week or two? No jelqs, just easy ten second stretches. What do you guys think? My flaccid hang is not what it used to be before I injured, lenght wise, girth is still there, and boy I gained a lot in two months.

Thanks for your support in advance, this thread is awesome!

So how is it now?

I ‘ve got one underneath my pubic hair

I think I might get this by stretching

I have that’s hard to locate. It’s under my public hair as well near the base of my penis on the right side. I don’t feel it at all in my penis, just near the muscle above it. It reaches to close to my testicles and right leg. I’ve stopped PE all together, but I jelq and stretch periodically to see if I can locate the vein. I only feel it when I have an erection. Is this vein thrombosis?

Beginning: May '08 ?

BPEL 5.75; NBPEL 6.0; EG 4.5;

FL 4.5; FG 4.0

Originally Posted by newnew997

So how is it now?

Pretty good. It was very good over winter break, probably best sex I’ve ever had, but now it is again injured. An asshole at the gym accidentally rammed into my dick and balls. With a 50 pound dumbbell.EQ is getting back, although I’m just getting over stomach flu, so that didn’t help.

Aren’t veiny cocks supposed to be a good thing?


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