Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thrombosed Veins

I’m still doing the beginner’s PE and after a jelqing session (280 reps), I noticed some very small veins are now visible on the sides of the shaft of my penis when I’m at least more than semi-erect. Is doing PE similar to weightlifting where, after lifting heavy weights, your veins become visible? I highly doubt they are thrombosed veins.

I’m currently 7 days without any PE or masturbation , it is tough .. I hope it is worth the efford.

Originally Posted by GoldsGymRat
I’m still doing the beginner’s PE and after a jelqing session (280 reps), I noticed some very small veins are now visible on the sides of the shaft of my penis when I’m at least more than semi-erect. Is doing PE similar to weightlifting where, after lifting heavy weights, your veins become visible? I highly doubt they are thrombosed veins.

The same thing has happened to me. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about though. None of them are hard or anything.

Well, I discovered a small bump pearl like size towards the base of my penis and on the left side. It doesn’t hurt one bit, nor is it hard by any means, and it doesn’t seem to be on or near a vein. Could be something that has always been there, but now my skin is much tighter on my unit from girth growth that I am now noticing it. I sport a wood very easy, and sex is great. Never have had any pain etc. down there especially in that area. So I guess I won’t worry about it for now. If it gets bigger or painful, I will definitely see a Urologist.

Oct. 07 : BPEL 6.5" EG 5.5" Nov. 07: BPEL 6.875" EG 5.5''

Goal NBPEL 7.0 EG 6.0"

Use the right HEAD when doing exercises! And smile!

I believe that penis vein thrombosis is overblown in this forum. It is not near as common as the number of posts would make you believe. I posted recently a test to determine whether you have a vein thrombosis or not. Stretch your penis enough to straighten the vessel you’re concerned about, but not too much to overstretch it. Place a thumb or finger over the vein to compress it below any branches that feed into it (closer to the base of the penis). Take a finger of the other hand and strip the vein (run your finger down the vein towards the base) to remove all the blood in the vein. This might take a couple of strippings. Then remove your finger from over the vein and watch to see if the vein refills. If the vein drains all its blood and then refills, it is not thrombosed.

Enlarged tender veins after PE are generally a result of either increased blood flow causing distension or irritation of the vessel wall from mechanical injury. Veins have nerve endings in their wall that when stimulated by distension or irritation are perceived by the brain as burning or pain. Whether a vein that is distended resulting from mechanical injury heals to its normal state depends upon the extent of vessel wall injury, the ability to heal over time and whether the injury is repeated or chronic.

Okay, well I had what I believe to be a thrombosis of a vein near the base of my penis, and it’s been about a week and a half. During this time I have tried to reduce all contact with my penis, excluding sex once. I have also been taking aspirin daily and there appears to be no pain anymore.

However, even though the pain is gone I can still feel the distinct “pencil lead” feeling under the skin. Does that ever go away? How will I know I’m ready to PE again? I originally planned to get to 2 weeks of no PE and see if it’s gone away, and although the feeling has seemingly gone away, will I have to wait for the vein to subside?

Thanks for any answers.

Can I pump after thrombosed vein

I had a problem with using a power jelq device and received a thrombosed vein. Recently it came back and I was wanting to start clamping soon. It doesn’t seem realistic, but I am wondering if pumping has the same risks involved as clamping.

Whether a vein that is distended resulting from mechanical injury heals to its normal state depends upon the extent of vessel wall injury, the ability to heal over time and whether the injury is repeated or chronic.

pudendum - thanks for this information man. I think I have injured mechanically my penis - and this caused the vein to bulge out and change the shape of my buddy .. The mechanical injury is at least 2 years old and I think I injured it repeatedly. Now that I left it alone for 2 weeks I started to feel irritation from the place of the injury - it’s like it tries to repair something ( you know when you have a wound in the end of the healing it itches - it’s the same with the end of my vein ) But the vein is still there.I’m also taking ibuprofen 400mg. daily. Puden - if you have some other advice - please man..

Hey guys I am sitting on the sidelines from an injury to my penis. This is actually the second time I have injured my dick. I have been doing the newbie routine for a little less then a month after I started this thread and posted my pics, but in all actuality I started a month before that and injured my self after the first week. After taking a month off from just a week of the newbie routine I started this thread, posted my pics, and started the newbie routine all over again. This time I made it to 3 weeks before I injured my self in the same exact spot. The thing that is making me so angry is that I’ve been doing less work then the newbie routine. I only do 100 jelqs 3 times a week instead of 200 like the newbie routine says. My jelqs are only at a 50% erection at 3 secs per stoke. So it’s basically the newbie routine cut in half.

This is what I’ve been doing.


5 min warm wrap with hot washcloth
5 min stretching
5 min warm wrap again
4 sets of 25 light jelqs at no more then a 50% erection
10 min warm down with hot washcloth again

And injured all over again in the same damn spot and this is the same routine that I did that cause me to get injured the very first time. If I keep getting injured with just the beginner program then I guess clamping and pumping for girth will never happen. It’s ashame because my girlfriend told me she was looking forward to gaining some more girth with a fatter head so I could be as thick as one of her ex boyfriends.

The injury is a radiating painful lump an inch below the glans on the left side of my penis. I thought it was a dorsal vain or nerve injury but the dorsal vain is on the top of the penis. I Am wondering if it’s a thrombosed vein but I really can’t tell. It’s basically a small painfull lump on the left side an inch below the head. The last time I did PE was Monday. Tuesday morning I woke up and the injury was there all over again. The pain and lump was back with a vengence. I just want to point out that when I took a month off from the first time I injured my self, the last two weeks of sitting on the sidelines I felt no pain at all and was able to have sex pain free. Thought I was ready to try again. I’m starting to think that my dick is just not equipped for PE. I am happy with that I naturally have an 8 inch length put I was really looking forward to reaching a better girth.

Here are some pics of the pain site. If anyone can tell me what they think the injury is, that would be cool. Judging by the lump I personally think it’s a swollen vein or something.

I agree. Get it checked out. I don’t think from the pics that any of us could tell you what’s going on. Your routine is very laid back. There’s nothing in it that would give discomfort that I can see.



I’m pretty new to all this and maybe I was trying to hard to fast. I don’t think I got any thrombosed veins yet, but I noticed a lot of small tiny purple veins on my penis. Is this normal or a sign that I’m being to rough to soon.

I’m into my 3-4 week now, so far I was doing 10 min of jelqing about 5 times a week 2 days rest.

Any help would be appreciated.

Watch out mate , these little veins are actually spider veins.

Thrombosed Vein

After a clamping session I noticed what I thought was a thrombosed vein right at the area where I place the clamp. It was hard and stayed after I went limp. The next morning it was gone. I decided to wait a few days before doing any more PE. I tried clamping again today and there was no problem. About 10 minutes after I finished my session I was playing with my penis and continued to check for the vein. All of a sudden the vein popped up again. I was hard when it came back but I wasn’t applying any pressure. Is it a thrombosed vein? If it continues to come and go and I continue to PE will it cause serious damage?

It might make it come permanently on your penis and ruin your erectile power. So be careful.


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