No, it’s certainly not DVT. That, as I’m presuming you are aware, occurs in much larger veins; It occurs commonly in your legs, arms, and sometimes lungs. However, it is still essentially the same thing-a blood clot. I myself have gotten DVT on an international flight and have had to go through 6 months of Coumadin therapy. My father has gotten multiple blood clots and will be on coumadin for the rest of his life. Oddly enough, I do not have any known clotting disorder. There is something about being tall, skinny, blond haired, and blue eyed that for some reason makes your blood clot a little bit more easily. Doctors have noticed a correlation with said characteristics and blood clots and have yet to identify a new clotting disorder or any underlying reasons for the clotting. Going back a bit, most people get DVT on long distance plane flights; For most people, the clot is reabsorbed without ever causing a problem and they never know they have a blood clot. Therefore, most people shouldn’t worry —too— much about thrombosis. If your physical characteristics match mine or you have a history of clots in your family, I’d start to give penile clots a bit more concern. The main thing is to remember is that while we all desire an impressive man-root, your overall health and well being should not be ignored in the pursuit of such.