Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thrombosed Veins

Not what I wanted to hear :( .. But probably the right advice. :)


I have a colorless hardened vein with a pulse. I’ve had it for more than a month. I started treating it 3 weeks ago with aspirin then I switched to vitamin E but I’m thinking of switching to aspirin again. I’m also treating the area with heat and evo oil though the evo oil isn’t doing much. It doesn’t hurt. I’ve been getting morning wood. I am abstaining from masturbation and sex to hasten recovery. How long will it take to heal completely? It doesn’t seem to be going away. If it has a pulse then is it an artery?

Please and thanks

When I did my routine today and was starting with the first stretch I saw a small vein under my unit at the base. It is red and when I did the stretching I could see it get filled with a blood stream, It scared the shit out of me and I stopped immediately. Is this what you explain in here or is it harmful in some way ?

Originally Posted by poptarts
I have a colorless hardened vein with a pulse. I’ve had it for more than a month. I started treating it 3 weeks ago with aspirin then I switched to vitamin E but I’m thinking of switching to aspirin again. I’m also treating the area with heat and evo oil though the evo oil isn’t doing much. It doesn’t hurt. I’ve been getting morning wood. I am abstaining from masturbation and sex to hasten recovery. How long will it take to heal completely? It doesn’t seem to be going away. If it has a pulse then is it an artery?

Please and thanks

Yeah, generally if it has a pulse then it’s an artery. Or it could be a lymph vessel overlaying an artery (they can get hard). To play it safe, go see your GP or a specialist to have it checked out. It’s the only way to know for sure.

Originally Posted by Mongoloeyd
When I did my routine today and was starting with the first stretch I saw a small vein under my unit at the base. It is red and when I did the stretching I could see it get filled with a blood stream, It scared the shit out of me and I stopped immediately. Is this what you explain in here or is it harmful in some way ?

Might be a varicosed vein. No need to get overly concerned at this point, varicose veins are not an uncommon result from PE. You can take contrast showers (normal warm-on-the-hot side water for about 10min, then straight cold water for about 20-30 secs to the affected area, repeat several times but always end on a the cold cycle. Wrap yourself in a towel quickly afterwards to prevent too much loss of heat). There are no sure-fire cures to fix varicose veins (if that’s what it is). Just stay in good circulatory health (which means correct foods, and possibly vaso-dilating supplements, and make daily exercising a part of your life). But you should confirm that it’s a varicose vein in order to rule out anything more serious (such as thrombosis).


Where can I read about decoloration??
The lose of collor is at the Glande or at the skin?
My glande is losing it’s red/purple collor! Lol


Hello guys. I was jelqing and noticed a dark spot on the left side of the shaft. This is the same place which got swelled some weeks before during the jelqing.

I ignored the dark spot and continued jelqing. Afterwards I noticed that two veins which run along the shaft and meet where this dark spot is were swollen.
It did not hurt, but I felt a little scared.

Now I am off of PE for a few days to check if it gets better.

Does it sound like a thrombosed vein?

Obs.: the dark spot is some centimeters below the gland and the swollen veins are bellow it.

Hi all!

In case of a thrombosed vein, does your area near the base of your penis are swollen a bit which means that sometimes its harder to pull your foreskin down totally etc?


Helllo luisbrasil

I have the same symptoms as you, also I have the problem in the same area.
I am not sure what can I do to eliminate the thickness of these veins.
Any help ? cream? over the counter medication?

Im off PE as a consequence of this issue.

Thank you,



Thrombosed Vein and Lymphatic swelling after a Yeat

I have a none PE related injury, I do not do it but have what I think is similar injury.. With pain..

A year ago I got out of a hot bath, rubbed myself dry with a towel and when drying my cock pinched it. I had what looked like a small blood blister under the skin.. After a few hours veins started appearing from it, I don’t have a noticeably veiny cock, well I do now! Its ended up looking like a long legged spider wrapped around my cock.. I went to A & E and they said all was normal, it was not..

I started getting pains in my legs and my pelvis soon after. I had a new girlfriend and instead of total rest I did have sex with her a few times which I regret now. Eventually I saw a urologist twice and had an ultrasound scan on my cock.. By this point the pain was that bad I could hardly walk at times.. He said was nothing wrong with my cock and that I had CPPS, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, no help available besides referring me to a book. I undertook yoga, stretches, foam rollered legs etc and improved my diet.. Few months later minimal pain and all seemed ok for 4 months although I took a lot more care as I though 80-90% ok..

Then nearly exactly a year later, 5 weeks ago pain returned to penis, it feels itchy and low dull pain, I still get odd pains in legs and pelvis. But I now also have swelling of lymphatics in penis and I’m not happy because it is not! I have noticed when I foam roller my legs I feel the itching more in my penis. Doctors have no answer, say its normal. Last one I saw said I had lymphatic damage and after a year if still problems then that’s it.

I think I have damaged vein, the new veins have re-routed blood but there is still a blockage in vein and this is causing pain and lymphatics issue.. The lymphatics run along side your veins. Just started putting Hirudoid on it.. But after a year I’m worried permanently damaged!

Pictures attached, by my thumb is ‘blood blister’.. Lymphatic swelling is skin coloured no blue swelling

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Originally Posted by slenda
I have a none PE related injury, I do not do it but have what I think is similar injury.. With pain..

A year ago I got out of a hot bath, rubbed myself dry with a towel and when drying my cock pinched it. I had what looked like a small blood blister under the skin.. After a few hours veins started appearing from it, I don’t have a noticeably veiny cock, well I do now! Its ended up looking like a long legged spider wrapped around my cock.. I went to A & E and they said all was normal, it was not..

I started getting pains in my legs and my pelvis soon after. I had a new girlfriend and instead of total rest I did have sex with her a few times which I regret now. Eventually I saw a urologist twice and had an ultrasound scan on my cock.. By this point the pain was that bad I could hardly walk at times.. He said was nothing wrong with my cock and that I had CPPS, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, no help available besides referring me to a book. I undertook yoga, stretches, foam rollered legs etc and improved my diet.. Few months later minimal pain and all seemed ok for 4 months although I took a lot more care as I though 80-90% ok..

Then nearly exactly a year later, 5 weeks ago pain returned to penis, it feels itchy and low dull pain, I still get odd pains in legs and pelvis. But I now also have swelling of lymphatics in penis and I’m not happy because it is not! I have noticed when I foam roller my legs I feel the itching more in my penis. Doctors have no answer, say its normal. Last one I saw said I had lymphatic damage and after a year if still problems then that’s it.

I think I have damaged vein, the new veins have re-routed blood but there is still a blockage in vein and this is causing pain and lymphatics issue.. The lymphatics run along side your veins. Just started putting Hirudoid on it.. But after a year I’m worried permanently damaged!

Pictures attached, by my thumb is ‘blood blister’.. Lymphatic swelling is skin coloured no blue swelling

The symptoms you describe with pains in your legs and pelvis, being unable to walk etc. could not possibly have come from ‘pinching your cock’ while drying it. Apart from the fact I can think of no physiological mechanism that could connect the possible injury to the symptoms, the ultrasound scan would have picked up any problem. Also the fact the problem went away for a long time then came back without you doing anything to cause it sounds far more like CPPS or similar to me that a penis injury.
During PE guys here do some extremely severe things to their penises, vastly more than anyone could ever do pinching their penis while drying it. Your symptoms are not what you would get from lymphatic or venous damage to the penis.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

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Its a mystery

Originally Posted by firegoat
The symptoms you describe with pains in your legs and pelvis, being unable to walk etc. Could not possibly have come from ‘pinching your cock’ while drying it. Apart from the fact I can think of no physiological mechanism that could connect the possible injury to the symptoms, the ultrasound scan would have picked up any problem. Also the fact the problem went away for a long time then came back without you doing anything to cause it sounds far more like CPPS or similar to me that a penis injury.
During PE guys here do some extremely severe things to their penises, vastly more than anyone could ever do pinching their penis while drying it. Your symptoms are not what you would get from lymphatic or venous damage to the penis.

Thanks Firegoat for your response and input, I know it sound like an innocuous incident but think what else it could be, as said injury right on my sweet spot, I had engaged in very vigorous casual. Sex a few says before and had a quarter of viagra but all was cool. There is visible swelling that I would attribute to lymphatic blockage.. I’m in a fair bit of pain at the moment, itchy and low and dull pain that wears you down. If I gently rill my fingers across my penis where the original damage is afterwards the pain and itching intensifies.

As said this is twelve months on, I have high sex drive and did not rest after initial injury. I am now, I have purchased some Hirudoid gel (and nurofen gel) reading here and elsewhere it helped and had been suggested by a doctor,,, but says on packet not on genitals. All I know is its a bloody mystery and I have gone from having a great and expansive sex life to being very cautious with what I do and periods of pain.. Its a mystery I would like the answer and solution to


Potential Thrombosis

Did some PE in 2019 and gained a permanent half inch of length through jelqing and pumping over about 3 months

Came back to it a couple of weeks ago using a traction device and just started back pumping a couple of days ago

Last night I was pumping using a digital pump at 25 kPA for two 15 minute sessions

During the second session there was some tightness at the base but nothing very abnormal

Today I noticed that I have a firm but still pliable vein that is present when soft and much firmer when erect. It starts at the left side base of my shift and continues around the bottom of it.

I have felt along it and would consider it to be much firmer than any other veins but there are no lumps and it is still "squishable" all the way down it when I am flaccid

Been doing heat compresses and rubbed some BPC-157 DMSO on it after reading about it’s success in thrombosis in rats

Anyone experienced this side vein issue before? How concerned should I be?

First question; are you a rat? If not why would you use stuff like that. Now what exactly is potential thrombosis? You either have a clot or don’t; it’s easy to tell. Why use any medicament when it’s not needed?

After pumping or clamping I get an occasional hard area at a vein. I gently jelq and leave it be. Its better in about 30 min.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG


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