OK everybody.. Here’s what I can tell you about blood clots. They are potentially life threatening and should not be dealt with by taking niacin and such. The treatment for Deep Vein Thrombosis, what you get on airplanes, is often a drug called lovenox, followed by Coumadin. Coumadin is commonly referred to as warfarin, it’s’ generic name. YOU SHOULD NEVER, EVER TAKE THIS STUFF UNLESS YOU ARE GETTING YOUR INR (international clotting rate) CHECKED BY A DOCTOR. Essentially, it is rat poison. I’m not kidding when I say this; when given to rats it causes them to bleed internally, therefore killing them. If you take too much, the same thing can happen to humans. The only thing I know of which you all could get your hands on is “Bolouke”, a worm derived enzyme with powerful clot busting properties. It’s a bit had to find, and it’s expensive, but it works pretty well.
Now, if you don’t order any Boluoke and you don’t see a doctor, here’s what you can do:
1-Take 1000milligrams of aspirin. Coumadin makes your blood platelets slippery, thus causing them to bounce off one another and slowly breaking down the clot. Aspirin on the other hand, thins your blood, making it easier for the blood to push past your clot and improving the circulation to your johnson.
2- There is another supplement out there called “Nattokinese”. I don’t remember what it’s made of right now, but it also has clot busting properties. Take 3 little pills (I don’t remember the dosage I took) 3 times a day.
3- Vitamin E will also help make your blood a touch slippery. You can take a fair amount of this stuff, but keep in mind that you can overdose on vitamins A,D,E, and K. On a side note, large quantities combined with the nattokinese will definitely “keep you regular”. All of the drugs and dosages I have mentioned thus far should be taken at intervals as specified on the packaging.
4- Garlic- Yes, Natures remedy for everything. When I was in college I used to chew up and swallow a whole clove a day. I felt like a million bucks, but no one would come near me. You can literally feel it coursing through your veins—it sorta gets you high. Garlic will help break up your clot, and will boost your immune system, your brain power, and your muscle repair time. However, chop your garlic a few minutes before consuming it as a chemical called allicin is created upon maceration of the clove and the longer it’s been macerated (crushed/chopped) the higher the level of allicin. Then just slosh it back with some O.J. Or throw a grip-ton of it into some pasta.
Just a thought, for the guys out there who don’t have significant others, try out a garlic clove a day regimen and see if it helps your PE. It’s really intense for the first few days, but as you get used to it, it’s not so bad. As for you fellas with girlfriends/wives, I’d hesitate to try that one out.for obvious reasons.
Hope this helps some people in need.