Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

I just ordered cable clamps from eBay… 2,50 £ + shipping (europe) 2£=4,50£. It is a set of five, I hope that some of them is “right sized”… Now, just waiting till THE-Day and reading your wisdoms of clamping.

I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!

Tally: I remember that thread. The plastic hose clamp is probably better than the metal ones, but still not as user-friendly as the CableClamp.

Piet: Never thought of using a nut driver. That would have saved me some blood before I discovered CableClamps. For all you hose clampers out there. Think Nut driver.

mrdave: One clamp close to the body is better that three if it will hold the engorgement. Every dick is different and the thickness of the wrap has a lot to do with it, but the more shaft exposed above the clamp the better. The shaft directly beneath the clamps will not expand or benefit from the uli.

Also here is a little hint when clamping at work:

Get a boner in the men’s room stall if you can, clamp off a Uli. Pull shirt Tail over bulge go back to work. Don’t forget about time. Erection and pressure will subside, if numbness sets in it is easy to forget about the clamp. If you are in a situation where you can’t be running to the restroom every ten minutes, remember you don’t have to actually remove the clamp, just pop a few notches to release the pressure. This can even be done through the fabric of your pants if they are made of a soft material. Desperate times call for desperate measures. By doing something as subtle as scratching an itch under your desk, (that is if scratching your balls at work can be called subtle.) you can liberate your throbbing member. To hell with subtlety if your dick is about to explode. I wear loose fitting pleated pants, Dockers, so I can actually pop clamp underneath my desk without having to get inside my pants. I realize not everyone has this much privacy at work, but you’d be surprised how easy it is to clamp in public. Use your imagination

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Is there somewhere pictures of clamping?? I guess so, but where. I couldn´t find any.

How often should I clamp daily? 2-4 times a day for a beginner, clamping beginner, I mean.

I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!

Piet mentions his extreme uli videotutorial, I also seem to recall some pic. Look in members pics or tutorials or do a search. As far as how many, sessions of three ten minute sets if you are conditioned for it. Your dick will tell you when you’ve had enough.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


Do a search for Brianrex, he’s got some links to his clamping pics in his threads.

Start:03/04 BPEL 6.0 EG 4.75 Current:03/05 BPEL 6.675 EG 5.125 Goal by 06/05 BPEL 7.0 EG 5.5 "Please.. Please... Please!!" "You feel so big and hard in my mouth!" "Feels like more!" & most recently "Are you making it grow?" -- various quotes from Mrs. Lefty

Lefty, thank you!

I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!

Big Girtha,

So do the 2nd and 3rd clamps go right in front of each other, or are they spaced down the shaft?

Hey Big Girtha, if we called one 10 minute clamping session a rep, how many reps are you doing a day?

Hi again

Is it ok to keep watching porn and remain really hard while clamping?

Or better not to? Why?

Thanks again



I don’t think anyone will argue that it’s bad to not maintain an extreme erection while clamping. For a while I was using my power-jelq to create additional pressure if my erection started growing soft. Or for more extreme workouts I would use it to crank up the pressure till my glans was smooth and rock hard.

Until reading this thread I never even thought about clamping and letting the erection subside, With how long I stay hard when clamped even without stimulation I couldn’t put it back in my pants.

Not sure if this is the right thread to bring this up in- Big Girtha if you feel it should not be on this thread tell me and I’ll move it.

I recently thought about the “pulsing” that some pumpers do where the fluctuate the pressure in the tube up and down. Has anyone tried this concept with clamping? I tried it last night, for the last five minutes of a set I used my hand to create additional pressure and then releasing it I was only doing it in little reps- maybe 2-5 seconds and then release. Obviously it is way too early to know if it will help. Has anyone tried this or have thoughts on it???

Originally Posted by johngreen38
Big Girtha,

So do the 2nd and 3rd clamps go right in front of each other, or are they spaced down the shaft?

I think I’ve already said this in this thread, but quicker to say it again then to look for it. Put the clamps as close together as possible, use as few as possible. If you get a good engorgement with one, just use one. Put the clamp or clamps as close to the body as possible, use as narrow of a strip of wrap as possible. The idea is to get as much of your dick enlarged as you can by covering the least amout of dick. If your entire dick is covered with clamps except the head only the head will expand giving you a baseball bat shape. If your wrap is thick enough one clamp is better.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by tigerbass
Hey Big Girtha, if we called one 10 minute clamping session a rep, how many reps are you doing a day?

The more sets you do the better. The best place for me to clamp is at work. However, because of the nature of my occupation (free lance writer) I work in a private office and people know not to come in if my door is closed. Also the length of my workday varies from day to day. If I work 5 hours I clamp 5 hours. Today I put in twelve hours at my desk. I clamped for twelve hours. Ten minute sets with ten minute breaks. During the ten minute break I alt-tab over to porn long enough to pump up a good engorgement. I set my egg timer and alt-tab back over to my work. When the timer goes off, I pop the clamp enough to release the pressure but don’t take it off. I also leave the mag wrap on all day. I do a hard squeeze to squeeze out all the stale blood, set the timer and go back to work. I repeat this all the time I’m at my desk. If I’m on a roll with a story when the timer goes off and don’t want to be distracted long enough to Uli back up, I’ll just keep working but usually I keep pretty close to the 10 min clamp 10 min off routine all the time I’m working. If I have to get up to go to the bathroom I slip on one of the lead weights to wear while I’m up walking around, but take it off and clamp off a Uli when I get back to my desk.

This routine is far too intense for you newbies, but just do what you can. Your dick will tell when you’ve had enough

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


Pulsing the clamp is probably a good thing. It works a little like milking the tube when you pump. If you have time and the fortitude to stay rock hard during the entire 10 minute set, doing it this way is probably better. A blood pump is always better than a lymph pump. Although, you will be able to stay clamped longer and do more sets if you let the erection subside a little once the engorgement is clamped off. I think more sets with less pressure is more effective that a few sets rock hard. After a few of those rock hard sets your dick will have so much skin soreness the session will end sooner. Also, unlike with pumping where you can always pump in fresh blood by milking the tube, clamping is more constrictive. If you are going to work the clamp and edge and balloon and do the bends and all the other aggressive stuff, remember you have to loosen the clamp a few notches or the fresh blood can’t get in. I say once you are erect, engorged and holding -just forget about it for ten minutes. If your glands are smooth and shinny, you are hard enough.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

BG- 12 hours of clamping???? holy crap! oh yeah I don’t bother with Edging, ulis, bends, chinese finger-cuffs, ballooning, pigs in a blanket, etc. I just clamp off and keep it hard. I only get in 2-4 sets a day but that’s all my time and motivation will allow. Once I hit my length goals that may change.

As someone who has seen INCREDIBLE girth and good length gains do you feel the theory that girth gains hinder length gains is true?

Again- Thanks for this awesome thread and teaching me the correct way to position my clamps



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