Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

A quick question: So I should kegal while the clamp is on?

Originally Posted by Naughtyby
A quick question: So I should kegal while the clamp is on?


I would also say one of the most important things you can do clamping is making sure you clamp down as far as you are physically capable on your shaft. I try to imagine clamping below my BP dick.

~~ start: 7 1/2" x 5 3/4" ~~ current: 8 1/2+" x 6 1/2+" ~~ goal: 10" x 7" ~~ gains: around 1" EBPL ~1" EG ~~


Originally Posted by bam
Started clamping this week, with a 2 on one off style or less intense. I like it, but does anyone else have a problem with during kegeling the clamp gets too much strain and unclicks a bit?

I’ve got the same problem from time to time. But I guess mine is just a bad clamp. :/ I just hold it like you do, then.

January 2005: BPEL 18.5 cm (~ 7.3 in) / EG 14 cm (~ 5.5 in) -> April 2005: BPEL 19.7 cm (7.7 - 7.8 in) / EG 14.3 cm (~ 5 5/8 in)

-- Break: May 2005 - February 2006 --

March 2006: BPEL 20.3 cm (~8.0 in) / EG 14.5 cm (~5.7 in)

All of you guys in the UK that are having a hard time finding these clamps, just go to the web sit


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

What size clamp do you use?

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

The mid sized for dick only and the big one for dick and balls, the smallest clamp is worthless. They are assorted differently in the pack. Buy the pack with the most mid sized clamps.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by nostem

I would also say one of the most important things you can do clamping is making sure you clamp down as far as you are physically capable on your shaft. I try to imagine clamping below my BP dick.

Yes. Press that thing deep into the fat-pad. You need to engorge as much of your shaft as you can.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Naughtyby
A quick question: So I should kegal while the clamp is on?


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Big girtha

Do you ever get donuts from clamping all day?

I get them if I do more than 3 sets in a row.



For those of you in the UK who are having difficulty finding Cable Clamps, they can be found at larger B&Qs (usually in the electrical section). I had tried a number of smaller ones (standard stores and mini warehouses) with no luck, but it seems the full warehouses do stock them. I got mine from the B&Q warehouse in Becton, if that helps anyone.

Hy guys - very interesting thread

What do you think about manual clamping during normal pe-sessions or masturbatíng?

Would it be effective if I do 5x1minute manual clamp?

Or just do some manual clamps over the day? Do I need rest days?

A tried to do this 2 month ago but I always got little red spots on my dick(they are on the skin because I can “move” them) was it too early or too intense? Or is this normal?

When I can do my manual clamping without any problems, I will look for a good cable clamp(I am not from us or uk)

And start to clamp.

Thanks for your answers, help, advice

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel

If your in UK and your looking for calble clamps I found this site :

The Home of Guitar Strings!

Sells 3 small, 1 medium for £5.95.

did: If by manual clamping you mean what we call Ulis. Yes. This is the best way if you can’t get CableClamps or if you are not conditioned enough for the more entense X-Ulis (Extreme Ulis) which require a clamp.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Startingover1 asked these questions in another thread. I’ve answered them here to try and keep all this clamping stuff in one place rather than have it scattered all over:

“I know I can clamp for at least 2 10 minute sessions 5 days a week. Will I see results with this routine?”

You will probably see some small gains in girth, however try to squeeze in at least 3 ten minute sets if you can. It seems to take at least three before I get a good post PE enlargement.

“Am I suppose to NOT clamp everyday to give the unit time to heal?”

I clamp everyday. But only do this if you are conditioned for it. Five day on two off is a good start.

“Also.. Does clamping cause the baseball effect?”

Yes, it does if you don’t wrap close to the base. See posts above: post#57 refers to multi clamping and post#77 for single clamping. I have recently come to the conclussion that a single clamp with thicker wrap works best.

“Do you think clamping BEHIND the balls will help even out the baseball effect?”

Maybe: I personally have not had much luck clamping behind the balls. I have very loose scrotal skin that gets pinched in the clamp. But others have had good luck clamping this way

“Lastly, do stretching devices (stretching straight out not up or down) increase base girth just as hanging would?”

I haven’t had much experience with these devices, but I would think anything that pulls out the inner penis will give you base girth, because the inner penis is thicker than the outer penis. (or so they say) This is probably true, because it is a fact that hanging does increase base girth. There was a poll last year regarding the girth of the inner penis, I forget the thread’s title. Maybe someone will chime in or you might find it with a search.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 06-04-2005 at .

Thanks for your answers

I think clamping would work good for me. When I do a manua clamp my girth increases for up to 0.4”

But before I start clamping I want to gain some length, so I will start serious clamping in august I think.

I am thinking about an lazy ass routine: only stretching with a device and clamping so I won’t have to do so much.

Another thing - did you gain any length from clamping? Because as far as I know some people do and some don’t

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel


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