Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Oden: Yes, just use more wrap. You want the clamp giving you and engorgment when closed all the way. For anyone with a girth around 6” the mouse pas is thick enough. With 5.1” you may need more padding

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by anon771
Every clamp session I do 6 time’s 10 minute’s. First my head become’s big and shiny, then purple.

I don’t feel tired or numb at all. I also do 30 minute’s intensive stretching before clamping

Think I can move to 8 sessions, or do you think 6 sessions is already to much?

I have no way of knowing the condition of your shaft. If you are doing six ten minute sessions without any pain or excessive fluid build up you could probably do a couple more sets. Anything over six sets you should be watching circulation very carefully. Purple skin is okay but black is not, unless you were born with it. Numbness is NOT okay, so clamp accordingly. When I’m doing the all day Clampathons, once I start getting skin soreness, I still clamp, but with less intensity.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by heineken
Is it possible to use a manual grip instead of a clamp, basically just squeeze your shaft or package with thumb and index finger?

Well I tried it anyway… basically I was having a wank and when I got bored it naturally started to go soft. So I grabbed around the base with an “O type grip” and squeezed the little sucker. I held this for about 5 minutes and could definately see the penis becoming quite fat, even though the erection had gone. I also tried this fully erect, but it didn’t work aswell because I was nervous to squeeze the very hard tissue.

The final result was a good sized flaccid, although alot of the inital girth enlargment dissappeared quite quickly once I stopped. It was definatley hanging better for at least an hour or so afterwards.

I’m going to experiment with this for abit before going on to serious clamping, unless anyone has any reason for me not to.

Big Girtha, what would you say the recommended rest time should be in between lets say; 3 10 minute sets?

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Oh yes I should also add that I was swinging that thing around saying “you want some of this huh, yeah you want this fat cock?” to an imaginary woman in the room, as I was getting excited about the size it was becoming. So visually the difference was noticable. I definately want girth now, stuff length, girth baby.

Originally Posted by Krowax
Big Girtha, what would you say the recommended rest time should be in between lets say; 3 10 minute sets?

BG said earlier in the thread that he takes ten minute breaks in between. I do this as well. I think that gives me enough time to get the circulation going again and reoxygenate things properly.

One suggestion I might make (sorry if it has alrady been stated, BG. Tried to read everything closely). It really helps if you don’t sit still once you have clamped off the engorgement. I mean if you have to, then it isn’t bad. I just know that if I get up and keep moving I will keep a bigger “pump” for a longer period of time. If I just sit there, I can keep the engorgement usually, but it won’t get big like it does when I am active. Just my .02.


All right. Thanks :) .

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Yes, working the thighs while clamped or pumped is something new I’m working on. I pump up or clamp off a X-Uli and get on the treadmill. Seems I get a better engorgment this way.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I’m finding Clamping, Dry Jelqs with a pause to stress base engorgement and Horse’s or whatever you will call them by to be working incredibly well. Thanks BG for all your help!

Originally Posted by Krowax
Big Girtha, what would you say the recommended rest time should be in between lets say; 3 10 minute sets?

Yes. I concur. Ten minutes seems to be the magic number, just like in between hanging sets. Just long enough to massage that healthy pink color back to your dick, then clamp it again. Three ten minute sets a day is a pretty mild session, but is probably enough to keep a nice plump girth. For me three ten minute X-Ulis gives me about the same as three ten minute sets in the tube at 10 inhg. But the clamping sets seem to give a firmer results. Equal time in the cylinder gives the same girth, but feels more spongy. Having sex after a clamping session is better than after pumping.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 06-24-2005 at .

Hopefully this can help you guys out. Wraping while clamping for a comfortable experience can be a pain in the ass. I used a foam type of tape and affixed it to the clamp itself, ending the need to take the time to wrap the penis itself. It’s very comfortable, practicle, cheap, and the engorgment is awesome.



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"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

I believe Brianrex did the same thing. I may try it. Did you get the tape at a craft store or something?


Originally Posted by RoomToGrow

I believe Brianrex did the same thing. I may try it. Did you get the tape at a craft store or something?

I think it’s in the med-tape section at Walmart.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

I have padding but I still get horrible skin pinches. How do you guys get around this?

Crash: The foam tape looks good, the photo is a little blury. Looks like the part of the clamp that pinches is not covered, where the teeth go into the latch. Might be worth a try, though. Wraping is the biggest pain of clamping. What is the tape called?

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


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