Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Langermann: Get the package with the most medium sized clamps, all the others are worthless, unless of course you have either a 1/4” girth or a 9” girth, in which case you can use the small and large clamps. Personally I’m working toward the day I can use that BIG one, you know, the AWG clamp.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Long thread

Originally Posted by muttley
I was trying to do a search on this, but for the life of me I can’t find it now.

Wasn’t there a discussion on which direction the hinge should point when clamping? I’m pretty sure this’ll be a duh moment when someone points out this discussion two pages ago.

I think the post you are looking for is actually in this thread somewhere, but it is getting too long to search through. Put the hinge pointing toward the floor for the best clamp. Thumb latch on the right side if you are right handed.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I know we are trying to keep all the clamping stuff together. However, I felt this link should be included in both of the most current clamping threads. Read and Heed.


Okay, Clampers. Listen up: Do as I say, not as I do.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I PMed you.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
I think the post you are looking for is actually in this thread somewhere, but it is getting too long to search through. Put the hinge pointing toward the floor for the best clamp. Thumb latch on the right side if you are right handed.

That’s what I thought. Thanks for the verification, Big Girtha.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

I’m using this product called Beyond Bodi Heat as I clamp. It’s a chemical-based warming pack that activates when you open the package. Once I’m clamped and have a nice stiff chubby, I wrap one of the 5x3 packs around the top or the bottom of my dick and then secure it with a neoprene wrist band. Feels good.

I found the Bodi Heat product at my local drug store on sale a long time ago for a very cheap price. ‘Just thought of using it during with clamping yesterday. I think I remember seeing it in bulk in the Costco pharmacy area.

The warming pack:
http://www.beyo … ls/bodiheat.htm

I wanted quicker girth so I started clamping. I quit after a while because I would constantly be bruised up. The marks are still healing today. So beware. It may work for some but it was not worth it for me. I’ll have to be patient with my girth gains.

Ike: I just sent for the free sample. How hot does this thing get, hot enough to do any good, like at least 104 degrees? If it gets hot enough it sure would make clamping anywhere more convenient.


Ophio: what kind of wrap were you using under your clamp? I’ve never had a problem with bruising, but I am very dark especially my dick. Maybe I bruise and just don’t know it. Isn’t that what discoloration is, bruising. If it is then I bruise evenly because my whole shaft is dark.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

BG, I don’t know precisely how hot it gets. It’s not so hot that I can’t touch it, like the hot water coming out of the tap in my kitchen. Um, once it gets warmed up, it’s just beyond tepid. Seems not too hot and not too lukewarm. Just right. Said Goldilocks. But it’s not constant for the whole advertised twelve hours. I think it’s peaking for maybe four or five hours.

I’ll try to pay more attention tomorrow. I’ll test the temp with the kidlet’s digital thermometer.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

Ike: I just sent for the free sample. How hot does this thing get, hot enough to do any good, like at least 104 degrees? If it gets hot enough it sure would make clamping anywhere more convenient.

BG, Heat packs like this one are air activated and can get pretty hot. They advise against skin contact on most of this type. I wonder if wrapping the pack in a wet cloth would be better? I haven’t tried one yet but I have several different types for use when hot water is not available.

I just tried to get a temp using a digital thermometer, and when it got beyond 109.9 it changed to just the letter H. So, I guess they’re saying that anything above 110 is plain ol’ fuckin’ HOT and your kid’s toast.

How did you take the temp Ike? Right on the hot pack or between the pack and your skin? Out of curiosity I tried on my rice sock, it went right to “H” when I wrapped the rice sock around the thermometer, but when I put the thermometer between my skin and the sock sitting on it, the temp rose slowly to 109 and for the most part hung around 108.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Well, that’s interesting, Euroset. I sort of did the same thing. I first tried to take the temp while clamped. I inserted the thermometer in between heat pad and skin and it actually never got above 101. Then I folded the heat pad in half and put the thermometer tightly in between, and the temp went up to H.

Hmm… that’s kind of odd. Maybe the moist heat from the rice sock makes for a more effecient transfer? Your heat pack is dry heat, right?

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

I think maybe the presence of two disparate sources of temperature gives it an inaccurate reading.


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