Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Big Girtha:

About the magntic wrap, could I try sleeping it also or do you think I just should stick to my routine?


Starting. There are numerous threads dealing with thrombosis. Do a search or just look through the injuries forum. My recommendation is see your doctor, and put away the clamps for a while. These plastic clamps are very hard on veins. Also, when you clamp (because I know you won’t stop) don’t do all the bends and squeezes. Just the engorgement alone is hard enough on your dick. You don’t need to add to the torture. Be patient. A safer clamp may be soon in the making.

Good luck with your injury
Keep us posted

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


West: No. I used to recommend sleeping in the wrap but I have since gotten more sense. Never sleep with anything on your dick. Bed Fowfers are safe and effective.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Where do you get Bed Fowfers?

Bed Fowfers

Originally Posted by West99
Where do you get Bed Fowfers?

West, buy them at your local bed and mattress store.


Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Read about Bed Fowfers here:

Don’t Measure it, Weigh it.

Scroll down to the last two paragraphs: See Sleeping and Bed Fowfers

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Ok where can you get lead rings?

at wal-mart, or from

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

Originally Posted by gameofinches
at wal-mart, or from

At Walmart, look in the sporting goods section. They are actually rings you put on a golf club for practice with added weight. the ones I got were red and cost only about $2.00 each if I recall correctly. They are made from steel, as opposed to the ones from, which are lead and weigh twice as much. I use 4 of the walmart rings and I think it is sufficient to keep the unit extended and pull the base out of the fat pad. I have thought about getting the lead ones but haven’t yet.

Horny Bastard

Last question how do you put it on?

Hey, Big. I’ve been clamping for 2 months now. Mostly, it’s just plain FUN, though my gains are negligible. Here’s the problem, if you want to call it a problem, I have an erection that could cut diamonds. My erect girth is 5-1/2 inches. When clamped to a shiny-headed vein popping maximum, my girth is about 1/16th of an inch larger, the skin around my shaft is tight like an overstuffed sausage.

Is the lack of extra skin limiting my girth gains? I thought clamping might have stretched my skin outwards and given my inner workings a little more room to expand by now.

I’ve been doing fully erect clamping, and haven’t really tried allowing the erection to subside because it seems counter-intuitive to stretching/growing skin, although I’m going to give it a try for the next two months. Any tips?

What you believe means nothing.

How you love means everything!

First gain is skin

This is sometime a bit of a problem with cut guys with very tight skin. It is also one of the reasons why we always advise new members to get through the newbie routine before clamping. The gaining of excess PE skin is one of the first gains that are made, and this extra skin will be needed later to make room for the internal structures to enlarge. This skin gain usually occurs while in the conditioning stage, along with the toughening of the tunica better to withstand the rigorous pressures of more advanced routines later on. This also allows new members to take advantage of the quick newbie gains that are often missed when one rushes into clamping. This is directed more to West 99 or new members more than to Slender who has probably put in his time.

For Slender, yes, I do advise you to let the erection subside once you have a good engorgement. Staying rock hard for the entire 10 minutes really serves no purpose other than making you sore quicker. Better to go with longer sessions made up of many sets rather than a few intense sets. You could do some pumping if you want the excess skin, but most members don’t like the looks of it. Personally, I love it. To me ANY gain is a good gain even if it is only skin. You can always fill it out later. ;)

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 11-06-2005 at .

I’m not planing to start doing the grith exercise now, I’m just getting hings ready after my first two months or many four how ever I measuring up at the end of these two months then I will see stat grith excises. I just need to know how you put the lead weight on so when it comes time I’m not looking around for how to do it.

Originally Posted by West99
Last question how do you put it on?

Slide the rings onto your flacid dick. To hold them there, I wrap a couple of layers of mouse pad just behind the head, and then clamp it with a cable clamp. If you go to the peweights web site they will show some pictures that may give you some ideas. The trick is to get the clamp tight enough to keep the weights on, but not so tight it cuts off circulation. I”ve also tried a wide rubber band around the mouse pads, which is much lower profile but maybe less secure. You want to be able to wear the weights while you are out and about, so you don’t need them dropping out of your pants in the checkout line of the grocery store. Some suggest tieing a string to the end weight, and threading it through the others and tieing the other end to your belt. That would prevent them from leaving your pants.

Horny Bastard

Rolling rings

Yes, having these lead weights drop from your pant leg and go rolling across the floor is a real ice breaker with the babes. Chasing after one as it rolls the entire length of a Home Depot is fun, also. Have a good excuse ready. I always just tell the babes it is an extra large cock ring. ;) I guess you could use a CableClamp to keep them on, but I don’t like clamping these things that close to the head. There are better ways of keeping them on, but it is really off topic discussing the rings here. I know I’ve written tons about this, but can’t remember where. If I find the link I’ll let you know, but I’m sure all this info is on Monty’s site.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 11-06-2005 at .

Thanks, Girtha. I did the recommended clamp, subside, then I walked around or otherwise did things standing up for 10 minutes while clamped. The standing made all the difference in the world for me. It was easy to do five clampings over about two hours, doesn’t hurt at all, and the damn thing was mighty plump when finished. Well, you’ll know what I’ll be doing for the next few months!

What you believe means nothing.

How you love means everything!


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