Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

You say that clamping can stop length gains. I have been doing 60 min of BTC hanging and 40 min of clamping 5 days a week. Will I see no length gains due to the clamping?

Clamp for Total Penile Volume

Actually, there has been some new thoughts on this since the birth of this thread. Some members now believe that clamping will not slow length gains, in fact some say they have actually gained erect length from clamping. I have not. However, I have gained considerable flaccid length and of course lots of girth both flaccid and erect.

I think we gain total penile volume with clamping, and a fatter dick just tends to look shorter to the eye. I’ve always been one of those who chose to work length and girth together, but I’ve never been too concerned with erect length gains. I guess the jury is still out on that one.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

“Clamp for total penile volume”, headlines like this really makes me want to take up clamping! I am only focusing on length since I find it logical that it would be harder to get length once it gets thicker. It would be nice if one could work on both without compromising one or the other. Are you still hanging Big Girtha? No more EL gains?

Hi !!

Ok, I’m back, and back at it. Sorry I haven’t given progress pics as promised. I had a problem w/ my computer and lost everything. But anyway, heres the scoop. I have cemented about 1/2 inch BPEL (as I can remember from the pics I lost), so moving on. Just picked up my first set of cable clamps and did my first 2 sets last night (10 min on, 10 off X 2). My first impression is “wow, what I baseball bat, I didn’t think it would ever get that solid.” 2nd. Is it normal to have to use 2 clamps at the base to be able to keep the initial engorgement?? FYI, I have read all the posts I could find on this matter (clamping 101, and this one.) as this is a huge step for me and didn’t want to cause any damage to the unit. That, of course is first and foremost!!

As usual, any and all replies are greatly appreciated!!


1/29/05 Start: 5 x 4.5


Advanced Routine

Babbis: No. I’m not hanging or pumping anymore. In fact the only PE I’m doing is extensive clamping, dry jelqs extending and ADSing. I can no longer get the Bib hanger closed around my girth. No matter how tight I get it the latch always pops open and I drop 25 pounds to the floor and a few times onto my feet. I’ve replaced hanging with the AutoExtender, but I will resume hanging once Monkeybar releases the new Mutli Purpose PE Device (The Girtha Clamp) in January. If this device turns out the way I see it in my mind I think it will be a breakthrough in The Craft.

But for now, this is my routine:

Basically I clamp all day long, 10 minute sets using only one clamp pushed as close to the body as possible. Ten minutes in the clamp with ten minutes dry jelqs between sets. I use my hands until they get too tired then I use the canning tongs. After three or four sets I use the tongs behind the balls doing some twists then I massage away the lymph and put on the extender for about twenty minutes cranked out to what feels to me to be about a twenty pound hang. Then I’ll pop off the extender and start the clamping session again. I literally do this all day seven days a week.

I never sit at my desk that I’m not doing the above routine or at least doing Fowfers when I have to free up my hands to write. If I drive any where I do road Fowfers. I sleep in Bed Fowfers. I do piss pulls and stretches pulling from the tip almost continuously. I usually end my day in the hot tub with dry jelqs under the hot water, with A stretches, bends rotary cranks and behind the ball jelqing. Then I slip on the pe weights to run the tread mill. If I leave the house I always wear at least one weight. So I’m pretty much doing some sort of PE 24-7.

This is a very intense routine and should not be attempted by new members. It took me three years to build up to this, so take it slow and easy. But I honestly feel that you almost have to be obsessed with The Craft for it to really work for you. It has to almost become a way of life for you if you really want any serious gains.

Good Luck

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Have to be on the lookout for the Girtha clamp! So are you only gaining flaccid hang and girth now or are you getting some EG also? With all of that work, do you gain some every month, every other month or what?

Tougher, more volume= more pussy

babbis, all I can say is I’m gaining total volume. What I see in the mirror and feel in my hands says something quite different from the ruler. The women I see regularly comment mostly on how I feel inside them and how much trouble they have getting me in their mouth. The ruler still shows 7-1/2X6-1/2 but my girth is up and down. My flaccid girth is closer to 7” because of all the skin I have gained. I’m pretty happy with my size now, I’m just trying to maintain it. What I’ve really noticed is my dick is just a lot tougher now. I honestly feel it is better than it was when I was 18. I know I’m getting laid more now.

I’m 52.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I’m 52.

Whenever i feel like not doing my PE routine I’ll read the last few lines of your post and look into a bright future, congrats man!

Must be really nice to have a 7” flaccid with monster girth, I have just recently noticed some flaccid length gain and I love it. Was gaining flaccid length and girth a really slow process for you? I have been PE`ing for almost 9 months now and just now noticed some improvement in flaccid hang.

Hat off for you Big Girtha, twice my age and PE`ing about the same amount more than me! I am 25 so I have plenty time to build girth after I have reached my length goal. I sure know who I am going to ask for advice when I get to clamping. But then again, maybe all of you hardcore clampers have lost your penis by then and there is a big warning sign on thunders about ; “…penile tissue delayed death caused by consistent use of cable clamps..”. I do not think so but is this a fear you have? I have read some about clamping and I know that when it is my time I will condition my penis through manual exercises for some time beforehand. The idea of clamping of blood in my penis for several minutes is still a bit scary for me.

One clamp Mono Clampo


The reason you are getting baseball bat dick is the use of multiple clamps. The whole idea is to cover as little dick with clamp as possible, leaving as much dick exposed and engorged. Use only one clamp, ONLY ONE CLAMP. Count em, ONE. If one is not holding your engorgement increase the thickness of your wrap, not the number of clamps. When MB finishes the Girtha Clamp and gets it on his site this will hopefully fix the problem, because it will be wide enough and strong enough to get the engorgement without multiple clamps and without wrap. But until this clamp is available use just the one CableClamp pushed as deeply into the fat pad as you can get it, exposing as much dick as possible. Use the neoprene elbow wrap or mag-wrap or mouse-pad. Cut your wrap as narrow as you can, ideally the width of two CableClamps, no more. Get an erection, and clamp it off. Then jelq and kegel in blood, then click another click. Repeat this jelq and click, jelq and click, until you are engorged. Use porno to keep stimulated for the first three sets. After that you won’t need it because your clamped girth will be enough to get a decent engorgement. Doing it this way will help reduce the ball bat effect. You’ll still get it a little, but not as much, and some good dry jelqing will massage out the fluid.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


You do some incredible work on your dick man!
But you have to confess, that it becomes quite difficult to gain after three years of Pe-ing… Do you think that this phenomenon has something to do with build up tunica strength / thickness?

GOAL for December 2007: 8 X Red Bull

GOAL for December 2025: 14 X 10


1st of all, thanks for the reply! You and a handful (no pun intended) of others are a true inspiration to guys like me. 2nd, when I said “baseball bat”, I mis-spoke. I meant that in reference to the solidness of the unit, not the effect. But thanks for the advise. 3rd you answered my question about using 2 clamps. DON’T! I didn’t know what else to do. I thought if I had a thicker wrap it decrease the effectiveness of the clamp (in regards to not getting it tight enough to hold the mega pressure). And just to be clear, you don’t advocate clamping BTB?

Looking forward to hearing from you again,


1/29/05 Start: 5 x 4.5


I know it does. This is why I would need a bull dosser to gain any more erect length. Luckily I feel 7 or 8” is all the erect length a man really needs, but you can never have too much girth or flaccid size. I love to bottom out in a woman balls deep, but I also love to look good naked.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

No. The thicker the wrap the tighter the fit, you can have it as thick as you want, but not too wide. I personally can not do the BTB clamp. I just have too much skin, scrotum skin and/or shaft skin. But I know a lot of guys do it. Drilla has pretty good luck with it, but his dick is like blue steel. Up until now wrapping has been the biggest problem in regards to getting clamping right. We are about to eliminate that problem.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


Thats awesome! Is the BG clamp going to come in different sizes? It will be interesting to see. Thanks again for the advise. I will keep in touch.


1/29/05 Start: 5 x 4.5



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