Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

BG, what do you think about Aristocane’s 1 minute rest in between clamping sets? Do you think this is wise? You have made all your girth gains through taking 10 minutes off in between sets correct?


When your blood enters your penis, it is about 100% saturated with oxygen. If the blood is stagnant, your tissue will continue to take oxygen out of the blood, and add carbon dioxide to the blood, as part of normal metabolism. The blood needs to go through the lungs to get rid of the CO2 and replace the O2. I don’t know how long it would take to use up all the O2 contained in the blood of your penis during clamping. I also know that tissue can live anaerobically for some time after the O2 is depleted. (As it does when you sleep on your arm for hours and wake up with the pins and needles feeling). Heart and brain tissue are much less tolerant of oxygen depletion than muscle tissue. I don’t know where penile tissue fits in.

With a normal erection, blood is stagnated in order to provide penile rigidity. In the condition of priapism, erections that last for hours, penile tisue is damaged from a lack of oxygen.

The break between clamp sets is to get rid of the old blood and replace it with fresh blood. There are a couple of things to remember when taking this break that I don’t think people are thinking about:

1. Your penis may be in an anaerobic state after a clamp session, so it will suck up O2 faster than rested tissue would. So you don’t just need to replace the blood, you need to reoxygenate the tissue, then start with fresh blood for the next clamp.

2. The blood will be replaced more quickly if you lose your erection during your break, to get rid of the old blood. A one minute break for example, may do almost nothing for you if you are watching porn and masturbating for this minute. I would recommend going flacid during the break.

So, it may be that the penis is durable enough to do 30 minute clamp sessions, and it may re-oxygenate in a matter of seconds when given fresh blood. I don’t know. But the break is important and it does no harm to break for several minutes to insure you are not reaching an ischemic (oxygen deprived) condition. The only problem with longer breaks is that makes your workout longer, and that is a small price to pay if it adds to the safety of your penis.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
When your blood enters your penis, it is about 100% saturated with oxygen. If the blood is stagnant, your tissue will continue to take oxygen out of the blood, and add carbon dioxide to the blood, as part of normal metabolism. The blood needs to go through the lungs to get rid of the CO2 and replace the O2. I don’t know how long it would take to use up all the O2 contained in the blood of your penis during clamping. I also know that tissue can live anaerobically for some time after the O2 is depleted. (As it does when you sleep on your arm for hours and wake up with the pins and needles feeling). Heart and brain tissue are much less tolerant of oxygen depletion than muscle tissue. I don’t know where penile tissue fits in.
With a normal erection, blood is stagnated in order to provide penile rigidity. In the condition of priapism, erections that last for hours, penile tisue is damaged from a lack of oxygen.
The break between clamp sets is to get rid of the old blood and replace it with fresh blood. There are a couple of things to remember when taking this break that I don’t think people are thinking about:
1. Your penis may be in an anaerobic state after a clamp session, so it will suck up O2 faster than rested tissue would. So you don’t just need to replace the blood, you need to reoxygenate the tissue, then start with fresh blood for the next clamp.
2. The blood will be replaced more quickly if you lose your erection during your break, to get rid of the old blood. A one minute break for example, may do almost nothing for you if you are watching porn and masturbating for this minute. I would recommend going flacid during the break.
So, it may be that the penis is durable enough to do 30 minute clamp sessions, and it may re-oxygenate in a matter of seconds when given fresh blood. I don’t know. But the break is important and it does no harm to break for several minutes to insure you are not reaching an ischemic (oxygen deprived) condition. The only problem with longer breaks is that makes your workout longer, and that is a small price to pay if it adds to the safety of your penis.

Thanks for the reply mravg. That answered my questions.

Sorry, guys. I’ve fallen behind again. Sometimes life interferes with forum time. I’ll start with the last and work my way up.

Mravg: Very good. I agree completely. We know that tissue death in collagen can start in 23 minutes. This is why most of the old timers here, follow the Bib rule of never cut circulation for more than 20 minutes. This is true for hanging, and especially for clamping. However clamping off an engorgement with Cable clamps is much harder on your dick than a hanger. Bib set the safety margin at half the time tissue starts to die, just to be safe. Ten minute sets are safe, although one could clamp off an engorgement for 20 minutes, but I don’t advice it. The best timer in clamping is the way it feels. Your dick will tell you when it needs to come up for air. The glands will become numb to the touch and tingling will set in. Don’t wait for this. When you start to feel discomfort pop the clamp. Also remove the wrap and gently grip the tip of the glands in your hand and squeeze. Then move you hand back just below the head and squeeze. Keep moving back down the shaft squeezing blood back down the shaft as you go. This squeezes out all the stale (Deoxygenated) blood. Your glands will look all wrinkled and deflated. Then grip mid shaft and whip it back and forth, slap it against your thigh, or your other hand. Don’t go by time, go by feel. Don’t clamp another set until your dick FEELS normal again. Once you are no longer numb and you dick feels normal again jelq fresh blood back in and clamp it off.

Mravg is correct. Make sure your erection subsides. Don’t watch porn and stimulate your self during the break. You can jelq the entire time of the break, but only after you’ve milked out all the stale blood and your erection has been deflated.

Bena wrote:

BG, what do you think about Aristocane’s 1 minute rest in between clamping sets? Do you think this is wise? You have made all your girth gains through taking 10 minutes off in between sets correct?

Don’t go by time, go by feel. I think Aristo’s made some fine gains; I also think his method is dangerous. Every dick is different. What may give good gains to one may kill another. Be very vigilant. Listen to your dick.

Jes Extender: First off, I think you are too new to be clamping. You will hurt yourself if you rush into these aggressive routines too soon. Also you may cheat yourself out of some easy newbie gains. You need to really work your shaft daily for months to toughen it up enough to stand up to the pressures of clamping. But you will probably do it anyway so do it right.

First off, get rid of the hose clamps. Hose clamps are perfectly round, the human penis is not. Your dick is triangular. In fact if you look at a partially closes CableClamp you will see that it is the exact shape of a dick. Look at my avatar, if you don’t have a clamp. When the hinge or the screw is pointing down the clamp will grip only the sides as it is clamped, leaving the more tender dorsal and ventral sides untouched. A hose clamp puts equal force all around the dick, and this is hard on the dorsal nerve bundle, the dorsal vein, and the soft CS which squeezes in on the urethra. We are working on making a safer clamp, but until it is finished, the CableClamp is the best choice. Also, it sounds as though your wrap is too thick. You want to use the least amount of wrap you can get by with, but the thickness will vary from dick to dick. For me a strip of neoprene 12” long and 2” wide is the perfect wrap. This material is stretchy, so you can pull it real tight as you wrap. It adds about ¼” girth to my shaft when wrapped. If your mouse pad is 1” thick when wrapped, you won’t be able to click the clamp tight enough to trap an engorgement.

Startingover1 said it perfectly. Once an engorgement is clamped off, you pump in more blood by pushing the clamp toward the body. It is the down stroke that pumps in blood. Jelq toward the body and click, jelq and click. Keep doing this unto the clamp is all the way closed or as tight as you can get it. If you force a clamp that is around too much wrap, the clamp will break. Ideally no wrap is the best. But unless you have a tight skinned trim dick like drilla, you will get pinched. But hopefully that will not be a problem with the new clamp.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Big Girtha:
Thank you for the warnings. You’re probably right about me, I shouldn’t start clamp yet, and you’re right about me, I will do it anyway - he he.
I really don’t like or enjoy jelqing, in matter of fact - I hate it. Dry jelqs hurt, and wet ones are so sticky, I like to be doing other things meanwhile.
Anyways, I take it very slowly, ten minute sets at maximum, 2-3 sets. I also follow your advice about resting, I take ten minute breaks between the sets.
I will work my way up slowly, maybe +1 set per month. I’ve been clamping for three days now and I totally love the exercise. I haven’t experienced any sort of pain or soreness yet.
I believe my penis is quite conditioned after all hanging (and jelqing before), so I will give it a try.

While I’m defending myself, why not throw in some new questions into the thread!
1. Do you think it’s a difference between clamping three sets after each other, and clamping one in the morning, one around lunch, and one before bed?
2. BG, you clamp every ten minutes 24/7 - how does you penis heal?

So am I right to assume that when clamped, you want to have the hardest erection possible without any pain? I remember some people saying to stay engorged watching porn while in the clamp. Does this mean that we could get 100% erect while in the clamp? I’m confused as to what is the most effective percentage of erectness we should be aiming for while clamped off.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Also, it sounds as though your wrap is too thick. You want to use the least amount of wrap you can get by with, but the thickness will vary from dick to dick. For me a strip of neoprene 12” long and 2” wide is the perfect wrap. This material is stretchy, so you can pull it real tight as you wrap. It adds about ¼” girth to my shaft when wrapped. If your mouse pad is 1” thick when wrapped, you won’t be able to click the clamp tight enough to trap an engorgement.

I use the thera-p wrap. Is this too thick? Seems like I could maybe benefit for something thinner.

Also, where did you buy neoprene. What does it look like?

Bena, I would say yes, 100% erection during clamping. That is how you get the intense pressure, although Big Girtha says that there is a benefit when the erection subsides, because the clamp holds the expanded girth. In my mind when the erection goes down, even a little, there is no benefit to the clamp. It just doesn’t feel like it is doing anything. However, if you do lose a little rigidity, I find that doing some squeezes and bends during clamping provides good internal pressure.

Horny Bastard

I think that when Big Girtha talks about loosing your erection and still being able to clamp and maintain pressure he means that below the clamp you loose your erection but above the clamp t is still hard as a rock.

Start date 12-10-05 Old: NBPEL - 4.5" BPEL - 5.75" EG - 4.625" Current: NBPEL - 5" BPEL - 6.25" EG - 5.1" Goal: NBPEL - 7.5" BPEL - 8.25 EG - 6.00" - I want a big floppy donkey dick!

Last edited by Zman2700 : 12-28-2005 at . Reason: spellimg

Originally Posted by Zman2700
I think that when Big Girtha talks about loosing your erection and still being able to clamp and maintain pressure he means that below the clamp you loose your erection but above the clamp t is still hard as a rock.

Nope, he means going soft in the clamp.

BG clamps as close to the pubic bone as possible, so it wouldn’t really be possible for him to observe this.

Ok, CLAMPING is and advanced exercize, and CLAMPING WHILE EDGING OR KEEPING AN ERECTION is even more extreme.

SO you new clampers, just put it on, and sit there! Read or something.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

I’ve been clamping for about 2 weeks now, with no real schedule. Basically, when I get the time. But, when I do it, I do it all the way. 3 sets @ 10 min. Per set, with 10 min. Breaks in between. I gotta tell ya, I’m getting gains already. All be it small ones, but gains none the less. So, couple of questions.

1) While clamped, toward the end of each set, half of the head becomes discolored (like a dark, dark purple). Considering what I’ve read in other posts, and given the nature of the exercise, I assume this is normal.

2) How will I know when I’ve hit “plastic deformation”?

3) I have a natural “Hang” to the left when flacid, but since I’ve been clamping, I have noticed a clockwise “twist”. It is not painful in any way, shape, or form, so I assume that this is no big deal. Is it possible that I might have injured myself and not known it??

Every one says that your unit will let you know when you’ve messed up. Luckily, I have only hit that point once, and was quick enough to rectify.

As always, any and all replies are welcomed.

Thanks, T-Rav

1/29/05 Start: 5 x 4.5


I forgot one more Question. Can someone point me to a good description or a “how to” on edging?

Thanks again, T-Rav.

1/29/05 Start: 5 x 4.5


I also wonder when to know that you’ve hit plastic deformation (which is bad or good?).

And my new question is: Watch porn and kegel under the whole clamping exercise or just let the erection subside? I know people says different about this, so I want to know which way is most gainful?


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