Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

I think another reason it helps to get up and walk around while clamped is by working the thighs you are pumping fresh blood through the central trunk of the body.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I like the fact that I can get other crap done! I still jelq and stretch (old habits die hard), so it’s nice having a part of my PE routine that doesn’t require all of my focus for the whole duration. Well, off I go!

What you believe means nothing.

How you love means everything!

How do you use the lead weight (golf weight) again?? Do you peel off the rubber? When do you wear it?? how do u tie it to cloths or belt??

West99: We’re off topic here, but I’ll answer your question because it involves a safety risk. Monty warns against removing the rubber. I took the rubber coating off my rings because I can’t get them on otherwise but I agree letting lead contact bare skin is probably a bad idea. If your flaccid girth is close to 6” order the biggest rings and soap up in the shower to get them on and off. If you are worried about them coming off in public lace a string through the rings and tie it to your belt loop, that way if they come off they will just dangle inside your pant leg rather than rolling across the floor.

Back on topic: slender: It is true that one reason clamping is popular is because it can be done while multi tasking. I do believe girth gains can be made this way. However, lately I’m noticing that better gains may be had by focusing more attention on staying erect for several sets, especially the first three sets. When time and privacy allows, try to stay focused and stimulated for the first three sets, then let your erections subside for the latter sets. I seem to be making some flaccid length gains this way.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

…lately I’m noticing that better gains may be had by focusing more attention on staying erect for several sets, especially the first three sets. When time and privacy allows, try to stay focused and stimulated for the first three sets, then let your erections subside for the latter sets. I seem to be making some flaccid length gains this way.

I concur..:nodding:

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Do you have to use something to wrap before you clamp (like a mouse pad), can’t you just clamp your penis?

Sorry for always asking this, what the website for the penis rings?


We’re working on a new and better clamp which will not require wrap, but it may be a while. Some guys can use a CableClamp without wrap, not me. For me it is pinch city. I think drilla clamps bareback, but most guys use a neoprene wrap of some sort. A thin mouse pad works fine, but is a pain because there is no Velcro fastener. The mag-wrap works better if you can find one, Back track this thread a ways and I think there is a link to the Homedics site.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Should I get a large clamp or a medium clamp? Does it matter? Been looking on I’m pretty large. 7 inches at the base; 6 1/2 mid. Thanks!

I use a wrist band, like a terry cloth one that tennis players wear on their wrist. I think I saw that idea here somewhere. Easy to slip on and off and you can kind of double it over and it will double the padding and increase the clamp pressure some. Obviously most of our dicks aren’t as thick as a wrist but they’re elastic and come out of the package much smaller than an actual wrist so it works.

"...this may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to..."

- Maynard James Keenan

Jumbo, You are pretty thick but I think Big Girtha is about the same and he uses a medium I believe. The large clamps are really big, like for clamping 50 feet of rolled up 14 gauge extension cord.

Horny Bastard

Buy the medium size. The small and large are worthless for PE.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Can I pum for 10 min. then clamp for 3 ses of ten min. each?

3 seconds?

Originally Posted by lomito29
Can I pum for 10 min. then clamp for 3 ses of ten min. each?

I’m sorry. I don’t understand your question.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


I want to thank you for this thread. I have been getting oodles of info from it. I am a clamping muther fucker now! Heh Heh Heh.

I finally understand what you guys mean when you say your penis has an expansion of ….. Mine expands now as well. Especially during the last set. Mine tends to stick out longer however, rather than getting fatter. Is that a good thing? I hope so.

I have been clamping for 3x20. I dry jelq for 5 minutes between each set. I fucked Mrs V the other night. I drank some whiskey and fucker her brains out! She can no longer take the whole thing without a grimmace of pain on her face! Heh Heh Heh. Are you proud of me BG?

I pump for 10 min. at 5hg. max then I do 3 sets of 10 min. each of clamping with 1 , 2 and 3 clamps on the last one. Is this too much?


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