Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Hey Slick,

Where did you get your TheraP wrap?

I’m like Big Girtha.can’t find it at Walmart here in the Houston area.

Slick. The wrap works best without the magnets. But remove them carefully so as not to screw up the wrap. Take a razor blade and make a very tiny slit over each magnet and they slip out very easily, but don’t cut down the length of the wrap or the Velcro won’t line up. Thick is good. You don’t have to click the clamp so hard and this will add to the life of your clamps. The thing that makes clamps break is clamping them hard all the way down against a swollen dick. If you can get the same engorgement with one or two clicks will last longer.

Blackmamba: There is another wrap you can get at Wal-Mart’s that works even better than the TheraP with a little trimming. It is called the Futuro Sports Knee Wrap. It is neoprene and has a much better Velcro strip that doesn’t come in contact with the skin. It is also a little longer so you can pull it tight and get a better engorgement. But it is very wide, for the knee. Fortunately the Velcro strip is in the center so you can cut a 1-1/2 to 2” strip down the center and it makes the perfect wrap.

Red: Yes, it might not be a good thing for the kids to catch on to your PE habits.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

The thing about this Futuro Sports wrap is it seems a little sturdier than the mag wrap, I guess because knees need a tougher wrap than writs. But what I like best is the Velcro teeth never come in contact with the skin. This can be very irritating.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Also Aggressive clamping is not for those of you still hoping for significant ERECT length gains. The following exercises will probably slow BPEL gains, and might very well stop them all together.

Big Girtha why do you say this?

I haven’t gained length for year so I guess it doesn’t matter to me any!
I just started clamping a few days ago. One question

After your erection starts to go down while clamped do you keep on tightening the clamps?

What are you gonna do? Sic your dogs on me? Or your bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouth so when they bark they shoot bees at me? I think Mr. Smithers picked me for my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work twice as hard when Im around! Its not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but somehow I managed to squeeze in 8 hours of TV a day. Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say youre prejudiced against all races. - Homer Simpson.

Maxwell: No. Once the engorgement is clamped off, leave the clamp alone. The reason I say get all your length gains first is because a thicker tunica is harder to stretch.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

#Also Aggressive clamping is not for those of you still hoping for significant ERECT length gains. The following exercises will probably slow BPEL gains, and might very well stop them all together#

I would disagree with this because in the past I have gained length from aggressive clamping but would say its not for everyone but that’s like anything and some will see erect gains especially when used with the Tug Of War [TOW] stretch, that’s a stretch from MOS I started years back but its probably been done for yonks and is just a simple tug or war action on your penis to the area your wanting to stretch more. Members at MOS who have done constricted TOWs have reported erect length gains.

#After your erection starts to go down while clamped do you keep on tightening the clamps?#

No, never do that. Simply think about something sexy [I do] and than kegel slowly every few seconds and you should feel the blood go in again, if not than loosen the clamp one click and re-focus on the sexual imagery and do it again. Once you get more erect click back to where you were previous, it works every time with me.

Thanks Red and Big girtha

Red could you explain (TOW) Tug Of War stretch for us please.
I wouldn’t mind more length but I won’t trip if it dosen’t happen.

Also for a Wrap I do have a Homedics thera mag wrap.
But I had two waist sweat wraps made of the same material. They are 7.5” wide and 3 and a half feet long. I think there about $10.00 bucks at wall mart.
I had left over Velcro from my capt.wench so I super glued some Velcro on and it works just the same. You can make at least 12 Homedics thera mag wrap the same size or bigger or smaller. With just one waist wrap. There in the sporting section. Hope this helps save some MONEY!

What are you gonna do? Sic your dogs on me? Or your bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouth so when they bark they shoot bees at me? I think Mr. Smithers picked me for my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work twice as hard when Im around! Its not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but somehow I managed to squeeze in 8 hours of TV a day. Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say youre prejudiced against all races. - Homer Simpson.

BG, Do you do any warmup exercises before you start clamping? Or do you just warm up with a heat wrap or whatever and then jump straight into clamping? Also, you said that your main PE routine just consists of clamping and ADS with some dry jelqing in between?

Extreme Clampers Beware

Update on Extreme Clamping:

Except for manual stretches and Fowfers and the wearing of lead weights I have been pretty much clamping exclusively for the last month, and I have indeed gained flaccid length and maybe a little girth, but as far as I can tell have made no erect length gains. I’m not saying that clamping might not bring erect gains, it seems very logical to me that it should because clamping increases total penile volume. I’m only saying that I haven’t gained erect length. However, I don’t doubt other dedicated clampers may have.

Some good stuff posted above by RedZulu: If you are working girth and you are conditioned well enough to withstand the pressure of these aggressive clamping sessions proceed with caution. There is no doubt that one can stay engorged and erect in a clamp almost indefinitely by using the method Red just described. This is how I do the all day clampathons. I don’t believe you HAVE to stay erect to make girth gains with clamping. You only have to be erect to obtain a good engorgement, and then you can set your timer and just forget about the clamp for ten minutes. Multi task, run around the house whatever you want, because even though the erection subsides the clamped engorgement will stay. However, if you are a veteran clamper, and you really want to take clamping to the ultimate extreme, here is how.

First off, do your girth sessions in front of porno and try to keep your erection as long as you can. Red has already said this above, but I’ll repeat it because this is really good stuff, and it bears repeating. Once you feel your erection begin to subside loosen the clamp only one or two clicks. Sometimes you can simply press the clamp toward you body and kegel in blood, but after hours of clamping you may have to loosen a click or two to kegel in fresh blood then clamp it back to where it was. Red’s method works very well, and he has been doing this for a long time without any apparent injuries, and so have I.

HOWEVER. I honestly feel, and my doctor, ESPECIALLY feels that this is very dangerous. If you chose to do this aggressive and probably dangerous exercise, you need to do so with your eyes wide open. What you are doing here, and these are my friendly urologist’s words here, not mine, what WE are doing here with this type of clamping is conducting a Self-Inflicted Preapism If you do a little research on Cycle Cell anemia you will find the long-term effect caused by severe preapism is penile fibrosis. I’m not saying that aggressive clamping will not give you gains in total penile volume, it most certainly will, not even my doctor can deny this. I am a living example of this and so is Red and I’m sure there are many others. All I’m saying is at what cost do these gains come. Clampers beware.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Yes it does seem to be self inflicted priapism. My understanding of the damage caused by that medical condition is due to ischemia caused by long periods of no fresh blood getting into the penis to reoxygenate the cells. When you clamp, same thing. So it would make sense, even if you are doing a long clamp session, to take a break every 10 minutes. Even a one minute break just to get the old blood out and fresh blood in.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

BG, you are my idol :D

I’ve just started to incorporate clamping into my routine. So far I’m loving it! EG increases by about .25” while clamped… now I just gotta make sure I don’t overdo it.

8/14/05 ---> 11/18/05 -> Next goal

5.500" ------> 6.000" -----> 6.500" BPEL

3.938" ------> 4.125" -----> 4.500" EG

Possible new clamp on the horizon

Guys. I get so many PMs and questions from newbies wanting to clamp before they’re ready. I get guys from the UK using everything from “Elastic-Bands” to bungee cords. I’m also getting endless guilt trips from my doctor friend about clamping, with prophetic visions of doom connected with preapism and fibrosis. Not that any of this will stop ME, but perhaps it should stop you. I don’t want to be some kind of evil legacy that ten years from now is remembered as that guy with the Clamp Avatar that caused a whole generation of newbies to destroy their dicks. So please use caution when using these little Ratchet-Jawed Demons, as Doc. calls them.

I received a package from monkeybar today. I have this grand vision for a better and safer clamp. So far we are still in the “talking about it stage” and don’t know if it is economically feasible to make such a thing, but I’ll tell you this much. Whether or not we decide to make a better clamp, this silicon wrap of his may be the first step to better and safer clamping. It looks very promising to me, as does the ideal clamp we have discussed. It may be a while before the new clamp is a reality if it ever comes to pass, but in the meanwhile this new silicon wrap looks very interesting. It is comfortable, stretchy, strong and self adhering. It goes on easy, quickly and stays where you put it. Hell the wrap alone may replace the legendary CableClamp. So don’t explode your dicks just yet, there may be something safer and more effective in works. I’ll keep you all posted.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 10-20-2005 at .

Originally Posted by Big G
All I’m saying is at what cost do these gains come.

Yes, you bet. Whether we like it or not, most of us are guinea pigs. If I was reasonable, I would have waited until long term results were in but wanted a big peter the day before I started PE. I am hoping for the best.

Pleeeease help!!

Can someone describe in more detail how to tell if you have “thrombosis” because one of my veins seems to be a little “harder” i guess and more pronounced.

I’ve been doing clamps pretty regularly now. 3x10min. sessions everday or every other day. I also incorporate light bends and some light squeezes.


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