Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Originally Posted by Ike

I think maybe the presence of two disparate sources of temperature gives it an inaccurate reading.

yeah, what he said. :-k

Foam pipe insulation works great as a wrap for doing clamp work. You can get a 6-foot length of it at Home Depot for like 3 bucks or something. You just cut it into 1” rings, slip your flaccid prick through it, push it as close to your pubic bone as possible and you’re good to go. Put the clamp right over it.

It works great, and makes the whole experience comfortable and convenient, allowing for longer set times. I usually go for about 15 minutes per set, back when I used to do these. Just make sure when buying the insulation tubes that you get a comfortable size, big enough to accomidate, but snug enough to avoid bunching up once the clamp is on.

One 6’ tube will last a long time too. You can rip the rings off real easy because there’s a seam in them for easy tearing, or if the foam ring you used isn’t too destroyed you can reuse it (if you can even get your dick out of it without tearing it. Usually my member is too big after a workout to really slip it back out of my foam ring wrap.)

I’ve tried many different wrapping methods, and this one’s by far the best, as far as I’m concerned.

The only problem with pipe insulation is the diameter is too small. I always get pinched. I can never find it over 2” ID otherwise it would be great. I’ve even tried supergluing it to the inside of the clamp, but it is still pinch city for me.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I have two wraps that are working well. One is made of neoprene. I took a 6”x1.5” strip of neoprene fabric and used sissors to cut the ends at an angle. Then I super glued the two angles together to make a circle. It stretches slightly around the base of the penis and will also bunch up comfortably under the clamp when the clamp is cinched up tightly.

My other favorite clamp wrap is a terry cloth wrist band. Some wrist bands are pretty thin, but the one I use is thick and dense and very comfortable.

Hey Big Girtha, Istarted doing manual clamps this week I hold my grip for 15 one thousand counts, I do 8 sets of this along with 4 dry jelquing sets of 50 reps.

I do 50 jelqs whip it to get new blood inside, clamp with left hand for 15 one thousand seconds, whp again then clamp with rigth my hand same time, whip again, then repeat for three sets more. Each set I try to hold my erection to the max and kegel blood inside.

The rest of PE is stretching three times a day for 15-20 minutes now (I don’t know how did I get to this time in my session just count for 30 one thousand each stretch four for each side, left, rigth, down, up, front). Wet jelqing feels useless to me, or just don’t know how to do them correctly, and I don’t like the mess of the baby oil.

Do you think I should increase the time I do the clamps? Is this good for conditioning my dick for the cable clamps?

Any advice would be apreciated.

Thanks and sorry for my bad english.

Current: 18.8cm(7.40'')BPELx12.5(4.92'')EG Measuring laying down pressing the ruler with one hand.

19.8cm(7.79'')BPELx12.5(4.92'')EG Straightening my unit with the other hand.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

That is the beauty of clamping. This is why we can multi-task and clamp almost anywhere. Even the legendary Bib talked about this. You need to be erect to get a good engorgement, but once fully engorged and clamped off the erection can subside but the engorgement will not. I know it seems like it should, and you will feel less pressure but it doesn’t subside Measure it for yourself. Whether your dick is hard or not, the engorgement will continue to swell so that toward the end of the 10 minute set even though you are no longer hard the engorged upper shaft and glands will actually be fatter than they were while you were hard at the beginning of the set, much fatter. In my case almost 1/4” or as much as 1/2” thicker girth after the third set. This huge post session girth is false girth, swelling, actually. But it seems logical to me that even this false girth will eventually become permanent. So, unless you are doing the edging/ballooning /X-Ulis bit, there is no need to stay hard. Also it is a little easier to get through the 10 minutes if you erection does subside a little. Just make sure you have trapped a good engorgement before it does

Very interesting, thanks for that information.
I was wondering that myself as I get erect and then clamp but my erection subsides, I assumed that clamping without a full erection was pointless (I will measure next time to see if I am still fully engored whilst not fully erect).

When my erection subsides I then clamp tighter but maybe this is putting me more at risk on Thrombosis or damaging a vein.

So to avoid losing my erection I have been clamping morning and evening for 10 minutes each time and have tried to stay erect the whole time by watching porn and stimulation, my girth is between 1/4” and 3/8” bigger at the end of the session.

Have any of you that clamp while not fully erect made gains?

This may have been discussed before, but I feel almost no pressure when I clamp with the screw pointing downwards which is what is recommened. I get very intense pressure though when the screw is pointing towards the side making the clamp a horizontal oval instead of a vertical oval. Anyone else clamp this way?

Originally Posted by SlickDickey
This may have been discussed before, but I feel almost no pressure when I clamp with the screw pointing downwards which is what is recommened. I get very intense pressure though when the screw is pointing towards the side making the clamp a horizontal oval instead of a vertical oval. Anyone else clamp this way?

There indeed was some mention of this a few pages back. That’s the problem with having all the clamping questions posted in one thread, it get’s a little difficult to find what you’re looking for.

As you said you are clamping the “wrong” way. My first couple of weeks clamping I was doing it the same way you are. I can get a bigger engoregment that way too. However, clamping that way also puts a lot more stress on your dorsal nerve bundle. This runs straight up to your glans and damaging the nerve bundle can kill sensitivity. A big no-no IMO.

I also noticed that when I finsished with my sessions after clamping this way, my dick felt “crushed”. When I tried to pee, it would come out in a labored way and split into two streams…I didn’t like that at all.

The correct way of clamping has solved both of those issues, the pressure on the dorsal nerve bundle is greatly decreased, and my penis feels plump and exercised instead of crushed. Give it a shot the other way, it takes some practice to get to a similar level of engorement but I think it is just a much safer way to go about clamping.

Alright, thanks. I have started to try it that way and am getting used to it better. I sure don’t want to damage any nerves.

Also Aggressive clamping is not for those of you still hoping for significant ERECT length gains. The following exercises will probably slow BPEL gains, and might very well stop them all together. What the following routine will do is give you a big FAT dick that hangs heavy and looks great

This was a quote from you at the beginning of this thread.
Strangely I have lost 0.2” in girth since clamping but gained 1/2”
In length (both erect measurements).
I guess everybody’s different?
Hoping for more gains

For those who want to keep a very hard erection for 10-12min while clamped I would suggest using a Fleshlight. It was recommended by a member and I find it very effective.


That is odd. I think you are the first ever to report this. Interesting, keep us posted.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

For those who want to keep a very hard erection for 10-12min while clamped I would suggest using a Fleshlight. It was recommended by a member and I find it very effective.

What do you mean?


I’d like to know also. I heard Zaneblue mention the Fleshlight in her thread, but I haven’t a clue

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


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