Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Lots of great ideas have sprung up here, but maybe we’re getting a little too complicated. I have had a little luck with a small strip of cotton fabric such as from a cotton T-Shirt. Sure its a bit of a pain to wrap, but you are also adding a layer of protection from the clamp and the skin. A layer also gives you more thickness for the clamp to operate (know what I mean?) I may not be saying that too clear. Has anybody every tried gluing some felt material to a clamp, that might make the clamp a little softer. Anyway, my two cents.

Miketakk wrote:

“Hi Big Girtha

Quick question dude, do you need to warm up before and after clamping?



I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve answered your PM here: This is actually a good question and I wanted it on the clamping thread. As I’m sure you are aware one of our members (Dangleman) has recently incurred a clamping injury, or we think it was a clamping injury. At the time of the injury he was doing some pretty heavy clamping using lube and an Infra Red Lamp as a heat source. I haven’t checked his injury thread in the last few days, so I’m not sure the outcome, but I will check on it after posting this. Anytime there is a clamping injury it gets my attention because this is kind of an experimental avenue that I’ve promoted quite a bit. Clamping is certainly not new, but all the attention extreme clamping has gotten lately IS kind of new and untested, so members should use extreme care, especially new members. But, quite honestly up until Dangle’s injure I had not been using either heat or lube for clamping, and hadn’t thought much about it. Since the Dangle incident, I HAVE been heating during my clamp sessions, and I’m finding it is MUCH better. I get less fluid buildup, better engorgements, and I can do more sets because I don’t get sore as fast. I think it is pretty much a given that heat should be used for all aspects of PE. I think the reason I got out of the habit of using lube is because I tend to divide all my PE routines up between what I call wet work and dry work. Wet jelqing and pumping is of course wet work, and hanging and clamping is what I call dry work, using lube here is a mess and to me a great deal of bother. But HEATING should ALWAYS be used. I just wrap a rice sock around my clamped engorgement, and it makes the sessions much more bearable.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I can see that clamping has obviously worked wonders for you (almost 2” more EG), but that shit kinda scares me. Do you worry about potential injuries from clamping?

I could understand a guy who has a long tool (and wants no more length), but needs girth badly taking some risks, but I’m not ready yet. The thing is, I’d really like to cement about 8.25-8.5” EL (with just a mild BP). Maybe at that point, I might try to shoot for 6.5-6.75 midshaft - because if I did incur some type of mild injury (I would never go very extreme w/clamping), then the prospect of no more PE for length gains wouldn’t bother me so much.

Also, don’t you worry that even more girth gains might shut down your length gains?

Just curious.
But amazing girth gains you have there. You might be the girth gaining champ around here - especially since you’ve increased your EG by 38.9% (I’d have to get to about 7.3 midshaft to equal that, LOL! - and, no, I don’t want a rod that fat, because with my shape, I’d be nearly 7.8 base).

Yeah, wad: 7.3 to 7.8 would be pretty to suck. You’d either have to settle for sideways blowjobs or date Carly Simon. I guess I’m just obsessed with the flaccid gains. I don’t really care if my erect dick gets any bigger; I just love looking good at the camps. The thrill I get from this is a high that can’t easily be explained to members of the Textile world. I guess I’m just an exhibitionist.(NO SHIT) But I have been getting a lot of shit from my urologist about aggressive PE. I posted a little about my last visit on some thread tonight (I can’t remember which one) but it was off topic. I guess I need to write a thread about my last check up. But I have several other threads in progress: a clamping routine thread that I’ve been discussing with Ike and my latest 4th of July Nudist camp story. The nuddie camp thing is just for fun so I guess it can wait, but the clamping thing has turned into work. But briefly let me say this. As I’ve mentioned before, my urologist is a woman. Very attractive lady in her mid to late thirties. She a great doctor, I’ve gone to her for years and she knows my dick better than I know it myself, and with the last few visits she has become more and more inquisitive about my battle worn penis, so I leveled with her about PE, and she had a lot to say, some good, but mostly bad. Maybe this should be a separate thread, what do you guys think?

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Big Girtha: What is your girth nowadays? Your stats seems to be quite old…

I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!


I’m still about 7-1/4 BPEL. I can get it up to 7-1/2 with Calis or post workout. My girth goes up and down, because I clamp, pump and hang almost continuously seven days a week. But mid-shaft I’m between 6-1/4 and 6-1/2. After aggressive girth work I get a 6-3/4” flaccid girth that holds for about four or five days before it slowly goes back down to around 6-1/4. So, I’ve decided to leave my stats as they are until I can decide what gains are permanent. I guess in order to do this I am going to have to take a break.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Did I just hear Girtha say he was going to take a break? I bet you can’t last two days your a bigger PE whore than me:D

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thank you Big Girtha!

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Did I just hear Girtha say he was going to take a break? I bet you can’t last two days your a bigger PE whore than me:D


I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!

Dino’s right. More than 24 hours without doing something to my dick is like pulling teeth.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
As I’ve mentioned before, my urologist is a woman. Very attractive lady in her mid to late thirties. She a great doctor, I’ve gone to her for years and she knows my dick better than I know it myself, and with the last few visits she has become more and more inquisitive about my battle worn penis, so I leveled with her about PE, and she had a lot to say, some good, but mostly bad. Maybe this should be a separate thread, what do you guys think?

I’d be curious to hear her comments, especially since she must’ve noticed the significant size increases - so she just can’t mouth the usual bs about PE not working.

Fill us in, of ye of the mad girth gains.

I was trying to do a search on this, but for the life of me I can’t find it now.

Wasn’t there a discussion on which direction the hinge should point when clamping? I’m pretty sure this’ll be a duh moment when someone points out this discussion two pages ago.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

Witch size/package does you guys recommend? These clamps comes in different kinds of packages. Medium, familiy, handy man+++ Witch is the best?

Originally Posted by Langemann
Witch size/package does you guys recommend? These clamps comes in different kinds of packages. Medium, familiy, handy man+++ Witch is the best?

You want the medium sized clamp.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap


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