Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Thanks Drilla and Hoffy,

I actually tried that kegelling and slowly closing the clamp thing before I read your post and it works perfectly.

Thanks for the help,


Man have I fallen in love with clamping. I hope to see some permanent gains within a couple of weeks. Something that has been egging me lately and that has been hanging. I never thought about hanging but it seems like a lot of guys here have made some good gains while hanging. Can anyone tell me what they think about hanging and clamping together.

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.

Clamping Vs Hanging

Hanging is a very good length exercise, and clamping is good for girth. I feel the two should not be done on the same days. There has been quite a bit of speculation as to whether or not one should work on length first, because a thick tunica is harder to stretch, but both are very good routines to different ends. Some also claim they have gained erect length from clamping, I have not, but have gained flaccid length and total penile volume.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I have a good clamping question.

Usually when I get what I feel is a “really good” clamp session, after about five minutes I feel a sudden rush of blood into the area of my shaft just above the clamp and the head. A lot of the time I do not get this. I usually only get it if I don’t clamp for about a week.

Today I got one of these sudden rushes and it was pretty amazing. After a while I felt like I was about to splooge so I focused really hard on just kegeling for about a minute and the sudden rush faded away slowly.

Originally Posted by drilla9
I’ve been clamping pretty solidly for 7 months or so with no discoloration to speak of. I put this down to 2 things; 1) Luck and 2) not overdoing it time/pressure wise. :)

Can give me some detail on your routine?

Do any of you guys edge while clamped?

I love the intense pressure coupled with the “i’m about to come” sensation.

Originally Posted by RioBravo
Do any of you guys edge while clamped?

I love the intense pressure coupled with the “i’m about to come” sensation.

Tis the only way to clamp.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I’ll keep that in mind BG about the edging before I seriosuly start to clamp, sounds like fun. The only thing is I;m a bit worried in my situation about the discolaration so when I start clamping I wil moniter my dick every second for a couple weeks to learn exacrlt WTF is going on and see if I can avoid the discoloration.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Tis the only way to clamp.

What could happen if you do come when the clamp is on? I don’t want to imagine that kind of situation really, I think either the dick would explode or you would get seriously injured around the groin.

Happened to me twice when I was first experimenting with the clamp - my edging wasn’t up to scratch then! :D Like you, I thought it was going to explode but after a couple of intense high pressure spasms it was ok. Luckily I don’t clamp down too intensely so the potential for danger was not as great as others may find. Not something I would ever do through choice..:morose:

Serious Injury Likely

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Clamped orgasms

Lovemachine wrote:

I’ll keep that in mind BG about the edging before I seriously start to clamp, sounds like fun. The only thing is I’m a bit worried in my situation about the discoloration so when I start clamping I will monitor my dick every second for a couple weeks to learn exactly WTF is going on and see if I can avoid the discoloration.

Love: I used to tell everybody that clamping causes decoration, but now I’m not so sure that is true, or at least not for everyone. I know Aristo has a pretty dark dick, but I’m not sure what his ethnic persuasion is, if any. Maybe his dick is naturally dark. I’m pretty dark for a white guy, and have oily skin that tans very dark in the summer, and for some reason my dick usually gets about five shades darker than my body when I tan nude, which I’m almost always nude in the summertime. I’ve noticed that this winter, as I’ve lost most of my tan, clamping is not giving me any discoloration, and I’m doing some pretty heavy clamping. Just something to consider.

Jes Extender wrote:

What could happen if you do come when the clamp is on? I don’t want to imagine that kind of situation really, I think either the dick would explode or you would get seriously injured around the groin.

Jes and Drilla:

I find coming in the clamp very erotic and pleasurable, and I’ve written a few times about it. For me it seems to prolong the orgasm for what seems an incredible length of time. It is like my body is trying to come, but can’t complete the orgasm until I pop the clamp, especially when I do this after a long edging session. I’m getting real good at holding my orgasm for longer and longer periods of time as I experiment with edging. I honestly think this has a lot to do with my girth and TPV gains. Jes you are new here so you may have missed this thread.

A Dick Too Big To Suck

This is a story I wrote last summer about a clamped off orgasm that went on forever, the orgasm not the thread.

However, I have to warn you. Since the writing of this thread I have been seeing a urologist, socially. She will not go on the record with any medical advice, however she tells me as a friend that clamping off ejaculations with cable clamps MAY put unhealthy pressure on the prostate and the urethra. Of course she also tells me (off the record) that clamping the penis with cable clamps for the purpose of enlargement is very dangerous, (insane is how she puts it.). I love her dearly, but I don’t always take her advice. She may very well be right that clamping for penile enlargement is dangerous, but she is a living witness that it has, at least in my case, brought about a 2” girth increase in three years. Most urologists agree that such a girth increase is only possible with surgery. Doc is also against PE surgery (Very much off the record)

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Big Girtha,

Was wondering, how long did it take for you to notice a increase in erect girth? I have been clamping for 3 days now, try to do 2 sessions a day with 3 sets in each for 10 minutes…My flaccid girth looks bigger but was wondering when do you see the difference in erect girth?



Do you think loosely wrapping a hot towel whilst clamped would have any benefit? I’m thinking of giving it a try but thought I should double-check with you that this isn’t a cock-exploder.

Start Stats:5.5x4.5 Current:7.0x5.0 Goal:8x6 Gains:1.5 inch BPEL x 0.5 EG

"Insert pseudo-intellectual quote here..."

Heat is always a good thing.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by chad66

Do you think loosely wrapping a hot towel whilst clamped would have any benefit? I’m thinking of giving it a try but thought I should double-check with you that this isn’t a cock-exploder.

This is a great idea… I don’t know why I didn’t think of doing that yet. I’ll have to give that a try tomorrow.

8/14/05 ---> 11/18/05 -> Next goal

5.500" ------> 6.000" -----> 6.500" BPEL

3.938" ------> 4.125" -----> 4.500" EG


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