Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Originally Posted by Sizemeister
I can’t stay completely erect while I have it on. Maybe I could if I could tighten it enough when I have a 110% erection but that hurts too much. I tighten it all the way while about 90% erect, the erection subsides a little to quite a bit after 10 minutes. However I am doing gentle squeezes at the same time so maybe that could have something to do with it.

Size: This is the best way to do this. In fact I seem to recall a vid or a tutorial on this probably somewhere in our achieves.

1. Stimulate yourself to a full erection, use whatever resources you have.
2. Wrap the magless mag-wrap tightly at the base. Get it as close to the body as possible
3.Put on the first clamp as close to the body as you can without pinching the skin of the scrotum
4. Snap the clamp a couple of clicks, just enough to pump up your partial erection, because by the time you’ve fussed with the wrap and first clamp if like most of us you will have lost about 5 to 10% of your erection. Grab the clamp and jelq in blood till you are good and hard again then snap another click. Continue this: jelq-click, jelq-click. Each time you stroke the clamp toward the body blood pumps in and you click it off. Once the clamp is completely closed Clamp on the second clamp. Repeat this until all three clamps are on and you are 110% hard. Then remove whatever source of stimulation. Turn away from porn or shut off vibrator and read Thunders or get up and do something. At this point you want the erection to subside, but not until it is completely chocked off. This first part can even be a little painful especially if you are sore. But once the erection subsides just a little, so will the discomfort. If it does not, pop the clamp, wrap with you good wrap (the one with the magnets still in it) and go to bed, you’ve had enough.

Oh, and don’t tell anyone I told you to sleep in the wrap :0

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by lawrence_11
Hey Big Girtha, I was just wondering if you thought there were any benefits to clamping before hanging? You said earlier that clamping works the tunica, so do you think that it would be beneficial to clamp before hanging SO or OTS?


Clamping makes you sore and sore skin will hinder a good hang. Best to clamp after hanging or gently between sets if you have toughened up enough. I will do a gentle Uli during the 10 minute rest period between hanging sets. I just clamp right over the Theraband and pump up a Uli to trap fresh blood into the blood starved glands that have been deprived during the 20 minute hang. Some vets warn against this. I’ll admit it is pretty harsh. But it is what I do. I also end every hang session with a pump session, but we are getting off topic here, or I am that is. If you want to know more about working girth and length together look here

Big Girtha’s routine for girth and flaccid hang

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Oh: If any of you guys pull up that old thread, skip down to the actuall routine part. That thread started out as an answer to a PM and is a bit wordy. God knows I can be a little wordy.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

wow- so you theorize that you do not need to stay hard while clamped off? That is great news!

Great Thread BG- very clear info.


Excellent point, Girtha. My dick does not feel HARD, but it is definitely fat and swollen.

I can’t believe you are at 6.25 girth, from 4.5. That is incredible.

I would kill for just 5.5 cemented girth right now.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Originally Posted by stubby
wow- so you theorize that you do not need to stay hard while clamped off? That is great news!

Great Thread BG- very clear info.


Right. And make sure you get that thing turned around so the screw is down toward the floor if you are standing. The way you show it in that second pic (on the other thread)will put too much pressure on the dorsal nerve. And forget that pipe insulation. That’s why you are getting marks on your tool. Think neoprene. It’s the only way to clamp

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Ok so that explains the 10 minute limit. There really are 2 ways of clamping, the extreme uli style, the way you do it where you completely cut off flow for 5-10 minutes (usually just leaving it like that without doing exercises). And then there’s the style where you leave it a little looser and go for a longer period of time, while doing horses uli’s and whatever other crap you want (usually the pressure is not enough with this style to produce gains without doing exercises).

It sounds like you’re using some kind of tool to do this excersize to clamp off, where do you get this.

Could I use something like a tied up cloth or elastic band to do this method?? Think it will work?

Heh…I think I did too much too fast. I’ve got some SERIOUS discoloration…it’s white skin right at the base, but right where the hose clamp goes on, it is a very obvious change-over. I look like I have a mexican penis on a white body. I’m using some skin lightening cream for about a week now but so far it hasn’t done shit.

I really want to cry man. I think I’ve screwed myself up for life. Do you have any advice on how to reverse serious skin discoloration, Big Girtha (and others)?

BTW, needless to say, I’ve stopped cable clamping except for maybe once or twice a month. Still do a maintainence routine but just with regular exercizes.

I dont know what to say, maybey in another week it will be fine? hopefully.

My Penis has always been darker than my body skin, it seems to have a pernament tan.

Anway hope it gets better,

Any advice guys?

Originally Posted by phreakk
Heh…I think I did too much too fast. I’ve got some SERIOUS discoloration…it’s white skin right at the base, but right where the hose clamp goes on, it is a very obvious change-over. I look like I have a mexican penis on a white body. I’m using some skin lightening cream for about a week now but so far it hasn’t done shit.

I really want to cry man. I think I’ve screwed myself up for life. Do you have any advice on how to reverse serious skin discoloration, Big Girtha (and others)?

BTW, needless to say, I’ve stopped cable clamping except for maybe once or twice a month. Still do a maintainence routine but just with regular exercizes.

There is a small price to pay for P.E., did you not know this was a possibility?

Yes discoloration is a downside for some guys. Personally I like the dark dick look but I am very dark complected anyway and because of all the stuff I do, mine is kind of all over, rather than the common pattern guys complain about. There have been a lot of threads on removing some of this, unfortunately it is common with all aggressive PE, but especially with clamping.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

phreakk: I hope you are not still using a hose clamp.

phoenix: the device we are talking about can be purchased easily in the US but from what I understand are hard to find in the UK. There is a website, I forget the url, perhaps someone will chime in with it shortly. Might just do a google search for cable clamps

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Here is the website


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Thanx Big Girtha, there was no need to go searching for me, because i already searched google like you said. Thanx.

It seems that I could use a very tight elastic band as an alternative for now, until i get a cable clamp.


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