Any of you get insane urges to urinate while performing hot wraps?
I am not sure if this is only a predicament I am enduring, but whenever I perform a hot wrap, 30 seconds - 2 minutes into it I get an almost uncontrolable urge to piss. It doesn’t matter if it’s a warm up or cool down hot wrap; the instant that sucker engulfs my peninsula, my bladder seems to magically unravel a trinklet of piss it was hiding for a special moment.
To be serious for a moment though…to combat this inconvenience, I try pissing right before I start my routine..down to the last frigging drop and I even milk the head sometimes to make sure its all clear…yet when I make contact with the hot towel wrap I suddenly have to piss all over again…and this is on an empty stomach with a cleared bladder.
The worst is with the cool down hot wrap. After my timer hits 300 seconds following a cool down, I release the towel and aim straight at the toilet bowl, if I can even hold it for that long: I piss like I just had 4 beers.
This seems like a conundrum for me. At first I thought it was due to the “drips” that followed heating up a towel with water as I wrapped my dick around the towel and some residual water would drip out thus enticing my urethra to make way for some urine; after attempting the (what I personally find disgusting) rice-in-sock method and STILL getting this pissing urge, I find myself falling in a never ending apyss.
Could this have anything to do with the lube I’m using? I use the Vaseline Intensive Care lotion which is supposed to be used as a moisturizer for very dried up skin, but how could this possibly have any affect on my urethra? While that could explain the post-PE routine pissing sensation, it has nothing to do with the inital hot wrap which I apply after taking a piss and not drinking anything for about an hour.
Am I one of the few suffering from this persistant hot wrap reaction? Is there any rationalization behind it? Better yet, will my penis ever get USED to the hot wraps and possibly halt the agonizingl sensations to piss I am getting in the middle of warm ups and cool downs? Any solutions for this whatsoever?
Thanks in advance…
(By the way, I did a search on pissing, piss, urination, urinate, hot wrap and came up with no relevant threads, so if this has been discussed already on an older thread just give me the signal and I’ll bend over and spread my legs in preperation for the ass rape I am going to get with flames like in my other thread.) :horse:
Last edited by j384 : 12-08-2002 at .