Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anybody else's dick look thicker in profile?


Mine also looks bigger from the side and I must say when I noticed in the mirror I was rather pleasantly surprised!

My girth looks the biggest when its fully engorged, yet drooping so to speak. I don’t know why, but its looks fatter when its hanging.

2005: 5.5 EL & 5.6 EG, FL: 4in > Now: 7.5 NBP & 6.1 MEG, 5.8 BG (Goal: MORE !)

Stumpy1's Progress Thread

Everytime I Visit Thunders, I Do 50 Kegels or More

Originally Posted by man-of-10
My thinking is this:

An increase in CS size will result in increased depth (distance from top to bottom) only. And an increase in the size of the two CC’s will result an increase in the left to right width of the shaft. The latter scenario would also effect the average depth of the shaft, but not the maximum depth (as this would always be determined by the CS, as it is the lowest point of the shaft).

What is interesting, is that for a given increase in the diameter of the cylindrical CC’s, the increase in shaft width will be twice this (The shaft width is basically made up of the combined diameter of the two CC’s). Perhaps this is why some people find that the more they PE, the less round their shaft becomes. I have certainly found this, and so need to work on my CS chamber.

I agree… jelqing techniques in particular can vary what part of the tunica gets stretched. Besides, every dick has it’s own basic shape to start with, which would account for varying “perspectives” on what angle provides maximal “show.”

Originally Posted by Stumpy1
My girth looks the biggest when it’s fully engorged, yet drooping so to speak. I don’t know why, but it’s looks fatter when it’s hanging.

That’s funny; I feel the same way. Mine looks huge when it’s fully engorged yet hanging low.


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