Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anybody else's dick look thicker in profile?

Originally Posted by man-of-10
And an increase in the size of the two CC’s will result an increase in the left to right width of the shaft.

Absolutely. Now then, for me, the question is - How to target the two CC’s to gain top down width? With jelqing for example?

Logically it seems that a U-grip pointing downward (fingers on each side of the shaft) , with the most pressure to the sides of the penis would be best.

But really? maybe a U grip from the side (fingers on top and bottom of shaft), effectively flattening (widening) the penis in top view would be best?

It confuses the hell out of me.

The problem I would have with applying pressure to the side to increase depth is this:

when we put pressure on top an bottom, the fingers are in direct contact with both sides of both CC chambers. However, if we want to put pressure on the sides, we will only have direct pressure on the outised edge of each of th two CC chambers. We cannot put direct preasure on both the CC chambers individually this way. The pressure we apply, would:

1. Be shared amoung the two CC chambers, unlike with top/bottom pressure where both chambers get 100% of the finger force.

2. Probably some will be disipated/wasted in the compression of the tissue in between the two CC chambers (I am unaware of what this tissue is though).

So effectively we would need twice the force to have the same effect. Sounds dangerous to me!

That makes sense — so top and bottom “flattening” is the way to go.

Better go dust off my homemade “Power Jelq” then!

For what it is worth, in reviewing the Thunder’s PE manual on “Jelq sticks” and “Power Jelq” I came across this:

Jelq Sticks

“Jelq sticks can be used either on the top and bottom of the shaft (horizontally) or on the sides of the shaft (vertically). Using the sticks vertically has a better effect on girth gains, by placing direct stress on the corpus cavernosa, and also reduces the risk of dorsal nerve injury. Horizontal usage places direct stress on the corpus spongiosum, resulting in greater head expansion. However, the risk of dorsal nerve injury is also increased.”

My brain hurts!

It is my understanding that you should not apply pressure to the top side of the penis due to the dorsal nerve being there as it says in the blurb.

The webbing between your thumb and index finger cushions it with a “normal” jelq. I know that sometimes I might put a little twist on during the stroke, and I can definitely feel the sensitivity of that nerve.

Personally I am as scared of that nerve as I am of the head.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Good warning — yes the article says stop your stroke about an inch or more away from the head to avoid the dorsal nerve.

Originally Posted by andgrowing
By that do you mean that it looks larger with a straight on view than in profile?

Ya that’s what I mean haha

Starting 10/08 - 7.125" EL x 4.5" MSEG

As of 12/08- 7.5" EL x 4.75" MSEG

As of 1/19/08 - 7.75" bpel(previous 7.5" was due to inaccurate ruler) x 4.875" MSEG

Originally Posted by man-of-10
My thinking is this:

An increase in CS size will result in increased depth (distance from top to bottom) only. And an increase in the size of the two CC’s will result an increase in the left to right width of the shaft. The latter scenario would also effect the average depth of the shaft, but not the maximum depth (as this would always be determined by the CS, as it is the lowest point of the shaft).

What is interesting, is that for a given increase in the diameter of the cylindrical CC’s, the increase in shaft width will be twice this (The shaft width is basically made up of the combined diameter of the two CC’s). Perhaps this is why some people find that the more they PE, the less round their shaft becomes. I have certainly found this, and so need to work on my CS chamber.

Please forgive my ignorance, but what is the CS?

For what it is worth, I know for sure that my dick is wider (looking down left to right) now than before. I am reasonably certain that I have gained much more in that direction than top to bottom profile.

In fact, I would say the vast majority of my girth gain has been from it getting wider. I only jelq and recently added squeezes. I use a “u” grip with fingers pointing down, palm down, and the majority of the jelq pressure is on the sides.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

My dick often looks bigger from the side than the top

Originally Posted by andgrowing
Please forgive my ignorance, but what is the CS?

Hover your mouse over it and it will tell you (same for any other dotted, underlined abbreviation).

Originally Posted by skeebo
Hover your mouse over it and it will tell you (same for any other dotted, underlined abbreviation).

Sorry, but that didn’t happen. It wasn’t dotted in this post.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Works for me. Try letting the curser sit there a little longer.

Sorry. Still nothing.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Absolutely. Now then, for me, the question is - How to target the two CC’s to gain top down width? With jelqing for example?

Logically it seems that a you-grip pointing downward (fingers on each side of the shaft) , with the most pressure to the sides of the penis would be best.

But really? Maybe a you grip from the side (fingers on top and bottom of shaft), effectively flattening (widening) the penis in top view would be best?

It confuses the hell out of me.

You would want to do those “V” grip jelqs with an erection level under 50% for length. And around 70-100% erect for girth. With a feather lite grip and do the jelq very slow.

“V” grip jelqs and “you” grip jelqs are the same.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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