Thunder's Place

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Anybody have science based info on vibration during hanging?

Anybody have science based info on vibration during hanging?

So I see the latest in PE is vibration. Several of the PE equipment manufacturers are coming out with this and was wondering if some study came out that got them all coming up with devices.

Currently at 8.125 BPEL and 6.25 Girth

I have no information about the science. I do work in sales. When the competition launches a new product line and it starts cutting into marker share, you launch your own version. Tada, everyone has one now, it’s table stakes to be a serious competitor in the space.

Originally Posted by gomitadelimon
So I see the latest in PE is vibration. Several of the PE equipment manufacturers are coming out with this and was wondering if some study came out that got them all coming up with devices.

I asked this question years ago as I was theorizing that the right amount of vibration might help soften tissue to stretch more easily. I’m a hard gainer due to a tough tunica and would love a solution.

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